Technical Reports from UMIACS
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Item Model Checking Concurrent Systems with Unbounded Integer Variables: Symbolic Representations, Approximations and Experimental Results(1998-10-15) Bultan, Tevfik; Gerber, Richard; Pugh, WilliamModel checking is a powerful technique for analyzing large, finite-state systems. In an infinite-state system, however, many basic properties are undecidable. In this paper, we present a new symbolic model checker which conservatively evaluates safety and liveness properties on infinite-state programs. We use Presburger formulas to symbolically encode a program's transition system, as well as its model-checking computations. All fixpoint calculations are executed symbolically, and their convergence is guaranteed by using approximation techniques. We demonstrate the promise of this technology on some well-known infinite-state concurrency problems. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-98-07)Item Iteration Space Slicing and Its Application to Communication Optimization(1998-10-15) Pugh, William; Rosser, EvanProgram slicing is an analysis that answers questions such as ``Which statements might affect the computation of variable $v$ at statement $s$?'' or ``Which statements depend on the value of $v$ computed in statement $s$?''. The answers computed by program slicing are generally a set of statements. We introduce the idea of {\em iteration spacing slicing}: we refine program slicing to ask questions such as ``Which iterations of which statements might effect the computation in iterations $I$ of statement $s$?'' or ``Which iterations of which statements depend on the value computed by iterations $I$ of statement $s$?''. One application of this general-purpose technique is optimization of interprocessor communication in data-parallel compilers. For example, we can separate a code fragment into 1) those iterations that must be done before a send, 2) those iterations that don't need to be done before a send and don't depend on non-local data and 3), those iterations that depend on non-local data. We examine applications of iteration space slicing to communication optimizations in parallel executions of programs such as stencil computations and block-cyclic Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-02)Item Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite State Programs Using Presburger Artihmetic(1998-10-15) Bultan, Tevfik; Gerber, Richard; Pugh, WilliamModel checking is a powerful technique for analyzing large, finite-state systems. In an infinite transition system, however, many basic properties are undecidable. In this paper we present a new symbolic model checker which conservatively evaluates safety and liveness properties on infinite-state programs. We use Presburger formulas to symbolically encode a program's transition system, as well as its model-checking computations. All fixpoint calculations are executed symbolically, and their convergence is guaranteed by using approximation techniques. We demonstrate the promise of this technology on some well-known infinite-state concurrency problems. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-66)Item Exploiting Monotone Convergence Functions in Parallel Programs(1998-10-15) Pugh, William; Rosser, Evan; Shpeisman, TatianaScientific codes which use iterative methods are often difficult to parallelize well. Such codes usually contain \code{while} loops which iterate until they converge upon the solution. Problems arise since the number of iterations cannot be determined at compile time, and tests for termination usually require a global reduction and an associated barrier. We present a method which allows us avoid performing global barriers and exploit pipelined parallelism when processors can detect non-convergence from local information. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-31.1)Item Minimizing Communication while Preserving Parallelism(1998-10-15) Kelly, Wayne; Pugh, WilliamTo compile programs for message passing architectures and to obtain good performance on NUMA architectures it is necessary to control how computations and data are mapped to processors. Languages such as High-Performance Fortran use data distributions supplied by the programmer and the owner computes rule to specify this. However, the best data and computation decomposition may differ from machine to machine and require substantial expertise to determine. Therefore, automated decomposition is desirable. All existing methods for automated data/computation decomposition share a common failing: they are very sensitive to the original loop structure of the program. While they find a good decomposition for that loop structure, it may be possible to apply transformations (such as loop interchange and distribution) so that a different decomposition gives even better results. We have developed automatic data/computation decomposition methods that are not sensitive to the original program structure. We can model static and dynamic data decompositions as well as computation decompositions that cannot be represented by data decompositions and the owner computes rule. We make use of both parallel loops and doacross/pipelined loops to exploit parallelism. We describe an automated translation of the decomposition problem into a weighted graph that incorporates estimates of both parallelism and communication for various candidate computation decompositions. We solve the resulting search problem exactly in a very short time using a new algorithm that has shown to be able to prune away a majority of the vast search space. We assume that the selection of the computation decomposition is followed by a transformation phase that reorders the iterations to best match the selected computation decomposition. Our graph includes constraints to ensure that a reordering transformation giving the predicted parallelism exists. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-118)Item Transitive Closure of Infinite Graphs and its Applications(1998-10-15) Kelly, Wayne; Pugh, William; Rosser, Evan; Shpeisman, TatianaInteger tuple relations can concisely summarize many types of information gathered from analysis of scientific codes. For example they can be used to precisely describe which iterations of a statement are data dependent of which other iterations. It is generally not possible to represent these tuple relations by enumerating the related pairs of tuples. For example, it is impossible to enumerate the related pairs of tuples in the relation {[i] -> [i+2] | 1 <= i <= n-2}. Even when it is possible to enumerate the related pairs of tuples, such as for the relation {[i,j] -> [i',j'] | 1 <= i,j,i',j' <= 100}, it is often not practical to do so. We instead use a closed form description by specifying a predicate consisting of affine constraints on the related pairs of tuples. As we just saw, these affine constraints can be parameterized, so what we are really describing are infinite families of relations (or graphs). Many of our applications of tuple relations rely heavily on an operation called transitive closure. Computing the transitive closure of these "infinite graphs" is very different from the traditional problem of computing the transitive closure of a graph whose edges can be enumerated. For example, the transitive closure of the first relation above is the relation {[i] -> [i'] | exists beta s.t. i'-i = 2beta and 1 <= i <= i' <= n}. As we will prove, this computation is not computable in the general case. We have developed algorithms that produce exact results in most commonly occurring cases and produce upper or lower bounds (as necessary) in the other cases. This paper will describe our algorithms for computing transitive closure and some of its applications such as determining which inter-processor synchronizations are redundant. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-48)Item A Unifying Framework for Iteration Reordering Transformations(1998-10-15) Kelly, Wayne; Pugh, WilliamWe present a framework for unifying iteration reordering transformations such as loop interchange, loop distribution, skewing, tiling, index set splitting and statement reordering. The framework is based on the idea that a transformation can be represented as a mapping from the original iteration space to a new iteration space. The framework is designed to provide a uniform way to represent and reason about transformations. We also provide algorithms to test the legality of mappings, and to generate optimized code for mappings. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-30)Item Nonlinear Array Dependence Analysis(1998-10-15) Pugh, William; Wonnacott, DavidStandard array data dependence techniques can only reason about linear constraints. There has also been work on analyzing some dependences involving polynomial constraints. Analyzing array data dependences in real-world programs requires handling many ``unanalyzable'' terms: subscript arrays, run-time tests, function calls. The standard approach to analyzing such programs has been to omit and ignore any constraints that cannot be reasoned about. This is unsound when reasoning about value-based dependences and whether privatization is legal. Also, this prevents us from determining the conditions that must be true to disprove the dependence. These conditions could be checked by a run-time test or verified by a programmer or aggressive, demand-driven interprocedural analysis. We describe a solution to these problems. Our solution makes our system sound and more accurate for analyzing value-based dependences and derives conditions that can be used to disprove dependences. We also give some preliminary results from applying our techniques to programs from the Perfect benchmark suite. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-123)Item Experiences with Constraint-based Array Dependence Analysis(1998-10-15) Pugh, William; Wonnacott, DavidArray data dependence analysis provides important information for optimization of scientific programs. Array dependence testing can be viewed as constraint analysis, although traditionally general-purpose constraint manipulation algorithms have been thought to be too slow for dependence analysis. We have explored the use of exact constraint analysis, based on Fourier's method, for array data dependence analysis. We have found these techniques can be used without a great impact on total compile time. Furthermore, the use of general-purpose algorithms has allowed us to address problems beyond traditional dependence analysis. In this paper, we summarize some of the constraint manipulation techniques we use for dependence analysis, and discuss some of the reasons for our performance results. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-122)Item Code Generation for Multiple Mappings(1998-10-15) Kelly, Wayne; Pugh, William; Rosser, EvanThere has been a great amount of recent work toward unifying iteration reordering transformations. Many of these approaches represent transformations as affine mappings from the original iteration space to a new iteration space. These approaches show a great deal of promise, but they all rely on the ability to generate code that iterates over the points in these new iteration spaces in the appropriate order. This problem has been fairly well-studied in the case where all statements use the same mapping. We have developed an algorithm for the less well-studied case where each statement uses a potentially different mapping. Unlike many other approaches, our algorithm can also generate code from mappings corresponding to loop blocking. We address the important trade-off between reducing control overhead and duplicating code. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-87.1)
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