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    (2024) Harris, John Allen; Prestegaard, Karen; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Many rivers along the Atlantic Coast contain major knickpoints, which define the Fall Zone. These often-urbanized rivers straddle multiple physiographic regions with spatial variations in lithology, topography, and hydrology. This research evaluates the effects of mainstem channel incision and urbanization on channel and catchment morphology, bed substrate mobility, catchment water storage dynamics, and hydrologic response in tributaries of the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River above and below the Fall Zone knickpoint. Topographic analyses show that differential incision below the mainstem knickpoint has initiated steep secondary channels incised into bedrock. Measurements at representative reaches show that bankfull shear stress exceeds critical shear stress in these newly initiated tributaries, resulting in erosive channels outside of threshold conditions. Increased urban runoff introduced at storm drain outfalls maintains these non-steady state conditions. Geophysical surveys reveal that regolith depth for water storage capacity is primarily below the flatter ridgetops of the tributary catchments, where development is concentrated. The secondary tributaries cannot access these upland storage zones, and thus have limited infiltration and recharge capacity. I installed streamgages in the tributaries and constructed catchment water balances to study storage dynamics and hydrologic response. Hydrologic consequences of urbanizing the steep secondary tributaries include flashy, elevated stormflows, greater total runoff, and reduced baseflows that are not maintained during drought periods. The combination of steep channels, thin regolith, and urban overprint limits infiltration to moderate storm responses and recharge storage. These effects were not seen in non-urbanized secondary tributaries, urbanized tributaries above the knickpoint, or the forested reference streams above the Fall Zone. These findings define the geomorphic adjustment of tributaries to differential mainstem incision and explore the hydrologic impacts of urbanizing small steep catchments with limited effective storage capacity. Supplementary files:S1: Table with the location, drainage area, stream gradient, bankfull hydraulic values, and grain size values at each Northwest Branch tributary and reference reach used in the study. S2: Spreadsheet with the water level logger gage height values collected at 5-minute intervals from April 2023-March 2024 and calculated discharge from the Northwest Branch tributary streamgages. S3: Spreadsheet with the monthly water balance values for the Northwest Branch tributary catchments and reference watersheds from April 2023-March 2024. S4: Table with the depth to bedrock values and corresponding slope angles measured from the seismic profiles and LiDAR-derived digital elevation models.
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    (2024) Shahid, Saffat; Huang, Mong-Han; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Hydrologic dynamics in hillslopes is essential for comprehending the processes that shape landscape evolution and sustain the Earth’s critical zone. Electrical resistivity (ER) is considered as one of the best geophysical methods to observe these dynamics due to its sensitivity to subsurface water content. To understand hillslope water dynamics and mitigating the risks of slope instability caused by extreme weather events, we studied how subsurface hydrological processes are being influenced by variations in vegetation type across different aspects of hillslopes. Thus, how accurately ER can quantify the dry-up process during the growing season on hillslopes becomes critical, particularly in regions with distinct dry summers and wet winters (i.e. Mediterranean climates). The Blue Oaks Ranch Reserve (BORR) in Central California provides an ideal location for this study due to its consistent ridge-valley systems, which well represents the regional climatic and topographic conditions. Previous work at BORR used active source seismic refraction (SR) to constrain subsurface structure. To additionally investigate moisture content in regolith, we conduct ER surveys with Schlumberger and Dipole-Dipole configurations to invert for resistivity using Transdimensional Hierarchical Bayesian (THB) inversion framework with reversible-jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (THB rj-MCMC). We also performed 2D synthetic tests to evaluate how well THB can recover a synthetic model with imposed data uncertainty. The results indicate that Schlumberger outperforms Dipole-Dipole in the THB rj-MCMC inversion. However, these results also reveal limited depth resolution to ~10 m depth using current ERT configurations. Finally, we adopt the THB approach for a series of ER surveys at BORR between June and September 2023. The findings suggest a distinct increase in resistivity on the North-facing slope during growing seasons, indicating reduced moisture content particularly in areas with presences of oak trees as they draw water from deep regolith. On the South-facing slope, resistivity remained stable due to the dominance of grass that lacks deep roots for consuming deep moisture. Our resistivity results show that vegetation type particularly trees play a critical role in regolith moisture distribution. To compare and correlate changes in resistivity over dry periods, we analyzed soil probe data previously collected at the site. The correlation suggested that increases in resistivity are related to decreases in volumetric moisture content. Additionally, we compared ERT data with seismic survey data to better understand changes in subsurface properties like porosity and saturation along depth, as ERT and seismic velocity is sensitive to moisture content and material porosity.
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    (2023) Galella, Joseph George; Kaushal, Sujay S; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Increasing trends in base cations, pH, and salinity of urbanizing freshwaters have been documented in U.S. streams for over 50 years. These patterns, collectively known as Freshwater Salinization Syndrome (FSS), are driven by multiple processes, including applications of road salt and human-accelerated weathering of impervious surfaces, reductions in acid rain, and other anthropogenic legacies of change. FSS mobilizes chemical cocktails of distinct elemental mixtures via ion exchange, and other biogeochemical processes. Urban streams in temperate areas experience chronic salinization throughout the year punctuated by acute salinization during winter storms with associated road salting. My research analyzed impacts of FSS on stream water chemistry in the field with routine bi-weekly and targeted high frequency sampling during road salting events. Field sites were proximal to USGS stream sensors using multiparameter datasondes, allowing for additional parameters to be monitored at 5-15 minute resolution. In the laboratory incubation analyses were also conducted using sediment and water samples to assess the function of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) during road salting events. Acute FSS associated with road salting was found to mobilize chemical cocktails of metals (Mn, Cu, Sr²⁺), base cations (Na+, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, K⁺), nutrients (TDN), and organic matter (NPOC). Regression relationships were developed among specific conductance and major ion and trace metal concentrations. These linear relationships were statistically significant in most of the urban streams studied (e.g., R2 = 0.62 and 0.43 for Mn and Cu, respectively), and showed that specific conductance could be used as a proxy to predict concentrations of major ions and trace metals. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed co-mobilization (i.e., correlations among combinations of specific conductance, Mn, Cu, Sr²⁺, and all base cations during certain times of year and hydrologic conditions). Co-mobilization of metals and base cations was strongest during peak snow events but could continue over 24 hours after specific conductance peaked, suggesting ongoing cation exchange in soils and stream sediments. Increased salt concentrations of all three major road salts (NaCl, CaCl₂, and MgCl₂) had profound effects on major and trace element mobilization, with all three salts showing significant positive relationships across nearly all elements analyzed. Salt type showed preferential mobilization of certain elements. NaCl mobilized Cu, a potent toxicant to aquatic biota, at rates over an order of magnitude greater than both CaCl₂ and MgCl₂. Hourly mass fluxes of TDN in streams were also found to be elevated during winter months with peaks coinciding with road salting events. Targeted winter snow event sampling and high-frequency sensor data suggested plateaus in NO₃⁻ / NO₂⁻ and TDN concentrations at the highest peak levels of SC during road salt events between 1,000 and 2,000 μS/cm, which possibly indicated source limitation of TDN after extraction and mobilization of watershed nitrogen reservoirs by road salt ions. My results may help guide future regulations on road salt usage as there are currently no federally enforceable limits. NaCl is the most commonly used deicer in the United States, largely because it is often the least expensive option. Other technologies such as brines and other more efficient deicers (CaCl₂ and MgCl₂) should be considered in order to lessen the deleterious effects of FSS.
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    Freshwater salinization syndrome limits management efforts to improve water quality
    (2022) Maas, Carly Marcella; Kaushal, Sujay S; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Freshwater Salinization Syndrome (FSS) refers to the interactive effects of salt ions on the degradation of the natural, built, and social systems. FSS can mobilize chemical mixtures, termed ‘chemical cocktails’, in watersheds. The formation of chemical cocktails across space and time depends on the amounts and types of salt pollution, the surrounding land use including conservation and restoration areas, and the location along the flowpath in the watershed. We investigated (1) the formation of chemical cocktails temporally and spatially and (2) the natural capacity of watersheds and streams to attenuate salt ions along flowpaths with conservation and restoration efforts. We monitored high-frequency temporal and longitudinal spatial chemical changes in stream water in response to different pollution events (i.e., road salt, stormwater runoff, wastewater effluent, and baseflow conditions) and several types of watershed management efforts (i.e., national parks, regional parks, and floodplain reconnection) in six urban watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay region. There were significant relationships between watershed impervious surface cover and mean concentrations of salt ions (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+), metals (Fe, Mn, Sr2+), and nutrients (total dissolved nitrogen) (p < 0.05). Principal component analysis (PCA) indicates that chemical cocktails which formed along flowpaths in response to winter road salt applications were enriched in salts and metals (e.g., Na+, Mn, and Cu). During most baseflow and stormflow conditions, chemical cocktails that were less enriched in salt ions and trace metals were attenuated downstream. There was also downstream attenuation of FSS ions during baseflow conditions through management efforts including a regional park, national park, and floodplain restoration. Conversely, chemical cocktails that formed in response to multiple road salt applications or prolonged road salt exposure did not show patterns of attenuation downstream. The spatial patterns were quite variable, with increasing, plateauing, or decreasing patterns based on the magnitude, timing, duration of road salt loading, and extent of management efforts. Our results suggest that FSS can mobilize multiple contaminants along watershed flowpaths, however, the capacity of current watershed management strategies such as restoration and conservation areas to attenuate FSS is limited.
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    Deciphering Core Records of Carbon and Nitrogen in Typha-Dominated Freshwater Wetlands
    (2022) Ravi, Rumya; Prestegaard, Karen; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    I conducted decomposition experiments and examined soil characteristics in restored and natural freshwater marsh platform sites to decipher core records of soil C and N. Carbon loss rates and changes in ẟ13C and ẟ15N were obtained from decomposition experiments. Core samples at each site were analyzed for bulk density, weight %C, %N, ẟ13C, and ẟ15N. Typha C loss rates were similar among sites, and there was little change in ẟ13C composition, suggesting that DOC leaching is significant. Core carbon storage is higher in natural wetland sites. Initial Typha %N and ẟ15N reflect local N concentrations and sources to each wetland. ẟ15N increases between decomposed vegetation and upper cores in the tidal wetlands, possibly indicating denitrification. In N-rich wetlands, core %N and ẟ15N reflect differences in N sources and changes in N sources over time. In a wetland limited by N transport, core %N and ẟ15N may reflect vegetation N uptake.
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    (2020) Talbot-Wendlandt, Haley; Prestegaard, Karen; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Prior investigations into boreal forest ecosystems have examined hydrological processes on plot scales, examining factors such as precipitation, soil characteristics, tree rooting depths, evapotranspiration, infiltration, and groundwater, or on the catchment scale, investigating factors such as stream discharge and water chemistry. In this study, I examine hydrological processes at both plot and catchment scales, with the goal of understanding how rooting depths influence evapotranspiration (ET) and the effects of ET on catchment discharge and water chemistry. Evapotranspiration was found to influence seasonal and diurnal fluctuations in groundwater table, stream discharge, and stream electrical conductivity. Tree rooting depths were shallow, primarily within O and Ae soil horizons, suggesting that these trees intercept infiltrating water, reducing summer groundwater recharge. Stream electrical conductivity increased with cumulative ET. Summer streamflow minima coincided with hillslope groundwater minima. Stream depth and conductivity exhibited similar diurnal patterns, suggesting variations in groundwater contributions and opportunities for future research.
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    (2020) Morel, Carol; Kaushal, Sujay; Geology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Understanding transport mechanisms and temporal patterns in metals concentrations and fluxes in urban streams are important for developing best management practices and restoration strategies to improve water quality. In some cases, in situ sensors can be used to estimate unknown concentrations and fluxes of trace metals or to interpolate between sampling events. Continuous sensor data from the United States Geological Survey were analyzed to determine statistically significant relationships between lead, copper, zinc, cadmium and mercury with turbidity, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and discharge for the Hickey Run, Watts Branch, and Rock Creek watersheds in the Washington, D.C. region. At Rock Creek, there were significant negative linear relationships between Hg and Pb and specific conductance (p<0.05). Watershed monitoring approaches using continuous sensor data have the potential to characterize the frequency, magnitude, and composition of pulses in concentrations and loads of trace metals, which could improve management and restoration of urban streams.