A. James Clark School of Engineering

Permanent URI for this communityhttp://hdl.handle.net/1903/1654

The collections in this community comprise faculty research works, as well as graduate theses and dissertations.


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    Containership Load Planning with Crane Operations
    (2011) Hamedi, Masoud; Haghani, Ali; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Since the start of the containerization revolution in 1950's, not only the TEU capacity of the vessels has been increasing constantly, but also the number of fully cellular container ships has expanded substantially. Because of the tense competition among ports in recent years, improving the operational efficiency of ports has become an important issue in containership operations. Arrangement of containers both within the container terminal and on the containership play an important role in determining the berthing time. The berthing time of a containership is mainly composed of the unloading and loading time of containers. Containers in a containership are stored in stacks, making a container directly accessible only if it is on the top of one stack. The task of determining a good container arrangement to minimize the number of re-handlings while maintaining the ship's stability over several ports is called stowage planning, which is an everyday problem solved by ship planners. The horizontal distribution of the containers over the bays affects crane utilization and overall ship berthing time. In order to increase the terminal productivity and reduce the turnaround time, the stowage planning must conform to the berth design. Given the configuration of berths and cranes at each visiting port, the stowage planning must take into account the utilization of quay cranes as well as the reduction of unnecessary shifts to minimize the total time at all ports over the voyage. This dissertation introduces an optimization model to solve the stowage planning problem with crane utilization considerations. The optimization model covers a wide range of operational and structural constraints for containership load planning. In order to solve real-size problems, a meta-heuristic approach based on genetic algorithms is designed and implemented which embeds a crane split approximation routine. The genetic encoding is ultra-compact and represents grouping, sorting and assignment strategies that might be applied to form the stowage pattern. The evaluation procedure accounts for technical specification of the cranes as well as the crane split. Numerical results show that timely solution for ultra large size containerships can be obtained under different scenarios.
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    (2011) Mohasel Afshar, Abbas; Haghani, Ali; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In today's society that disasters seem to be striking all corners of the globe, the importance of emergency management is undeniable. Much human loss and unnecessary destruction of infrastructure can be avoided with better planning and foresight. When a disaster strikes, various aid organizations often face significant problems of transporting large amounts of many different commodities including food, clothing, medicine, medical supplies, machinery, and personnel from several points of origin to a number of destinations in the disaster areas. The transportation of supplies and relief personnel must be done quickly and efficiently to maximize the survival rate of the affected population. The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive model that describes the integrated logistics operations in response to natural disasters at the operational level. The proposed mathematical model integrates three main components. First, it controls the flow of several relief commodities from sources through the supply chain until they are delivered to the hands of recipients. Second, it considers a large-scale unconventional vehicle routing problem with mixed pickup and delivery schedules for multiple transportation modes. And third, following FEMA's complex logistics structure, a special facility location problem is considered that involves four layers of temporary facilities at the federal and state levels. Such integrated model provides the opportunity for a centralized operation plan that can effectively eliminate delays and assign the limited resources in a way that is optimal for the entire system. The proposed model is a large-scale mixed integer program. To solve the model, two sets of heuristic algorithms are proposed. For solving the multi-echelon facility location problem, four heuristic approaches are proposed. Also four heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the general integer vehicle routing problem. Overall, the proposed heuristics could efficiently find optimal or near optimal solution in minutes of CPU time where solving the same problems with a commercial solver needed hours of computation time. Numerical case studies and extensive sensitivity analysis are conducted to evaluate the properties of the model and solution algorithms. The numerical analysis indicated the capabilities of the model to handle large-scale relief operations with adequate details. Solution algorithms were tested for several random generated cases and showed robustness in solution quality as well as computation time.
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    (2011) Erdogan, Sevgi; Miller-Hooks, Elise D; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The transportation sector is a significant contributor to current global climatic problems, one of the most prominent problems that today's society faces. In this dissertation, three complementary problems are addressed to support emissions reduction efforts by providing tools to help reduce demand for fossil fuels. The first problem addresses alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) fleet operations considering limited infrastructure availability and vehicle characteristics that contribute to emission reduction efforts by: supporting alternative fuel use and reducing carbon-intensive freight activity. A Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G-VRP) is formulated and techniques are proposed for its solution. These techniques will aid organizations with AFV fleets in overcoming difficulties that exist as a result of limited refueling infrastructure and will allow companies considering conversion to a fleet of AFVs to understand the potential impact of their decision on daily operations and costs. The second problem is aimed at supporting SOV commute trip reduction efforts through alternative transportation options. This problem contributes to emission reduction efforts by supporting reduction of carbon-intensive travel activity. Following a descriptive analysis of commuter survey data obtained from the University of Maryland, College Park campus, ordered-response models were developed to investigate the market for vanpooling. The model results show that demand for vanpooling in the role of passenger and driver have differences and the factors affecting these demands are not necessarily the same. Factors considered include: status, willingness-to-pay, distance, residential location, commuting habits, demographics and service characteristics. The third problem focuses on providing essential input data, origin-destination (OD) demand, for analysis of various strategies, to address emission reduction by helping to improve system efficiency and reducing carbon-intensive travel activity. A two-stage subarea OD demand estimation procedure is proposed to construct and update important time-dependent OD demand input for subarea analysis in an effort to overcome the computational limits of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) methodologies. The proposed method in conjunction with path-based simulation-assignment systems can provide an evolving platform for integrating operational considerations in planning models for effective decision support for agencies that are considering strategies for transportation emissions reduction.
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    Solving the Inventory Slack Routing Problem for Emergency Medication Distribution
    (2010) Montjoy, Adam Wesley; Herrmann, Jeffrey W; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    A bioterrorist attack, or natural disaster, would prompt an immediate government response in order to efficiently address the possible health effects of the population. Such a scenario would create a logistics problem of delivering medication (or other supplies) to makeshift dispensing centers in a short period of time and in high quantities while operating. These makeshift centers, or Points of Dispensing, require schedules of delivery that are robust against uncertainty. This inventory slack routing problem is a novel vehicle routing problem. The objective function is to maximize the slack in the schedule. This thesis presents heuristic approaches that separate the problem into routing and scheduling. The routing problem is solved using a route first-cluster second method. The scheduling problem is solved using a heuristic and an improvement approach. This thesis also presents a search approach that uses heuristics to search various neighborhoods in the solution space. These heuristics are chosen randomly based on probabilities that adapt during the search according to their performance. The inventory slack routing problem is also formulated as a mixed-integer program and solved using a column generation procedure that utilizes simulated annealing to generate new vehicle schedules. This thesis presents the results of testing these three approaches on a set of 432 instances that were generated from real-world data to evaluate solution quality and computational effort. The search approach outperformed the heuristic approach with a reasonable amount of computational effort. The column generation approach did not generate desirable vehicle schedules and therefore was not productive in solving the problem.
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    Multi-Period Natural Gas Market Modeling - Applications, Stochastic Extensions and Solution Approaches
    (2010) Egging, Rudolf Gerardus; Gabriel, Steven A; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation develops deterministic and stochastic multi-period mixed complementarity problems (MCP) for the global natural gas market, as well as solution approaches for large-scale stochastic MCP. The deterministic model is unique in the combination of the level of detail of the actors in the natural gas markets and the transport options, the detailed regional and global coverage, the multi-period approach with endogenous capacity expansions for transportation and storage infrastructure, the seasonal variation in demand and the representation of market power according to Nash-Cournot theory. The model is applied to several scenarios for the natural gas market that cover the formation of a cartel by the members of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum, a low availability of unconventional gas in the United States, and cost reductions in long-distance gas transportation. The results provide insights in how different regions are affected by various developments, in terms of production, consumption, traded volumes, prices and profits of market participants. The stochastic MCP is developed and applied to a global natural gas market problem with four scenarios for a time horizon until 2050 with nineteen regions and containing 78,768 variables. The scenarios vary in the possibility of a gas market cartel formation and varying depletion rates of gas reserves in the major gas importing regions. Outcomes for hedging decisions of market participants show some significant shifts in the timing and location of infrastructure investments, thereby affecting local market situations. A first application of Benders decomposition (BD) is presented to solve a large-scale stochastic MCP for the global gas market with many hundreds of first-stage capacity expansion variables and market players exerting various levels of market power. The largest problem solved successfully using BD contained 47,373 variables of which 763 first-stage variables, however using BD did not result in shorter solution times relative to solving the extensive-forms. Larger problems, up to 117,481 variables, were solved in extensive-form, but not when applying BD due to numerical issues. It is discussed how BD could significantly reduce the solution time of large-scale stochastic models, but various challenges remain and more research is needed to assess the potential of Benders decomposition for solving large-scale stochastic MCP.
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    Efficient Spectrum Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
    (2010) Jones, Leo Henry; Baecher, Gregory B; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The successful deployment of advanced wireless network applications for defense, homeland security, and public safety depends on the availability of relatively interference-free spectrum. Setup and maintenance of mobile networks for military and civilian first-response units often requires temporary allocation of spectrum resources for operations of finite, but uncertain, duration. As currently practiced, this is a very labor-intensive process with direct parallels to project management. Given the wide range of real-time local variation in propagation conditions, spatial distribution of nodes, and evolving technical and mission priorities current human-in-the loop conflict resolution approaches seem untenable. If the conventional radio regulatory structure is strictly adhered to, demand for spectrum will soon exceed supply. Software defined radio is one technology with potential to exploit local inefficiencies in spectrum usage, but questions regarding the management of such network have persisted for years. This dissertation examines a real-time spectrum distribution approach that is based on principles of economic utility and equilibrium among multiple competitors for limited goods in a free market. The spectrum distribution problem may be viewed as a special case of multi-objective optimization of a constrained resource. A computer simulation was developed to create hundreds of cases of local spectrum crowding, to which simultaneous perturbation simulated annealing (SPSA) was applied as a nominal optimization algorithm. Two control architectures were modeled for comparison, one requiring a local monitoring infrastructure and coordination ("top down") the other more market based ("bottom up"). The analysis described herein indicates that in both cases "hands-off" local spectrum management by trusted algorithms is not only feasible, but that conditions of entry for new networks may be determined a priori, with a degree of confidence described by relatively simple algebraic formulas.
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    (2009) Liu, Yue; Chang, Gang-Len; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This research has focused on developing an advanced dynamic corridor traffic control system that can assist responsible traffic professionals in generating effective control strategies for contending with non-recurrent congestion that often concurrently plagues both the freeway and arterial systems. The developed system features its hierarchical operating structure that consists of an integrated-level control and a local-level module for bottleneck management. The primary function of the integrated-level control is to maximize the capacity utilization of the entire corridor under incident conditions with concurrently implemented strategies over dynamically computed windows, including diversion control at critical off-ramps, on-ramp metering, and optimal arterial signal timings. The system development process starts with design of a set of innovative network formulations that can accurately and efficiently capture the operational characteristics of traffic flows in the entire corridor optimization process. Grounded on the proposed formulations for network flows, the second part of the system development process is to construct two integrated control models, where the base model is designed for a single-segment detour operation and the extended model is designated for general network applications. To efficiently explore the control effectiveness under different policy priorities between the target freeway and available detour routes, this study has further proposed a multi-objective control process for best managing the complex traffic conditions during incident operations. Due to the nonlinear nature of the proposed formulations and the concerns of computing efficiency, this study has also developed a GA-based heuristic along with a successive optimization process that can yield sufficiently reliable solutions for operating the proposed system in a real-time traffic environment. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed system, this study has conducted extensive numerical experiments with real-world cases. The experimental results have demonstrated that with the information generated from the proposed models, the responsible agency can effectively implement control strategies in a timely manner at all control points to substantially improve the efficiency of the corridor control operations. In view of potential spillback blockage due to detour operations, this study has further developed a local-level bottleneck management module with enhanced arterial flow formulations that can fully capture the complex interrelations between the overflow in each lane group and its impact on the neighboring lanes. As a supplemental component for corridor control, this module has been integrated with the optimization model to fine-tune the arterial signal timings and to prevent the queue spillback or blockages at off-ramps and intersections. The results of extensive numerical experiments have shown that the supplemental module is quite effective in producing local control strategies that can prevent the formation of intersection bottlenecks in the local arterial.
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    Optimal Number and Location of Bluetooth Sensors for Travel Time Data Collection in Networks
    (2009) Asudegi, Mona; Haghani, Ali; Civil Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The importance of accurate prediction of travel time in transportation engineering is irrefutable. Travel time is highly used in traffic management and planning. The accuracy of travel time prediction relies on the accuracy of the travel time data. Various methods are being used in collecting travel time data. Recently, a new method in collecting travel time data is introduced that is called Bluetooth technology. In this method, a number of Bluetooth sensors are deployed over the traffic network that can detect the Bluetooth devices in the vehicles to determine the vehicles' travel time based on matching identification and time of identification of the same Bluetooth device at two consecutive sensors. The goal of this study is to find the optimal number and location of the Bluetooth sensors in a network in order to collect travel time data with a high reliability. Two formulations are proposed for modeling this problem. The formulations consider a new collection of reliability issues. Furthermore, the proposed formulations are able to solve the problem on large networks exactly. Moreover, various case studies of real world networks are conducted for both formulations and the results are compared.
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    Solving continuous replenishment inventory routing problems
    (2008-08-22) Fomundam, Samuel; Herrmann, Jeffrey; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This research investigates the problem of resupplying points of dispensing (PODs), which will dispense medications to millions of people in case of a bioterrorist attack such as anthrax. After receiving an initial but limited supply of medication, the PODs will operate continuously. Vehicles will resupply the PODs continuously from a central depot that has a stockpile of medication. Each vehicle will repeatedly follow the same route and will deliver at each POD enough medication to replace what was consumed since the last visit. Because the number of drivers and trucks may be limited during an emergency, we wish to minimize the number of vehicles used to resupply the PODs. This thesis presents heuristics and a branch-and-bound approach for solving this NP-hard problem and evaluates their performance. We also analyze a special case in which all of the PODs have the same demand.
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    Simulation and Optimization of Production Control for Lean Manufacturing Transition
    (2008-08-06) Gahagan, Sean Michael; Herrmann, Jeffrey W; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Lean manufacturing is an operations management philosophy that advocates eliminating waste, including work-in-process (WIP) inventory. A common mechanism for controlling WIP is "pull" production control, which limits the amount of WIP at each stage. The process of transforming a system from push production control to pull is not well understood or studied. This dissertation explores the events of a production control transition, quantifies its costs and develops techniques to minimize them. Simulation models of systems undergoing transition from push to pull are used to study this transient behavior. The transition of a single stage system is modeled. An objective function is introduced that defines transition cost in terms of the holding cost of orders in backlog and material in inventory. It incorporates two techniques for mitigating cost: temporarily deferring orders and adding extra capacity. It is shown that, except when backlog costs are high, it is better to transform the system quickly. It is also demonstrated that simulation based optimization is a viable tool to find the optimal transition strategy. Transition of a two-stage system is also modeled. The performance of two simple multi-stage transition strategies is measured. In the first, all of the stages are transformed at the same time. In the second, they are transformed one at a time. It is shown that the latter strategy is superior. Other strategies are also discussed. A new modeling formalism, the Production Control Framework (PCF), is introduced to facilitate automated searches for transition strategies in more complex systems. It is a hierarchical description of a manufacturing system built on a novel extension of the classic queue server model, which can express production control policy parametrically. The PCF is implemented in the form of a software template and its utility is shown as it is used to model and then find the optimal production control policy for a five stage system. This work provides the first practical guidance and insight into the behavior and cost of Lean production control transition, and it lays the groundwork for the development of optimal transition strategies for even the most complex manufacturing systems.