Annapolis City Dock: A Sensory Exploration
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This thesis reclaims the neglected waterfront of Annapolis City Dock by reconnecting to unique sensory experiences shaped by wind, water, and craft. A more engaging relationship between land and water is created by sculpting the city's edge and designing a maritime museum and boat building workshop. Sculptural elements of the building produce energy while mapping the movement of wind, and ideas from sailing inspire adaptable building elements which can be tuned to different wind conditions. The site and the building are designed to gracefully accept flooding through landscaping and wet flood proofing strategies. Physical making and the history of craft are reintroduced to a stagnant waterfront while the process of boat making inspires a tectonic expression of frame and skin. These ideas of wind, water, and craft create tactile experiences of place, which are woven into the built environment to reinforce Annapolis' identity as a sailing city.