Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports
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This archive contains a collection of reports generated by the faculty and students of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), a permanent, interdisciplinary research unit in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. ISR-based projects are conducted through partnerships with industry and government, bringing together faculty and students from multiple academic departments and colleges across the university.
Search Results
Item An Object-Oriented Programming Approach to Implement Global Spectral Methods: Application to Dynamic Simulation of a Chemical Infiltration Process(2000) Huang, Jiefei; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISRBoundary-value problems (BVPs) in relatively simple geometriescan be solved using global spectral methods. These discretizationmethods are applicable to a wide range of problems and are suitablefor a "rapid prototyping" approach to simulator development forcomplex systems.Object-Oriented Programming techniques for solvingBVPs are introduced in this work. Object classes are created toencapsulate trial function sequences, discretized differential andquadrature operators, and other data structures used for spectraldiscretization and projection operations. Operator/functionoverloading subsequently is used to numerically implement theGalerkin projection method. Emphasis is placed on developingnumerical methods suitable for discretizing 2- and 3-dimensionalproblems, integrating the resulting ODE/AE systems in time, andreconstructing the solutions in the physical space. A detailed model of anisothermal carbon-carbon chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) systemwas studied as a true test of the ability of the numerical methods.
Item Modeling and Simulation of a Tungsten Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor(2000) Chang, Hsiao-Yung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISRChemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes are widely used in semiconductor device fabrication to deposit thin films of electronic materials. Physically based CVD modeling and simulation methods have been adopted for reactor design and process optimization applications to satisfy the increasingly strigent processing requirements.In this research, an ULVAC ERA-1000 selective tungsten chemical vapor deposition system located at the University of Maryland was studied where a temperature difference as large as 120 oC between the system wafer temperature reading and the thermocoupled instrumented wafer measurement was found during the manual processing mode.
The goal of this research was to develop a simplified, but accurate, three-dimensional transport model that is capable of describing the observed reactor behavior.
A hybrid approach combining experimental and simulation studies was used for model development. Several sets of experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of process parameters on wafer temperature.
A three-dimensional gas flow and temperature model was developed and used to compute the energy transferred across the gas/wafer interface. System dependent heat transfer parameters were formulated as a nonlinear parameter estimation problem and identified using experimental measurements.
Good agreement was found between the steady-state wafer temperature predictions and experimental data at various gas compositions, and the wafer temperature dynamics were successfully predicted using a temperature model considering the energy exchanges between the thermocouple, wafer, and showerhead.
Item From Detailed Simulation to Model Reduction: Development of Numerical Tools for a Plasma Processing Application(2000) Lin, Yi-hung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISRLow pressure plasma processing is a key step in manufacturing integrated circuits, used both for etching and for enhancing thin film deposition. The plasma discharge reactor systems are characterized by a large number of adjustable parameters and poorly understood transport and reaction mechanisms. This has motivated the vigorous development of models and full scale simulators in the past decade to study various aspects of plasma processing.To increase the utility of existing simulators, model reduction methods must be used to extract the dominant spatial characteristics of the discharge; numerically efficient spectral projection methods are then used to generated the reduced model. These practical needs motivated the development of a set of simulation tools that provide a framework for process simulation, model reduction, and analysis of simulator predictions.
The goals of this thesis were to build this framework by identifying the computationally common elements of semiconductor device manufacturing process simulation, model reduction, and analysis methods, and to test these tools on the difficult problem of RF plasma simulation. The simulation tools were developed as a library of MATLAB functions; the library and demonstration scripts have been distributed through the MWRtools project website.
Item Influence of Gas Composition on Wafer Temperature Control in a Tungsten Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor(2000) Chang, Hsiao-Yung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; Kidder, John N., Jr.; Rubloff, Gary W.; ISRExperimental measurements of wafer temperature in a single-wafer,lamp-heated CVD system were used to study the wafer temperature responseto gas composition. A physically based simulation procedure for theprocess gas and wafer temperature was developed in which a subset ofparameter values were estimated using a nonlinear, iterative parameteridentification method, producing a validated model with true predictivecapabilities.With process heating lamp power held constant, wafertemperature variations of up to 160 degrees K were observed by varying feed gasH_2/N_2 ratio. Heat transfer between the wafer and susceptor wasstudied by shifting the instrumented wafer off the susceptor axis,exposing a portion of the wafer backside to the chamber floor. Modelpredictions and experimental observations both demonstrated that the gasvelocity field had little influence on the observed wafer and predictedgas temperatures.
Item Analysis of a complex activator-inhibitor equation(1999) Justh, Eric W.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSBasic properties of solutions and a Lyapunov functionalare presented for a complex activator-inhibitor equation witha cubic nonlinearity.Potential applications include control of coupled-oscillator arrays(for quasi-optical power combining and phased-array antennas),and control of MEMS actuator arrays (for micro-positioning small items).(This work to appear in Proc. 1999 American Control Conference.)
Item A Collocation/Quadrature-Based Sturm-Liouville Problem Solver(1999) Adomaitis, Raymond A.; Lin, Yi-hung; ISRWe present a computational method for solving a class of boundary-value problemsin Sturm-Liouville form. The algorithms are based on global polynomialcollocation methods and produce discrete representationsof the eigenfunctions. Error control is performed by evaluating theeigenvalue problem residuals generated when the eigenfunctions are interpolatedto a finer discretization grid; eigenfunctions thatproduce residuals exceeding an infinity-norm bound are discarded.Because the computational approach involves the generationof quadrature weights and discrete differentiation operations, our computationalmethods provide a convenient framework for solving boundary-value problemsby eigenfunction expansion and other projection methods.Item Control of Large Actuator Arrays Using Pattern-Forming Systems(1998) Justh, Eric W.; Krishnaprasad, P.S.; ISR; CDCSSPattern-forming systems are used to model many diverse phenomena from biology,chemistry and physics. These systems of differential equations havethe property that as a bifurcation (or control) parameter passes through acritical value, a stable spatially uniform equilibrium state gives way to astable pattern state, which may have spatial variation, time variation, orboth. There is a large body of experimental and mathematical work on pattern-forming systems.However, these ideas have not yet been adequately exploited inengineering, particularly in the control of smart systems; i.e.,feedback systems having large numbers of actuators and sensors. With dramatic recent improvements in micro-actuator and micro-sensortechnology, there is a need for control schemes betterthan the conventional approach of reading out all of the sensor informationto a computer, performing all the necessary computations in a centralizedfashion, and then sending out commands to each individual actuator.Potential applications for large arrays of micro-actuators includeadaptive optics (in particular, micromirror arrays), suppressingturbulence and vortices in fluid boundary-layers, micro-positioning smallparts, and manipulating small quantities of chemical reactants.
The main theoretical result presented is a Lyapunov functional for thecubic nonlinearity activator-inhibitor model pattern-forming system.Analogous Lyapunov functionals then follow for certain generalizations ofthe basic cubic nonlinearity model. One such generalization is a complex activator-inhibitor equation which, under suitable hypotheses,models the amplitude and phase evolution in the continuum limitof a network of coupled van der Pol oscillators, coupled to a network of resonant circuits, with an external oscillating input. Potentialapplications for such coupled van der Pol oscillator networks includequasi-optical power combining and phased-array antennas.
In addition to the Lyapunov functional, a Lyapunov function for the truncated modal dynamics is derived, and the Lyapunov functional isalso used to analyze the stability of certain equilibria. Basic existence, uniqueness, regularity, and dissipativity properties ofsolutions are also verified, engineering realizations of the dynamicsare discussed, and finally, some of the potential applications areexplored.
Item Efficient Implementation of Controllers for Large Scale Linear Systems via Wavelet Packet Transforms(1998) Kantor, George A.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSIn this paper we present a method of efficiently implementing controllers for linear systems with large numbers of sensors and actuators. It is well known that singular value decomposition can be used to diagonalize any real matrix. Here, we use orthogonal transforms from the wavelet packet to "approximate" SVD of the plant matrix. This yields alternatebases for the input and output vector which allow for feedback control using local information. This fact allows for the efficient computation of a feedback control law in the alternate bases. Since the wavelet packet transforms are also computationally efficient,this method provides a good alternative to direct implementation of a controller matrix for large systems.This paper was presented at the 32nd CISS, March 18-21, 1998.
Item A Lyapunov Functional for the Cubic Nonlinearity Activator-Inhibitor Model Equation(1998) Justh, Eric W.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSThe cubic nonlinearity activator-inhibitor model equation is a simpleexample of a pattern-forming system for which strong mathematical resultscan be obtained. Basic properties of solutions and the derivation ofa Lyapunov functional for the cubic nonlinearity model are presented.Potential applications include control of large MEMS actuator arrays.(In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, December 16-18, 1998)Item A Computational Framework for Boundary-Value Problem Based Simulations(1998) Adomaitis, Raymond A.; Lin, Yi-hung; Chang, Hsiao-Yung; ISRA framework is presented for step-by-step implementation of weighted-residualmethods (MWR) for simulations that require the solution ofboundary-value problems. A set of Matlab-based functions ofthe computationally common MWR solution steps has beendeveloped and is used in the application of eigenfunction expansion,collocation, and Galerkin-projection discretizations oftime-dependent, distributed-parameter system models. Fourindustrially relevant examples taken from electronic materialsand chemical processing applications are used to demonstrate thesimulation approach developed.