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    Extracting Alternative Machining Features: Al Algorithmic Approach
    (1994) Regli, W.C.; Gupta, Satyandra K.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Automated recognition of features from CAD models has been attempted for a wide range of application domains. In this paper we address the problem of representing and recognizing the complete class of features in alternative interpretations for a given design. We present a formalism for representing feature- based design alternatives and a methodology for recognizing a class of machinable features. Our approach handles a class of volumetric features that describe material removal volumes made by operations on the three-axis vertical machining centers including: drilling, pocket-, slot-, and face-miling, chamfering, filleting, and blended surfaces. Our approach recognizes intersecting features, and is complete over all features in our class, i.e. for any given part, the algorithm produces a set containing all features in our class that correspond to possible operations for machining that part. This property is of particular significance in applications where consideration of different manufacturing alternatives is crucial. In addition, we have shown that the algorithms are, in the worst-case, euqdratic in the number solid modeling operations. This approach employs a class of machinable features expressible as MRSEVs ( a STEP- based library of machining features). An implementation of these algorithms has been done using the ACISsolid modeler and the NIH C++ class library.
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    Complexity Results for HTN Planning
    (1994) Erol, Kutluhan; Hendler, James A.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Most practical work on AI planning systems during the last fifteen years has been based on hierarchical task network decomposition, but until now, there has been very little analytical work on the properties of HTN planners. This paper describes how the complexity of HTN planning varies with various conditions on the task networks, and how it compares to STRIPS- style planning.
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    Integrating DFM with CAD through Design Critiquing
    (1994) Gupta, Satyandra K.; Regli, W.C.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    In research on concurrent engineering and engineering design, the increasing use of design for manufacturability(DFM) is expanding the scope of traditional design activities in order to identify and eliminate manufacturing problems during the design stage. However, manufacturing a product generally involves many different kinds of manufacturing activities, each having different characteristics. A design that is good for one kind of activity may not be good for another; for example, a design that is easy to assemble may not be easy to machine. One obstacle to DFM is the difficulty involved in building a single system that can handle the various manufacturing domains relevant to a design.

    In this paper, we propose an architecture for integrating CAD with DFM. This involves the use of multiple critiquing systems, each one dedicated to one type of manufacturing domain. In the proposed framework, as the designer creates a design, a number of critiquing systems analyze its manufacturability with respect to different manufacturing domains (machining, fixturing, assembly, inspection, and, so forth), and offer advice about potential ways of improving the design.

    We anticipate that this approach can be used to build an environment that will allow designers to create high-quality products that can be manufactured more economically. This will reduce the need for redesign, thus reducing product cost and lead time.

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    Feature Recognition for Manufacturability Analysis
    (1994) Regli, W.C.; Gupta, Satyandra K.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    While automated recognition of features has been attempted for a wide range of applications, no single existing approach possesses the functionality required to perform manufacturability analysis. In this paper, we present a methodology for taking a CAD model and extracting a set of machinable features suitable for generating all alternative interpretations of the model as collections of MRSEVs (Material Removal Shape Element Volumes, a STEP-based library of machining, features). This set of MRSEVs is to be employed for manufacturability analysis. The algorithm handles a variety of features including those describing holes, pockets, slots, and chamfering and filleting operations. In addition, it considers elementary accessibility constraints for these features and is provably complete over a, significant class of machinable parts the features describe. Further, the approach has low-order polynomial-time worst-case complexity.
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    A Systematic Approach for Analyzing the Manufacturability of Machined Parts
    (1993) Gupta, Satyandra K.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    The ability to quickly introduce new quality products is a decisive factor in capturing market share. Because of pressing demands to reduce lead time, analyzing the manufacturability of the proposed design has become an important step in the design stage. This paper presents an approach for analyzing the manufacturability of machined parts.

    Evaluating the manufacturability of a proposed design involves determining whether or not it is manufacturable with a given set of manufacturing operations - and if so, then finding the associated manufacturing efficiency. Since there can be several different ways to manufacture a proposed design, this requires us to consider different ways to manufacture it, in order to determine which one best meets the design and manufacturing objectives.

    The first step in our approach is to identify all machining operations which can potentially be used to create the given design. Using these operations, we generate different operation plans for machining the part. Each time we generate a new operation plan, we examine whether it can produce the desired shape and tolerances, and calculate its manufacturability rating. If no operation plan can be found that is capable of producing the design, then the given design is considered unmachinable; otherwise, the manufacturability rating for the design is the rating of the best operation plan.

    We anticipate that by providing feedback about possible problems with the design, this work will help in speeding up the evaluation of new product designs in order to decide how or whether to manufacture them. Such a capability will be useful in responding quickly to changing demands and opportunities in the marketplace.

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    Toward an Analysis of Forward Pruning
    (1993) Smith, S.J.J.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Several early game-playing computer programs used forward pruning (i.e., the practice of deliberately ignoring nodes that are believed unlikely to affect a game tree's minimax value), but this technique did not seem to result in good decision-making. The poor performance of forward pruning presents a major puzzle for AI research on game playing, because some version of forward pruning seems to be "what people do", and the best chess-playing programs still do not play as well as the best humans.

    As a step toward deeper understanding of how forward pruning affects quality of play, in this paper we set up a model of forward pruning on two abstract classes of binary game trees, and we use this model to investigate how forward pruning affects the accuracy of the minimax values returned. The primary result of our study is that forward pruning does better when there is a high correlation among the minimax values of sibling nodes in a game tree.

    This result suggests that forward pruning may possibly be a useful decision-making technique in certain kinds of games. In particular, we believe that bridge may be such a game.

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    Strategic Planning for Imperfect-Information Games
    (1993) Smith, S.J.J.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Although game-tree search works well in perfect-information games, there are problems in trying to use it for imperfect- information games such as bridge. The lack of knowledge about the opponents' possible moves gives the game tree a very large branching factor, making the tree so immense that game-tree searching is infeasible.

    In this paper, we describe our approach for overcoming this problem. We develop a model of imperfect-information games, and describe how to represent information about the game using a modified version of a task network that is extended to represent multi-agency and uncertainty. We present a game-playing procedure that uses this approach to generate game trees in which the set of alternative choices is determined not by the set of possible actions, but by the set of available tactical and strategic schemes.

    In our tests of this approach on the game of bridge, we found that it generated trees having a much smaller branching factor than would have been generated by conventional game-tree search techniques. Thus, even in the worst case, the game tree contained only about 1300 nodes, as opposed to the approximately 6.01 44, x 10 nodes that would have been produced by a brute-force game tree search in the worst case. Furthermore, our approach successfully solved typical bridge problems that matched situations in its knowledge base. These preliminary tests suggest that our approach has the potential to yield bridge-playing programs much better than existing ones - and thus we have begun to build a full implementation.

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    Recognition of Volumetric Features from CAD Models: Problem Formalization and Algorithms
    (1993) Regli, W.C.; Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Automated recognition of features from CAD models has been attempted for a wide range of application domains in mechanical engineering. However, the absence of a clear mathematical formalism for the problem has made it difficult to develop a general approach - and thus most of these methods are limited in scope.

    In this paper, we develop a formalization of the problem of recognizing a class of machinable features expressed as MRSEVs ( a PDES/STEP library of machining features) [19], and an algorithm for solving this problem. Some of the characteristics of this approach are: the algorithm handles a large variety of hole and pocket features along with elementary accessibility constraints and blends for those features; it is provably complete, even if the features interest with each other in complex ways; it has O(n4) worst-case time complexity,

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    State-Space Search, Problem Reduction, and Iterative Deepening: A Comparative Analysis
    (1993) Nau, D.S.; ISR
    In previous work, Korf showed that by introducing one problem- reduction step into a state- space search, one could reduce the number of node generations from 0 ((2b)2d ) to 0 (bd ), where b and d are the branching factor and search depth. My results are as follows: 1. The 0(bd) bound is tight, but the 0((bd)2d ) bound is not: the A* procedure does only Q(b2d ) node generations. Thus, the improvement produced by one problem- reduction step is not always as great as the previous results might suggest.

    2. In an AND/OR tree where multiple problem- reduction steps are possible, problem reduction produces a much more dramatic improvement: both the time complexity and the space complexity decrease from doubly exponential to singly exponential.

    3. For iterative-deepening procedures like IDA* that only remember the nodes on the current path, the space complexity decreases but the time complexity increases - by exponential amounts in Korf's model, and doubly exponential amounts in the AND/OR-tree model. This is true even for IDAO*, a new procedure that improves IDA*'s performance by combining it with problem reduction.

    These results lead to the following conclusions: In general, problem reduction can save huge amounts of both time and space.

     Whether to use a procedure that remembers every node it has visited, or instead use a limited-memory iterative-deepening procedure, depends on whether the primary objective is to save space or save time.

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    On the Nature of Modal Truth in Plans
    (1993) Nau, D.S.; ISR
    Chapman's paper, "Planning for Conjunctive Goals", has been widely acknowledged as a major step towards understanding the nature of nonlinear planning, and it has been one of the bases of later work by others -- but it is not free of problems. This paper discusses the following problems with modal truth and the modal truth criterion.

    1. It is NP-hard to tell, given a plan P and a ground atom p, whether P is possibly true in P's final situation. This is true despite the fact that modal truth criterion can be computed in a polynomial time.

    2. The reason for this discrepancy is that the "possible truth" version of the modal truth criterion is incorrect. It tells whether - p is not necessarily true --- but this is different from telling whether p is possibly true. Possible truth is not the dual of necessary truth, as Chapman had thought it was.

    3. Instead, possible truth is the dual of another problem, which is co-NP-hard: the problem of determining whether p is true over all executable completions of a plan.

    Despite the above problems, the "necessary truth" version of the modal truth criterion (and hence the TWEAK planner) are still correct.