1991 Archaeological Excavations at the Charles Carroll House in Annapolis, Maryland, 18AP45

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This report provides a detailed summary of archaeological excavations that were conducted by Archaeology in Annapolis inside the ground story of the Charles Carroll House in Annapolis (18AP45) during the summer and fall of 1991. This project was initiated by Charles Carroll House of Annapolis, Inc. (CCHA), and was made possible through an agreement between CCHA and Historic Annapolis Foundation. It was designed as an initial phase of a larger project to restore the Carroll House to its late 18th-century appearance, while at the same time adding modern facilities to accomodate receptions, conferences, and other adaptive uses. These excavations were conducted between June and mid October of 1991, prior to interior house restoration, with monitoring of site restoration activities continuing well into 1992. Archaeologists, working with fieldschool students, and volunteers, tested all identified rooms in the house's ground story and then expanded excavations as deemed necessary and as time permitted. In designing the project and in preparing this final report, the staff followed the "Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations in Maryland" (McNarnara 1981). The report includes several levels of summaries (from descriptive summaries of soil levels excavated from the individual units (Appendix A), to interpretive room summaries) in an effort to make the data easily accessible and understandable to archaeologists and others interested in this site.

