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Item On the Converse to Pompeiu's Problem(1997) Berenstein, Carlos A.; ISRThis is a reprint of a 1976 paper that appears in an inaccessible Brazilian journal and has become very looked after. It deals with the problem of determining a convex plane domain from the existence of infinitely many over determined Neumann eigenvalues. Recent related work in magneto hydrodynamics of Vogelius and other applications are closely related to this result. The more general result appears in J. Analyse Math 1980 and Crelle l987. See Zalcmain's bibliographic survey of pompeiu problem for other references.Item The MDLe Engine -- A Software Tool for Hybrid Motion Control(2000) Hristu, Dimitrios; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Andersson, Sean B.; Zhang, F.; Sodre, P.; D'Anna, L.; ISR; CDCSSOne of the important but often overlooked practical challenges in motion control for robotics and other autonomous machines has to do with the implementation of theoretical tools into software that will allow the system to interact effectively with the physical world. More often than not motion control programs are machine-specific and not reusable, even when the underlying algorithm does not require any changes.The work on Motion Description Languages (MDL) has been an effort to formalize a general-purpose robot programming language that allows one to incorporate both switching logic and differential equations. Extended MDL (MDLe) is a device-independent programming language for hybrid motion control, accommodating hybrid controllers, multi-robot interactions and robot-to-robot communications.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the "MDLe engine," a software tool that implements the MDLe language.
We have designed a basic compiler/software foundation for writing MDLe code. We provide a brief description of the MDLe syntax, implementation architecture, and functionality. Sample programs are presented together with the results of their execution on a set of physical and simulated mobile robots.
Item Fast Evaluation of Demagnetizing Field in Three Dimensional Micromagnetics using Multipole Approximation(2000) Tan, X.; Baras, John S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Baras, John S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSComputational micromagnetics in three dimensions is of increasing interest with the development of magnetostrictive sensors andactuators. In solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation, the governing equation of magnetic dynamics for ferromagnetic materials, we need to evaluate the effective field. The effective field consists of several terms, among which the demagnetizing field is of long-range nature.Evaluating the demagnetizing field directly requires work of O(N^2) for a grid of N cells and thus it is the bottleneck in computational micromagnetics. A fast hierarchical algorithm using multipole approximation is developed to evaluate the demagnetizing field. We first construct a mesh hierarchy and divide the grid into boxes of different levels. The lowest level box is the whole grid while the highest level boxes are just cells. The approximate field contribution from the cells contained in a box is characterized by the box attributes, which are obtained via multipole approximation. The algorithm computes field contributions from remote cells using attributes of appropriate boxes containing those cells, and it computes contributions from adjacent cells directly. Numerical results have shown that the algorithm requires work of O(NlogN) and at the same time it achieves high accuracy. It makes micromagnetic simulation in three dimensions feasible.
Item Computational Micromagnetics for Magnetostrictive Actuators(2000) Tan, X.; Baras, John S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Baras, John S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSComputational micromagnetics plays an important role in design and control of magnetostrictive actuators. A systematic approach to calculate magnetic dynamics and magnetostriction is presented. A finite difference method is developed to solve the coupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert(LLG) equation for dynamics of magnetization and a one dimensional elastic motion equation. The effective field in the LLG equation consists of the external field, the demagnetizing field, the exchange field, and the anisotropy field.A hierarchical algorithm using multipole approximation speeds up the evaluation of the demagnetizing field, reducing computational cost from O(N^2) to O(NlogN). A hybrid 3D/1D rod model is adopted to compute the magnetostriction: a 3D model is used in solving the LLG equation for the dynamics of magnetization; then assuming that the rod is along z-direction, we take all cells with same z-cordinate as a new cell. The values of the magnetization and the effective field of the new cell are obtained from averaging those of the original cells that the new cell contains. Each new cell is represented as a mass-spring in solving the motion equation.
Numerical results include: 1. domain wall dynamics, including domain wall formation and motion; 2. effects of physical parameters, grid geometry, grid refinement and field step on H-M hysteresis curves; 3. magnetostriction curve.
Item Computing Balanced Realizations for Nonlinear Systems(2000) Newman, Andrew J.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSThis paper addresses the problem of computability pertaining to the Scherpen(1994) theory and procedure for balancing of nonlinear systems. In contrastto Moore's (1981) balancing method for linear systems, the Scherpen procedurefor nonlinear balancing is not immediately amenable to computationalimplementation. For example, the controllability energy function correspondsto the value function for a nonlinear optimal control problem. Also, theMorse-Palais lemma guarantees the existence of a local coordinatetransformation under which the controllability energy function takes acanonical quadratic form, but provides no constructive procedure for obtainingit. Thus, tools have not yet appeared for computing balanced realizations fornonlinear systems, and the procedure has not yet been applied as a tool formodel reduction.First, we consider the problem of computing the controllability energyfunction without numerically solving the family of optimal control problems,or the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, implied in its definition.Stochastically excited systems play a major role in our methodology. Wepresent a stochastic method for computing an estimate of the controllabilityfunction, and show that in certain situations the method provides an exactsolution. The procedure is tested on applications via Monte-Carlo experiments.
Then, we address the problem of numerically determining a Morse transformationfor a function with non-degenerate critical point at 0. We develop analgorithm for computing the desired nonlinear transformation and estimatingthe neighborhood on which the transformed controllability function isquadratic.
In the literature, examples of applied nonlinear balancing have been limited topseudo-balancing of 2-dimensional gradient systems and noting that in the caseof linear systems the energy functions approach reduces to the usual setting ofgramians. We apply our approach to numerically derive, for the first time,balanced representations of nonlinear state-space models. In particular, wepresent applications to a forced damped pendulum system and a forced dampeddouble pendulum system.
The research and scientific content in this material has been published in theProceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Perpignan, France, June 19-23, 2000. Item A Hierarchical Structure For Finite Horizon Dynamic Programming Problems(2000) Zhang, Chang; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCNIn dynamic programming (Markov decision) problems, hierarchicalstructure (aggregation) is usually used to simplify computation. Most research on aggregation ofMarkov decision problems is limited to the infinite horizon case, which has good tracking ability. However, in reallife, finite horizon stochastic shortest path problems are oftenencountered.In this paper, we propose a hierarchical structure to solve finite horizon stochastic shortest pathproblems in parallel. In general, the approach reducesthe time complexity of the original problem to a logarithm level, which hassignificant practical meaning.
Item Push-Based Information Delivery in Two Stage Satellite-Terrestrial Systems(2000) Ercetin, Ozgur; Tassiulas, Leandros; ISR; CSHCNSatellite broadcast data delivery has inherent advantages in providing global access to information to everyone. However, users of satellite communications need expensive and cumbersome equipment to receive and transmit satellite signals. Furthermore, as the amount of information being broadcast increases, average user latency increases as well. In many situations, users in a locality may have similar interests and hence they can be better served by a local broadcast schedule. A two stage satellite-terrestrial wireless broadcast system can provide more efficient service. In such a system, main server broadcasts information via satellite to the geographically distributed local ground stations. Every station has limited buffer capacity to store the items broadcast by the satellite. According to their cache content, and the interests of their users, local stations deliver the information to their users via terrestrial wireless channel. We develop novel methods for the joint cache management and scheduling problem encountered in these systems. Our results demonstrate that two stage systems can provide more efficient data delivery compared to the single stage systems.Item Stochastic Approximation and Optimization for Markov Chains(2000) Bartusek, John D.; Makowski, Armand M.; ISRWe study the convergence properties of the projected stochasticapproximation (SA) algorithm which may be used to find the root of an unknown steady state function of a parameterized family of Markov chains. The analysis is based on the ODE Method and we develop a set of application-oriented conditions which imply almost sure convergence and are verifiable in terms of typically available model data. Specific results are obtained for geometrically ergodic Markov chains satisfying a uniform Foster-Lyapunov drift inequality.Stochastic optimization is a direct application of the above root finding problem if the SA is driven by a gradient estimate of steady state performance. We study the convergence properties of an SA driven by agradient estimator which observes an increasing number of samples from the Markov chain at each step of the SA's recursion. To show almost sure convergence to the optimizer, a framework of verifiable conditions is introduced which builds on the general SA conditions proposed for the root finding problem.
We also consider a difficulty sometimes encountered in applicationswhen selecting the set used in the projection operator of the SA algorithm.Suppose there exists a well-behaved positive recurrent region of the state process parameter space where the convergence conditions are satisfied; this being the ideal set to project on. Unfortunately, the boundaries of this projection set are not known a priori when implementing the SA. Therefore, we consider the convergence properties when the projection set is chosen to include regions outside the well-behaved region. Specifically, we consider an SA applied to an M/M/1 which adjusts the service rate parameter when the projection set includes parameters that cause the queue to be transient.
Finally, we consider an alternative SA where the recursion is driven by a sample average of observations. We develop conditions implying convergence for this algorithm which are based on a uniform large deviation upper bound and we present specialized conditions implyingthis property for finite state Markov chains.
Item A Geometric Algorithm for Multi-Part Milling Cutter Selection(2000) Yao, Zhiyang; Gupta, Satyandra K.; Nau, Dana S.; ISRMass customization results in smaller batch sizes in manufacturing that require large numbers of setup and tool changes. The traditional process planning that generates plans for one part at a time is no longer applicable.In this paper, we propose the idea of process planning for small batch manufacturing, i.e., we simultaneously consider multiple parts and exploit opportunities for sharing manufacturing resources such that the process plan will be optimized over the entire set of parts. In particular, we discuss a geometric algorithm for multiple part cutter selection in 2-1/2D milling operations.
We define the 2-1/2D milling operations as covering the target region without intersecting with the obstruction region. This definition allows us to handle the open edge problem. Based on this definition, we first discuss the lower and upper bond of cutter sizes that are feasible for given parts. Then we introduce the geometric algorithm to find the coverable area for a given cutter. Following that, we discuss the approach of considering cutter loading time and changing time in multiple cutter selection for multiple parts. We represent the cutter selection problem as shortest path problem and use Dijkstra's algorithm to solve it. By using this algorithm, a set of cutters is selected to achieve the optimum machining cost for multiple parts.
Our research illustrates the multiple parts process planning approach that is suitable for small batch manufacturing. At the same time, the algorithm given in this paper clarifies the 2-1/2D milling problem and can also help in cutter path planning problem.
Item Selecting Flat End Mills for 2-1/2D Milling Operations(2000) Yao, Zhiyang; Gupta, Satyandra K.; Nau, Dana S.; ISRThe size of milling cutter significantly affects the machining time. Therefore, in order to perform milling operations efficiently, we need to select a set of milling cutters with optimal sizes. It is difficult for human process planners to select the optimal or near optimal set of milling cutters due to complex geometric interactions among tools size, part shapes, and tool trajectories.In this paper, we give a geometric algorithm to find the optimal cutters for 2-1/2D milling operations. We define the 2-1/2D milling operations as covering the target region without intersecting with the obstruction region. This definition allows us to handle the open edge problem. Based on this definition, we introduced the offsetting and inverse-offsetting algorithm to find the coverable area for a given cutter. Following that, we represent the cutter selection problem as shortest path problem and discuss the lower and upper bond of cutter sizes that are feasible for given parts. The Dijkstra's algorithm is used to solve the problem and thus a set of cutters is selected in order to achieve the optimum machining cost.
We believe the selection of optimum cutter combination can not only save manufacturing time but also help automatic process planning.