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    Characterization of an ETREMA MP 50/6 Magnetostrictive Actuator
    (1998) Venkataraman, R.; Rameau, J.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSS
    This report presents the Displacement (Strain)-Current characteristic of an ETREMA MP 50/6 magnetostrictive actuator. This actuator is made of TERFENOL-D and displays giant magnetostriction. The displacement-current characteristic shows significant hysteresis behavior that depends on the rate at which the input is applied. Another important property of ferromagnetic hysteresis - the wiping out property, was also observed in the experiments.
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    A Comparative Machinability Study of Dental Materials
    (1997) Zhang, G.; Rekow, D.; Thompson, V.; ISR
    This paper presents results obtained from a comparative machinability study of newly invented ceramic materials for dental restorations. With the microstructure being the dominant factor on crack initiation and propagation during the fabrication process, the objective of this study is to identify the relationship between the microstructural characteristics and damage created during machining which could compromise the reliability of ceramic-made dental restorations. Glass ceramic material with tailored characteristics of microstructure is used in this study. The machining platform is milling operations where proper tool geometry and machining parameters are selected. Empirical models to correlate the cutting force and degradation of flexure strength with machining parameters are established. The aims of the research are to reduce surface cracking to yield improved surface finish (smooth < 2 mm) and to lessen strength degradation after machining. The study consists of four steps, including characterization of microstructure, identification of machining parameters, on-line monitoring of the machining operations, and evaluation of flexure strength degradation. Contributions of this study are the establishment of a procedure for carrying out the machinability assessment, and the establishment of empirical models relating the cutting force and fracture strength degradation to the cutting conditions.
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    Hardness Assessment of Human Enamel
    (1997) Zhang, G.; Ng, S.J.; Le, Dung T.; Young, D.; ISR
    This paper presents results from investigating indentation impressions on human enamel under micro-hardness tests. The experiments of hardness testing were performed on a microhardness indentation machine under different loading conditions. Images of indentation impressions were obtained using an environmental scanning electron microscope. Geometrical shapes of hardness indentations were visualized in three-dimentional space using computer graphics. Quantitative information was obtained through atomic force measurements to characterize ﲰile-up , ﲳink-in , and elastic recovery of enamel. Special efforts have been made to study the microstructual effect of the calcified rods orientations on the fracture patterns formed during the hardness tests. Significant finding include that the occlusal surface demonstrates much stronger resistance to the indentation force than does the buccal surface and shows 40% elastic recovery after indentation. A new formula to determine hardness value has been proposed. By incorporating the reversible deformation into the evaluation, a normalized hardness measurement can be made to form a basis for comparison and other investigations where hardness has its unique role to play.
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    Microstructural Effects on the Machining Performance of Dental Ceramics
    (1997) Le, Dung T.; Qi, L.; Zhang, G.; ISR
    Constraints of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties are making ceramics the material choice for industrial and dental applications. The quality of a machined surface of ceramics is fundamentally dependent on the response of the material to the machining process. This paper presents a combined analytical and experimental study with focus on optimizing the machining performance of dental ceramics -- DICOR/MGC -- with three distinguished microstructures. The study starts from analyzing the microstructural characteristics to searching for the machining conditions that provide satisfactory performance in terms of acceptable flexural strength. Evidence gained from the cutting force measurements and evaluation of fracture strength degradation indicates that the control of micro-scale fracture formed on the machined surface, with microstructural characteristics being considered, is the key factor which dominates the machining performance.
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    Characterization of Indentation Impressions on Human Enamel For Hardness Measurement
    (1997) Zhang, G.; Le, Dung T.; Tucker, S.R.; Ng, S.J.; ISR
    This paper presents results from investigating indentation impressions on human enamel under micro-hardness tests. The experiments of hardness testing were performed on a microhardness indentation machine under different loading conditions. Images of indentation impressions were obtained using an environmental scanning electron microscope. Geometrical shapes of hardness indentations were visualized in three-dimensional space using computer graphics. Quantitative information was obtained through atomic force measurements to characterize "pile-up", "sink-in", and elastic recovery of enamel. Special efforts have been made to study the microstrucutual effect of the calcified rods orientations on the fracture patterns formed during the hardness tests. Significant findings include that the occlusal surface demonstrates much stronger resistance to the indentation force than does the buccal surface and shows 40% elastic recovery after indentation. A new formula to determine hardness value has been proposed. By incorporating the reversible deformation into the evluation, a normalized hardness measurement can be made to form a basis for comparison and other investigations where hardness has its unique role to play.

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    A Test Method for the Assessment of Tribological Aspects of Abrasive Machining
    (1996) Nagarajan, M.; Zhang, G.M.; Jahanmir, S.; ISR
    Abrasive machining such as grinding involves simultaneous contacts, between the workpiece and several abrasive grits. Hence, it is difficult to assess the tribological effects (i.e., friction and wear) of individual grits from grinding tests. Therefore, there is a need to develop a laboratory scale test technique based on single-grit tests. In this research, a test method, which employs a pin-on-disk tribometer using single abrasive particles sliding against a workpiece material, is designed. To evaluate the proposed test, alumina and silicon carbide abrasives are used as pins and bearing steel and tool steel are used as disks. Single-grit abrasion tests are conducted with loads similar to those estimated for the individual grits in grinding. To confirm the results, steel specimens are ground in a cylindrical plunge mode using either alumina or silicon carbide grinding wheels. Data, obtained from the two sets of experiments are compared in terms of material removal rate, frictional behavior, wear of abrasives and the mechanisms of material removal. Morphological features of the debris collected for both tests are identified using a scanning electron microscope. The results indicate that the single-grit abrasion test can be used to predict the tribological interactions during abrasive machining. The trends in the material removal rates during single-grit abrasion and grinding are in good agreement. In both cases, alumina abrasives wear faster than silicon carbide when used against either steel under dry condition. The material removal mechanism is identified as "cutting" for bearing steel and as "plowing" for tool steel, consistent with the differences in the mechanical properties of the two steels.
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    Investigation of Wheel Wear and Its Effect on Forces Encountered in Grinding of Silicon Nitride
    (1996) Ritchie, K.T.; Zhang, G.M.; ISR
    A necessary goal in the study of grinding advanced ceramic materials is to define grinding conditions that will machine ceramic components economically while maintaining dimensional accuracy and surface integrity of the resulting parts. In view of the high price of diamond wheels, which are the optimum choice for machining ceramics, it is important to investigate the process of diamond-wheel wear in grinding ceramic materials. Little information is currently available on the rates of diamond-wheel wear in grinding ceramic materials.

    This thesis processes a new method of measuring wheel wear using a duplication pattern of the grinding wheel. Plunge-grinding experiments on sintered silicon nitride (SSN) and sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride (SRBSN) were conducted using a horizontal-spindle surface grinder with diamond-grit, resin-bond peripheral wheels. To gain a better understanding of the wear process, grinding forces were measured using a computer-based data-acquisition system. Stylus profilometry served to measure the volumetric wheel wear and to measure the surface roughness of the ground silicon nitride for the purpose of characterizing the effect of wheel wear on the grinding performance. Major contributions of this thesis research include development of a method for measuring wear of diamond grinding wheels, and identification of the interrelation between the rate of wheel wear and the two machining parameters (namely, downfeed and wheel speed used in the investigation).

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    Machinability Evaluation of Dental Restorative Materials
    (1996) Ng, S.J.; Zhang, G.M.; ISR
    Ceramic materials are ideal candidates for dental restorative applications for their color, texture, and mechanical properties which closely resemble those of the human enamel. However, due to the inherent brittleness of ceramic material, material processing, especially machining, poses a variety of difficulties. Research efforts of this thesis are directed to the development of a critical guideline for evaluating the machinability of ceramic materials, where human enamel is used as a reference material for comparison.

    Using a systems engineering approach, a computer-based surface integrity assessment methodology is formulated. It combines the most recently developed image processing technology with computer graphics while incorporating the principles of fracture mechanics. Microhardness testing is used to study material properties related to machining. Four types of material selected are human enamel, Dicor-MGC, HCC Dentine, and HCC Enamel. Three- dimensional visualization of the surface impressions is achieved using an environmental scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Machining experiments are conducted to study the surface integrity, including surface finish, micro- cracking, and edge chipping. Analytical investigation correlates these surface responses to the machining parameters, such as spindle speed, feed rate, and the depth of cut, to seek a parametric region in which quality of machined ceramic components can be ensured. Surface integrity performance indices such as surface roughness, cavity density, and chip aspect ratio are proposed to quantify such evaluations.

    Major contributions of this thesis research include the development of the combined SEM- AFM stereophotography method. The high resolution achieved with this method ensures coverage of rich information on the surface texture formed during machining. Specific findings of this thesis research include the identification of micro-mechanics of fracture occurred during the material removal process, and a good understanding of possible influences of the microstructures on the machining performance.

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    Contamination Control for Gas Delivery from a Liquid Source in Semiconductor Manufacturing
    (1996) Lu, Guangquan; Rubloff, Gary W.; Durham, Jim; ISR
    Gas delivery from a liquid source, common in semiconductor manufacturing, raises contamination control concerns not only due to impurity levels in the source. In addition, the lower vapor pressure of impurity species compared to that of the host (source) species causes impurity concentrations in delivered gas to increase as the source is used up. A physics-based dynamic simulator to describe the time-dependent variation of impurity level in such a gas delivery system has been developed and applied to important case of CHCIF2 impurities in host CHF3 liquid, as routinely used for dry etching processes. For a cylinder of CHF3 liquid with 100 ppm of CHCIF2 at 21.1o C (70o F), the concentration of CHCIF2 in the delivered gas is initially ~ 21 ppm, and rises slowly to ~ 100 ppm with ~ 25% of the initial material remaining. With further usage, the CHCIF2 level increases quickly to ~ 350 ppm when ~ 15% of the initial source material is left; at this point, the source has reached the liquid-dry point, i.e., all the remaining source material is gaseous, and the impurity concentration in delivered gas remains constant at 350 ppm until all material is gone. The time- dependence of CHCIF2 impurity concentration is also dependent on the operating temperature of the liquid source: for higher temperatures, the fast rise in impurity concentration and the liquid-dry point occur earlier, while the final impurity level after this point is lower. The dynamic simulator represents a useful tool for avoiding contamination problems with liquid delivery systems and for optimizing materials usage (for cost and environmental benefits) by structuring source usage procedures consistent with contamination-sensitivity of the process. The results also suggest benefits in materials usage if specific source temperatures (different from room temperature) were imposed. The physical basis of the dynamic simulator allows more general application to other systems.
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    Radon Transform, Wavelets, and Applications
    (1996) Berenstein, Carlos A.; ISR
    Notes of a graduate course given in Venice, Italy, during June 1996 organized by CIME, directed to graduate students to show the interplay of different kinds of Radon transforms and medical and material science problems