Dynamic Reconfiguration with Virtual Services

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We present a new architecture (virtual services) and accompanying implementation for dynamically adapting and reconfiguring the behavior of network services. Virtual services are a compositional middleware system that transparently interposes itself between a service and a client, overlaying new functionality with configurations of modules organized into processing chains. Virtual services allow programmers and system administrators to extend, modify, and reconfigure dynamically the behavior of existing services for which source code, object code, and administrative control are not available. Virtual service module processing chains are instantiated on a per connection or invocation basis, thereby enabling the reconfiguration of individual connections to a service without affecting other connections to the same service.

To validate our architecture, we have implemented a virtual services software development toolkit and middleware server. Our experiments demonstrate that virtual services can modularize concerns that cut across network services. We show that we can reconfigure and enhance the security properties of services implemented as either TCP client-server systems, such as an HTTP server, or as remotely invocable objects, such as a Web service. We demonstrate that virtual services can reconfigure the following security properties and abilities: authentication, access control, secrecy/encryption, connection monitoring, security breach detection, adaptive response to security breaches, concurrent and dynamically mutable implementation of multiple security policies for different clients.

