Teaching and Learning Services Undergraduate Research Workshop Series

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For many undergraduate students, accessing academic library resources is a new experience and can feel overwhelming. While the Teaching and Learning Services instructors work to relieve research anxiety during one-shot information literacy sessions, these sessions generally take place early in the semester, and may not come at the time of the students’ greatest need. To address this issue, Teaching and Learning Services has developed a series of research workshops spaced throughout the semester to provide timely interventions for students engaged in the research process. Varying workshop topics help students learn effective search strategies, evaluation of sources, citing and integrating sources, and more.

This program, entering its 4th semester, is constantly adapting and growing. Each semester has brought changes to the workshops, whether in the form of new collaborations, more robust materials, or simple time/location changes. Student and teacher feedback has helped us discover how helpful the workshop program could be for underserved student populations as well. In our conference lightning talk presentation we will share our learning materials and discuss our successes, challenges, and plans moving forward in the future.


Workshop presentation given at Libraries Research & Innovative Practice Forum, June 8th, 2017. Original format: Google Slides.
