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    Integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in tilapia gonads at an early stage of sex differentiation
    (Springer Nature, 2016-05-04) Tao, Wenjing; Sun, Lina; Shi, Hongjuan; Cheng, Yunying; Jiang, Dongneng; Fu, Beide; Conte, Matthew A.; Gammerdinger, William J.; Kocher, Thomas D.; Wang, Deshou
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent a second regulatory network that has important effects on gene expression and protein translation during biological process. However, the possible role of miRNAs in the early stages of fish sex differentiation is not well understood. In this study, we carried an integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles to explore their possibly regulatory patterns at the critical stage of sex differentiation in tilapia. We identified 279 pre-miRNA genes in tilapia genome, which were highly conserved in other fish species. Based on small RNA library sequencing, we identified 635 mature miRNAs in tilapia gonads, in which 62 and 49 miRNAs showed higher expression in XX and XY gonads, respectively. The predicted targets of these sex-biased miRNAs (e.g., miR-9, miR-21, miR-30a, miR-96, miR-200b, miR-212 and miR-7977) included genes encoding key enzymes in steroidogenic pathways (Cyp11a1, Hsd3b, Cyp19a1a, Hsd11b) and key molecules involved in vertebrate sex differentiation (Foxl2, Amh, Star1, Sf1, Dmrt1, and Gsdf). These genes also showed sex-biased expression in tilapia gonads at 5 dah. Some miRNAs (e.g., miR-96 and miR-737) targeted multiple genes involved in steroid synthesis, suggesting a complex miRNA regulatory network during early sex differentiation in this fish. The sequence and expression patterns of most miRNAs in tilapia are conserved in fishes, indicating the basic functions of vertebrate miRNAs might share a common evolutionary origin. This comprehensive analysis of miRNA and mRNA at the early stage of molecular sex differentiation in tilapia XX and XY gonads lead to the discovery of differentially expressed miRNAs and their putative targets, which will facilitate studies of the regulatory network of molecular sex determination and differentiation in fishes.
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    A high quality assembly of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genome reveals the structure of two sex determination regions
    (Springer Nature, 2017-05-02) Conte, Matthew A.; Gammerdinger, William J.; Bartie, Kerry L.; Penman, David J.; Kocher, Thomas D.
    Tilapias are the second most farmed fishes in the world and a sustainable source of food. Like many other fish, tilapias are sexually dimorphic and sex is a commercially important trait in these fish. In this study, we developed a significantly improved assembly of the tilapia genome using the latest genome sequencing methods and show how it improves the characterization of two sex determination regions in two tilapia species. A homozygous clonal XX female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was sequenced to 44X coverage using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) SMRT sequencing. Dozens of candidate de novo assemblies were generated and an optimal assembly (contig NG50 of 3.3Mbp) was selected using principal component analysis of likelihood scores calculated from several paired-end sequencing libraries. Comparison of the new assembly to the previous O. niloticus genome assembly reveals that recently duplicated portions of the genome are now well represented. The overall number of genes in the new assembly increased by 27.3%, including a 67% increase in pseudogenes. The new tilapia genome assembly correctly represents two recent vasa gene duplication events that have been verified with BAC sequencing. At total of 146Mbp of additional transposable element sequence are now assembled, a large proportion of which are recent insertions. Large centromeric satellite repeats are assembled and annotated in cichlid fish for the first time. Finally, the new assembly identifies the long-range structure of both a ~9Mbp XY sex determination region on LG1 in O. niloticus, and a ~50Mbp WZ sex determination region on LG3 in the related species O. aureus. This study highlights the use of long read sequencing to correctly assemble recent duplications and to characterize repeat-filled regions of the genome. The study serves as an example of the need for high quality genome assemblies and provides a framework for identifying sex determining genes in tilapia and related fish species.
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    Comparative analysis of a sex chromosome from the blackchin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron
    (BioMed Central, 2016) Gammerdinger, William J.; Conte, Matthew A.; Baroiller, Jean-François; D’Cotta, Helena; Kocher, Thomas D.
    Background: Inversions and other structural polymorphisms often reduce the rate of recombination between sex chromosomes, making it impossible to fine map sex-determination loci using traditional genetic mapping techniques. Here we compare distantly related species of tilapia that each segregate an XY system of sex-determination on linkage group 1. We use whole genome sequencing to identify shared sex-patterned polymorphisms, which are candidates for the ancestral sex-determination mutation. Results: We found that Sarotherodon melanotheron segregates an XY system on LG1 in the same region identified in Oreochromis niloticus. Both species have higher densities of sex-patterned SNPs, as well as elevated number of ancestral copy number variants in this region when compared to the rest of the genome, but the pattern of differentiation along LG1 differs between species. The number of sex-patterned SNPs shared by the two species is small, but larger than expected by chance, suggesting that a novel Y-chromosome arose just before the divergence of the two species. We identified a shared sex-patterned SNP that alters a Gata4 binding site near Wilms tumor protein that might be responsible for sex-determination. Conclusions: Shared sex-patterned SNPs, insertions and deletions suggest an ancestral sex-determination system that is common to both S. melanotheron and O. niloticus. Functional analyses are needed to evaluate shared SNPs near candidate genes that might play a role in sex-determination of these species. Interspecific variation in the sex chromosomes of tilapia species provides an excellent model system for understanding the evolution of vertebrate sex chromosomes.
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    Structure and decay of a proto-Y region in Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
    (BioMed Central, 2014) Gammerdinger, William J.; Conte, Matthew A.; Acquah, Enoch A.; Roberts, Reade B.; Kocher, Thomas D.
    Sex-determination genes drive the evolution of adjacent chromosomal regions. Sexually antagonistic selection favors the accumulation of inversions that reduce recombination in regions adjacent to the sex-determination gene. Once established, the clonal inheritance of sex-linked inversions leads to the accumulation of deleterious alleles, repetitive elements and a gradual decay of sex-linked genes. This in turn creates selective pressures for the evolution of mechanisms that compensate for the unequal dosage of gene expression. Here we use whole genome sequencing to characterize the structure of a young sex chromosome and quantify sex-specific gene expression in the developing gonad. We found an 8.8 Mb block of strong differentiation between males and females that corresponds to the location of a previously mapped sex-determiner on linkage group 1 of Oreochromis niloticus. Putatively disruptive mutations are found in many of the genes within this region. We also found a significant female-bias in the expression of genes within the block of differentiation compared to those outside the block of differentiation. Eight candidate sex-determination genes were identified within this region. This study demonstrates a block of differentiation on linkage group 1, suggestive of an 8.8 Mb inversion encompassing the sex-determining locus. The enrichment of female-biased gene expression inside the proposed inversion suggests incomplete dosage compensation. This study helps establish a model for studying the early-to-intermediate stages of sex chromosome evolution.