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    Weighted Single-Step GWAS Identifies Genes Influencing Fillet Color in Rainbow Trout
    (MDPI, 2022-07-26) Ahmed, Ridwan O.; Ali, Ali; Al-Tobasei, Rafet; Leeds, Tim; Kenney, Brett; Salem, Mohamed
    The visual appearance of the fish fillet is a significant determinant of consumers’ purchase decisions. Depending on the rainbow trout diet, a uniform bright white or reddish/pink fillet color is desirable. Factors affecting fillet color are complex, ranging from the ability of live fish to accumulate carotenoids in the muscle to preharvest environmental conditions, early postmortem muscle metabolism, and storage conditions. Identifying genetic markers of fillet color is a desirable goal but a challenging task for the aquaculture industry. This study used weighted, single-step GWAS to explore the genetic basis of fillet color variation in rainbow trout. We identified several SNP windows explaining up to 3.5%, 2.5%, and 1.6% of the additive genetic variance for fillet redness, yellowness, and whiteness, respectively. SNPs are located within genes implicated in carotenoid metabolism (β,β-carotene 15,15′-dioxygenase, retinol dehydrogenase) and myoglobin homeostasis (ATP synthase subunit β, mitochondrial (ATP5F1B)). These genes are involved in processes that influence muscle pigmentation and postmortem flesh coloration. Other identified genes are involved in the maintenance of muscle structural integrity (kelch protein 41b (klh41b), collagen α-1(XXVIII) chain (COL28A1), and cathepsin K (CTSK)) and protection against lipid oxidation (peroxiredoxin, superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), sestrin-1, Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase-10 (USP10)). A-to-G single-nucleotide polymorphism in β,β-carotene 15,15′-dioxygenase, and USP10 result in isoleucine-to-valine and proline-to-leucine non-synonymous amino acid substitutions, respectively. Our observation confirms that fillet color is a complex trait regulated by many genes involved in carotenoid metabolism, myoglobin homeostasis, protection against lipid oxidation, and maintenance of muscle structural integrity. The significant SNPs identified in this study could be prioritized via genomic selection in breeding programs to improve fillet color in rainbow trout.
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    Integrated Analyses of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression of Rainbow Trout Muscle under Variable Ploidy and Muscle Atrophy Conditions
    (MDPI, 2022-06-26) Salem, Mohamed; Al-Tobasei, Rafet; Ali, Ali; Kenney, Brett
    Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, is an important cool, freshwater aquaculture species used as a model for biological research. However, its genome reference has not been annotated for epigenetic markers affecting various biological processes, including muscle growth/atrophy. Increased energetic demands during gonadogenesis/reproduction provoke muscle atrophy in rainbow trout. We described DNA methylation and its associated gene expression in atrophying muscle by comparing gravid, diploid females to sterile, triploid females. Methyl Mini-seq and RNA-Seq were simultaneously used to characterize genome-wide DNA methylation and its association with gene expression in rainbow trout muscle. Genome-wide enrichment in the number of CpGs, accompanied by depleted methylation levels, was noticed around the gene transcription start site (TSS). Hypermethylation of CpG sites within ±1 kb on both sides of TSS (promoter and gene body) was weakly/moderately associated with reduced gene expression. Conversely, hypermethylation of the CpG sites in downstream regions of the gene body +2 to +10 kb was weakly associated with increased gene expression. Unlike mammalian genomes, rainbow trout gene promotors are poor in CpG islands, at <1% compared to 60%. No signs of genome-wide, differentially methylated (DM) CpGs were observed due to the polyploidy effect; only 1206 CpGs (0.03%) were differentially methylated, and these were primarily associated with muscle atrophy. Twenty-eight genes exhibited differential gene expression consistent with methylation levels of 31 DM CpGs. These 31 DM CpGs represent potential epigenetic markers of muscle atrophy in rainbow trout. The DM CpG-harboring genes are involved in apoptosis, epigenetic regulation, autophagy, collagen metabolism, cell membrane functions, and Homeobox proteins. Our study also identified genes explaining higher water content and modulated glycolysis previously shown as characteristic biochemical signs of rainbow trout muscle atrophy associated with sexual maturation. This study characterized DNA methylation in the rainbow trout genome and its correlation with gene expression. This work also identified novel epigenetic markers associated with muscle atrophy in fish/lower vertebrates.
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    Genome-wide identification of loci associated with growth in rainbow trout
    (Springer Nature, 2020-03-05) Ali, Ali; Al-Tobasei, Rafet; Lourenco, Daniela; Leeds, Tim; Kenney, Brett; Salem, Mohamed
    Growth is a major economic production trait in aquaculture. Improvements in growth performance will reduce time and cost for fish to reach market size. However, genes underlying growth have not been fully explored in rainbow trout. A previously developed 50 K gene-transcribed SNP chip, containing ~ 21 K SNPs showing allelic imbalances potentially associated with important aquaculture production traits including body weight, muscle yield, was used for genotyping a total of 789 fish with available phenotypic data for bodyweight gain. Genotyped fish were obtained from two consecutive generations produced in the NCCCWA growth-selection breeding program. Weighted single-step GBLUP (WssGBLUP) was used to perform a genome-wide association (GWA) analysis to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with bodyweight gain. Using genomic sliding windows of 50 adjacent SNPs, 247 SNPs associated with bodyweight gain were identified. SNP-harboring genes were involved in cell growth, cell proliferation, cell cycle, lipid metabolism, proteolytic activities, chromatin modification, and developmental processes. Chromosome 14 harbored the highest number of SNPs (n = 50). An SNP window explaining the highest additive genetic variance for bodyweight gain (~ 6.4%) included a nonsynonymous SNP in a gene encoding inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase OCRL-1. Additionally, based on a single-marker GWA analysis, 33 SNPs were identified in association with bodyweight gain. The highest SNP explaining variation in bodyweight gain was identified in a gene coding for thrombospondin-1 (THBS1) (R2 = 0.09). The majority of SNP-harboring genes, including OCRL-1 and THBS1, were involved in developmental processes. Our results suggest that development-related genes are important determinants for growth and could be prioritized and used for genomic selection in breeding programs.
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    Genome-wide scan for common variants associated with intramuscular fat and moisture content in rainbow trout
    (Springer Nature, 2020-08-25) Ali, Ali; Al-Tobasei, Rafet; Lourenco, Daniela; Leeds, Tim; Kenney, Brett; Salem, Mohamed
    Genetic improvement of fillet quality attributes is a priority of the aquaculture industry. Muscle composition impacts quality attributes such as flavor, appearance, texture, and juiciness. Fat and moisture make up about ~ 80% of the tissue weight. The genetic architecture underlying the fat and moisture content of the muscle is still to be fully explored in fish. A 50 K gene transcribed SNP chip was used for genotyping 789 fish with available phenotypic data for fat and moisture content. Genotyped fish were obtained from two consecutive generations produced in the National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture (NCCCWA) growth-selective breeding program. Estimates of SNP effects from weighted single-step GBLUP (WssGBLUP) were used to perform genome-wide association (GWA) analysis to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the studied traits. Using genomic sliding windows of 50 adjacent SNPs, 137 and 178 SNPs were identified as associated with fat and moisture content, respectively. Chromosomes 19 and 29 harbored the highest number of SNPs explaining at least 2% of the genetic variation in fat and moisture content. A total of 61 common SNPs on chromosomes 19 and 29 affected the aforementioned traits; this association suggests common mechanisms underlying intramuscular fat and moisture content. Additionally, based on single-marker GWA analyses, 8 and 24 SNPs were identified in association with fat and moisture content, respectively. SNP-harboring genes were primarily involved in lipid metabolism, cytoskeleton remodeling, and protein turnover. This work provides putative SNP markers that could be prioritized and used for genomic selection in breeding programs.