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Item A Measure of Worst-Case HPerformance and of Largest Acceptable Uncertainty(1991) Fan, Michael K-H.; Tits, A.L.; ISRThe structured singular value (SSV or ) is know to be an effective tool for assessing robust performance of linear time- invariant models subject to structured uncertainty. Yet all a single analysis provides is a bound ݠon the uncertainty under which stability as well as Hperformance level of k/ݠare guaranteed, where k is preselectable. In this paper, we introduce a related quantity, denoted by v which provides answers for the following questions: (i) given ݬ determine the smallest with the peoperty that, for any uncertainty bounded by ݬ an H performance level ofItem Worst-Case HPerformance Under Structured Perturbations with Known Bounds(1990) Fan, Michael K-H.; Tits, A.L.; ISRThe structured singular value (SSV or ) is known to be an effective tool for assessing robust performance of linear time- invariant models subject to structured uncertainty. Yet all a single analysis provides is a bound ݠon the uncertainty under which stability as well as Hperformance level of k/ݠare guaranteed, where k is reselectable. In this paper, we introduce a related quantity, denoted by v which, for a given ݬ provides a value such that for any uncertainty bounded by ݠan H performance level of ( but none better than ) is guaranteed.Item Robustness under Uncertainly with Phase Information.(1989) Lee, Li; Tits, A.L.; Fan, Michael K-H.; ISRThe framework of Doyle's structured angular value is extended to take advantage of possibly available phase information on the dynamic uncertainty. A computable upper bound is obtained for this phase-sensitive structured singular value.Item A Method for Computing the Distance of a Stable Matrix to the Set of Unstable Matrices.(1989) Fan, Michael K-H.; Tsing, N.K.; ISRWe propose a method to compute the spectral norm distance from a given matrix A to the set of matrices having at least an eigenvalue on the imaginary axis. It is shown that the distance is one of the roots of a suitably constructed polynomial in one variable. Our method can be easily generalized to compute the distance from A to the set of matrices having at least an eigenvalue on any straight line or circle. Thus, it can be applied to compute the distance from a stable matrix to the set of unstable matrices in either continuous or discrete sense.Item On Robust Stability of Linear State Space Models.(1988) Fan, Michael K-H.; Doyle, John C.; Tits, A.L.; ISRThe structured singular value (MU), introduced by Doyle [1] allows to analyze robust stability and performance of linear systems affected by parametric as well as dynamic uncertainty. While exact computation of MU can be prohibitively complex, an efficiently computable upper bound was obtained in [2], yielding a practical sufficient condition for robust stability and performance. In this note, the results of [2] are used to study the case of state space models of the form x{WITH DOT ABOVE IT}=(A_0={SIGMA i=1 to m of DELTA_i * A_i}) where the A_i's are n X n real matrices and the DELTA_i's are uncertain real parameters. The case where the A_i's have low rank is given special attention. When the A_i's all have rank one, (1) is equivalent to the model used by Qiu and Davison [3], which itself generalizes that used by Yedavalli [4]. By means of two examples, we compare our bound to those proposed in [3] and [4].Item A Power Method for the Structured Singular Value.(1988) Packard, A.; Fan, Michael K-H.; Doyle, John C.; ISRThis paper presents an iterative algorithm to compute lower bounds for the structured singular value. The algorithm resembles a mixture of power methods for eigenvalues and singular values, which is not surprizing, since the structured singular value can be viewed as a generalization of both. If the algorithm converges, a lower bound for 11 results. We prove that MU is always an equilibrium point of the algorithm, however, since in general there are many equilibrium points, some heuristic ideas to achieve convergence are presented. Extensive numerical experience with the algorithm is discussed.Item Aspects of Optimization-Based CADCS.(1988) Tits, A.L.; Fan, Michael K-H.; Panier, E.R.; ISRWith the recent dramatic increase in available computing power, numerical optimization has become an attractive tool for the design of complex engineering systems. Yet, generalized use of numerical optimization techniques in design has been hindered by (i) the difficulty to translate in a faithful manner the actual design problem into any kind of rigid mathematical optimization problem, (ii) the inability of classical optimization tools to efficiently take into account the many distinctive features of optimization problems arising in a design context, and (iii) the unavailability of software tools offering to the designer a powerful as well as congenial environment supporting such capabilities. In this paper, some aspects of these questions are touched upon and avenues are suggested to address them. In particular, a recently proposed interaction driven design methodology is briefly described and numerical optimization schemes satisfying two specific requirements of many design problems are sketched. As an example, the design of a controller for a copolymerization reactor using the Maryland developed CONSOLE system is considered.Item Robustness in the Presence of Joint Parametric Uncertainty and Unmodeled Dynamics.(1988) Fan, Michael K-H.; Tits, A.L.; Doyle, John C.; ISRIt is shown that, in the case of joint real parametric and complex uncertainty, Doyle's structured singular value can be obtained as the solution of a smooth constrained optimization problem. While this problem may have local maxima, an improved computable upper bound to the structured singular value is derived, leading to a sufficient condition for robust stability and performance.Item User's Guide for MUSOL2: A Package for Computing the Structured Singular Value or its Upper Bound.(1988) Fan, Michael K-H.; ISRThe concept of structured singular value was introduced by Doyle [1] as a tool for the analysis and synthesis of feedback systems with structured uncertainties. It is a key to the design of control systems under joint robustness and performance specifications and it very nicely complements the H^{INFINITY} approach to control system design. This report is the user's guide for Version 1.0 of MUSOL2, a set of Fortran and C subroutines designed to compute a good upper bound for (in some cases the exact value of) the structured singular value of a square complex constant matrix with respect to a structure accepting for both real scalar and complex block uncertainties. The driving routine of this package is a Fortran subroutine. Details on the theoretical foundations for the algorithm employed can be found in [2].Item CONSOLE User's Manual.(1987) Fan, Michael K-H.; Koninckx, Jan; Wang, Li-Sheng; Tits, Andre L.; ISRThe CONSOLE tandem is a tool for optimization-based design of a large class of systems. The essential requirements are that a simulator be available for evaluating the performance of instances of the system under consideration and that the parameters to be optimally adjusted vary over a continuous (as opposed to discrete) set of values. Todate, CONSOLE has been used on problems as diverse as design of a controller for a flexible arm, an aircraft, or a copolymerization reactor. The manual is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, the ideas and principles upon which CONSOLE is constructed are outlined and the design methodology underlying CONSOLE is sketched. Chapter 2 introduces the novice user to CONSOLE by way of a simple tutorial example. This chapter is strongly recommended to new users as it leads them step by step through a CONSOLE session. Chapter 3 is entirely devoted to CONVERT. It includes a thorough description of the different data types, assignments and commands that form the CONVERT syntax. Chapter 4 discusses SOLVE. The essential features of the optimization algorithm are outlined and the operation of SOLVE SOLVE is discussed. Special attention is given to the interactive capabilities of SOLVE, in particuar the Pcomb display. In Chapter 5, the question of using an interface between SOLVE and simulators of the user's choice is discussed. A general structure is given. Finally, Chapter 6 presents two design examples. Appendices A and B consist in reference manuals, for CONVERT and SOLVE respectively.
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