Mechanical Engineering Theses and Dissertations
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Item MANUFACTURABILITY AND RELIABILITY OF ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED PLANAR TRANSFORMER WINDINGS USING SILVER-BASED PASTE(2023) Yun, He; McCluskey, F. Patrick; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)This dissertation is primarily concerned with the integration of additive manufacturing (AM) techniques into planar magnetics to achieve more efficient designs for power modules, which are in high demand. The two main focuses of this dissertation are: (1) the use of a paste-based AM technique called syringe-printing to create planar transformer windings without the need for pressure, using silver-based paste. The dissertation will address manufacturing considerations such as trace width, gaps, and heights that are printable, as well as the impact of electrical resistivity on the sintering process for the syringe-printed silver-based windings; and (2) the evaluation of the reliability of the syringe-printed silver-based windings, which will involve assessing adhesion performance between the metal/ceramic interface, conducting accelerated life tests (including thermal aging and thermal cycling tests), and identifying failure modes, failure sites, failure mechanisms, and developing degradation/failure models.In order to achieve the desired printing geometry in terms of width and gaps between segments, printing settings were studied parametrically by fitting targeted values with actual values. A low-temperature sintering profile was optimized, with a dwell time of 8 hours at 350°C resulting in a resistivity as low as 4.39E-8 Ω∙m, which was approximately 2.5 times higher than bulk silver. To improve bonding prior to syringe-printing the silver-based windings, it was suggested that an adhesive layer consisting of titanium (Ti) and silver (Ag) be deposited onto the alumina substrate. A degradation model was developed for thermal aging tests. Two batches of single-layer 7-turn syringe-printed windings were subjected to thermal cycling tests, and the corresponding failure modes and mechanisms were investigated. The failure data was used to combine with the strain-energy density extracted from the finite element simulation to develop the fatigue model, with the Coffin-Mason model being fitted for future comparison. A more conservative model could be recommended for real-world applications. Finally, the silver-based paste was syringe-printed onto a cooler with a limited footprint area, which served as the primary and secondary planar transformer board and was used in a 10 kW DC-DC full-bridge power converter with 97% efficiency. Corresponding thermal and electrical performance were discussed.Item Application of Diagnostics and Prognostics Techniques to Qualification Against Wear-Out Failure(2022) Ram, Abhishek; Das, Diganta; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)QUALIFICATION IS A PROCESS THAT DEMONSTRATES WHETHER A PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS. TESTING AND DATA ANALYSIS PERFORMED WITHIN A QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE SHOULD VERIFY IF PRODUCTS SATISFY THOSE REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS. MOST OF THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY QUALIFIES PRODUCTS USING PROCEDURES DICTATED WITHIN QUALIFICATION STANDARDS. A REVIEW OF COMMON QUALIFICATION STANDARDS REVEALS THAT THOSE STANDARDS DO NOT CONSIDER CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS OR THE PRODUCT PHYSICS-OF-FAILURE IN THAT INTENDED APPLICATION. AS A RESULT, QUALIFICATION, AS REPRESENTED IN THE REVIEWED QUALIFICATION STANDARDS, WOULD NOT MEET OUR DEFINITION OF QUALIFICATION FOR RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT. THIS THESIS PROVIDES AN APPLICATION-SPECIFIC APPROACH FOR DEVELOPING A QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE THAT ACCOUNTS FOR CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS, PRODUCT PHYSICS-OF-FAILURE, AND KNOWLEDGE OF PRODUCT BEHAVIOR UNDER LOADING. THIS THESIS PROVIDES A REVAMPED APPROACH FOR DEVELOPING A LIFE CYCLE PROFILE THAT ACCOUNTS FOR LOADING THROUGHOUT MANUFACTURING/ASSEMBLY, STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION, AND OPERATION. THE THESIS ALSO DISCUSSES IDENTIFYING VARIATIONS IN THE LIFE CYCLE PROFILE THAT MAY ARISE THROUGHOUT THE PRODUCT LIFETIME AND METHODS FOR ESTIMATING LOADS. THIS UPDATED APPROACH FOR DEVELOPING A LIFE CYCLE PROFILE SUPPORTS BETTER FAILURE PRIORITIZATION, TEST SELECTION, AND TEST CONDITION AND DURATION REQUIREMENT ESTIMATION. ADDITIONALLY, THIS THESIS INTRODUCES THE APPLICATION OF DIAGNOSTICS AND PROGNOSTICS TECHNIQUES TO ANALYZE REAL-TIME DATA TRENDS WHILE CONDUCTING QUALIFICATION TESTS. DIAGNOSTICS TECHNIQUES IDENTIFY ANOMALOUS BEHAVIOR EXHIBITED BY THE PRODUCT, AND PROGNOSTICS TECHNIQUES FORECAST HOW THE PRODUCT WILL BEHAVE DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE QUALIFICATION TEST AND HOW THE PRODUCT WOULD HAVE BEHAVED IF THE TEST CONTINUED. AS A RESULT, COMBINING DIAGNOSTICS AND PROGNOSTICS TECHNIQUES CAN ENABLE THE PREDICTION OF THE REMAINING TIME-TO-FAILURE FOR THE PRODUCT UNDERGOING QUALIFICATION. SEVERAL ANCILLARY BENEFITS RELATED TO AN IMPROVED TESTING STRATEGY, PARTS SELECTION AND MANAGEMENT, AND SUPPORT OF A PROGNOSTICS AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN OPERATION ALSO ARISE FROM APPLYING PROGNOSTICS AND DIAGNOSTICS TECHNIQUES TO QUALIFICATION.Item ESTIMATING THE RELIABILITY OF A NEW CONSUMER PRODUCT USING USER SURVEY DATA AND RELIABILITY TEST DATA(2022) Shafiei, Neda; Modarres, Mohammad; Herrmann, Jeffrey W.; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Because new products enter the market rapidly, estimating their reliability is challenging due to insufficient historical data. User survey data about similar devices (e.g., older versions of the new device) can be used as the prior information in a Bayesian analysis integrated with evidence in the form of product returns, reliability tests, and other reliability data sources to improve reliability estimation and test specification of the new product. User surveys are usually designed for purposes other than reliability estimation. Therefore, extracting reliability information from these surveys may be tricky or impossible. Even when possible, the extracted reliability information contains significant uncertainties. This dissertation introduces the critical elements of a reliability-informed user survey and offers methods for collecting them. A generic and flexible mathematical approach is then proposed. This approach uses the survey and reliability test data of similar products, for example, an older generation of the same product as prior knowledge. Then it combines them through a formal Bayesian analysis with the reliability test data to estimate the life distribution of the new product. The approach models continuous life distributions for products exposed to many damage-induced cycles. It proposes discrete life distribution models for products whose failures occur within several damaging cycles. The actual cycles for various applicable damaging stress profiles are converted into the equivalent (pseudo) cycles under a reference stress profile. When damage-induced cycles are estimated from user surveys, they may involve biases, as is the nature of most nontechnical users’ responses. This bias is minimized using an approach based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence method. The survey data and other evidence from similar products are then combined with the test data of the new product to estimate the parameters of the reliability model of the new product. The dissertation developed approaches to design reliability test specifications for a new product with unknown failure modes. The number of samples, stress levels, and the number of cycles for the accelerated life test are determined based on the manufacturer’s requirements, including the desired warranty time, the desired reliability with some confidence level at the warranty time, and the maximum number of samples. The actual use conditions (i.e., actual stress profiles and usage cycles) are grouped using clustering techniques. The centers of clusters are then used to design frequency-accelerated or stress-accelerated reliability tests. The application of the proposed reliability estimation approach and the test specification design approach is illustrated and used to validate the proposed algorithms using the simulated datasets for a hypothetical handheld electronic device with the failure mode of cracking caused by accidental drops. The proposed approaches can adequately estimate the reliability model and design test specifications for a wide range of consumer products. These approaches require reliability data about an existing product that is similar to the new product, however.Item Bayesian Methodology for Reliability Growth Planning and Projection for Discrete-Use Systems Utilizing Multi-Source Data(2021) Nation, Paul John; Modarres, Mohammad; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)This research aims to present a Bayesian model for reliability growth projection and planning for discrete-use systems suitable for use throughout all stages of system development. Traditional discrete-use models for reliability growth utilize test data from individual test events at the current stage of development. They often neglect the inclusion of historical information from previous tests, testing similar systems, or eliciting expert opinion. Examining and using data attained from prior bench analyses, sub-system tests, or user trial events often fails to occur or is conducted poorly. Additionally, no current approach permits the probabilistic treatment of the initial system reliability at the commencement of the test program in conjunction with the management variables that may change throughout the execution of the test plan.This research aims to contribute to the literature in several ways. Firstly, a new Bayesian model is developed from first principles, which considers the uncertainty surrounding discrete-use systems under arbitrary corrective action regimes to address failure modes. This differs from current models that fail to address the randomized times that corrective actions to observed failure modes may be implemented depending on the selected management strategy. Some current models only utilize the first observed failure on test, meaning a significant loss of information transpires if subsequent failures are ignored. Additionally, the proposed strategy permits a probabilistic assessment of the test program, accounting for uncertainty in several management variables. The second contribution seeks to extend the Bayesian discrete-use system projection model by considering aspects of developmental, acceptance, and operational testing to formulate a holistic reliability growth plan framework that extends over the entire system lifecycle. The proposed approach considers the posterior distribution from each phase of reliability growth testing as the prior for the following growth test event. The same methodology is then employed using the posterior from the final phase of reliability growth testing as the prior for acceptance testing. It then follows that the acceptance testing posterior distribution forms the prior for subsequent operational testing through a Bayesian learning method. The approach reduces unrealistic and unattainable reliability demonstration testing that may result from a purely statistical analysis. The proposed methodology also permits planning for combined developmental and acceptance test activities within a financially constrained context. Finally, the research seeks to define an approach to effectively communicate developmental system reliability growth plans and risks to decision makers. Like many of their other specialist science peers, reliability professionals are fantastic communicators – with other reliability practitioners. However, when reliability professionals move beyond their world to make an impact, they often face the same challenge scientists from every discipline face – the difficulties of clearly communicating science to their audience.Item DEEP ADVERSARIAL APPROACHES IN RELIABILITY(2020) Verstraete, David Benjamin; Modarres, Mohammad; Reliability Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Reliability engineering has long been proposed with the problem of predicting failures using all available data. As modeling techniques have become more sophisticated, so too have the data sources from which reliability engineers can draw conclusions. The Internet of Things (IoT) and cheap sensing technologies have ushered in a new expansive set of multi-dimensional big machinery data in which previous reliability engineering modeling techniques remain ill-equipped to handle. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation is to develop and advance reliability engineering research by proposing four comprehensive deep learning methodologies to handle these big machinery data sets. In this dissertation, a supervised fault diagnostic deep learning approach with applications to the rolling element bearings incorporating a deep convolutional neural network on time-frequency images was developed. A semi-supervised generative adversarial networks-based approach to fault diagnostics using the same time-frequency images was proposed. The time-frequency images were used again in the development of an unsupervised generative adversarial network-based methodology for fault diagnostics. Finally, to advance the studies of remaining useful life prediction, a mathematical formulation and subsequent methodology to combine variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks within a state-space modeling framework to achieve both unsupervised and semi-supervised remaining useful life estimation was proposed. All four proposed contributions showed state of the art results for both fault diagnostics and remaining useful life estimation. While this research utilized publicly available rolling element bearings and turbofan engine data sets, this research is intended to be a comprehensive approach such that it can be applied to a data set of the engineer’s chosen field. This research highlights the potential for deep learning-based approaches within reliability engineering problems.Item Utilization of Data and Models for Commercial off-the Shelf (COTS) Electronic Component Selection and Reliability Assessment(2018) Elburn, Edmond; Pecht, Michael; Das, Diganta; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)The continued growth of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts in electronic systems and hesitance of use in some applications necessitates the development of methods to evaluate part reliability. An information-based reliability evaluation method has been developed based on failure mechanism models incorporating application conditions and part parameters. The sources of the information necessary for COTS parts were identified along with the information these sources provide. The sources were contrasted with the information required for military, space, or automotive grade parts. Multiple methods of approximating the application conditions and part parameters were developed and incorporated into the reliability methodology along with the impacts of uncertainty levels on the reliability prediction. An evaluation of information availability was completed, and metrics were developed to quantify the thermal and material information provided for parts. An analysis of 22 COTS parts evaluated the metrics’ effectiveness, and reliability estimations compared the changes in part parameters and conditions.Item INFLUENCE OF GAS FLOW RATES ON TRACE QUALITY AND RELIABILITY IN A SELECTED CONDUCTOR INK PRINTED WITH AN AEROSOL JET PRINTER(2018) Dalal, Neil; Dasgupta, Abhijit; Das, Siddhartha; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Preliminary comparisons conducted between two aerosol jet printed samples, an interconnect-over-fillet specimen and baseline test coupons, revealed strong differences in surface agglomeration characteristics. These differences were subsequently found to be strongly correlated with differences in thermal cycling durability. One potential cause could be the differences in the carrier and sheath gas flow rates at which the nanoparticle ink was deposited onto the substrate during the AJP process. A parametric study was conducted to explore any relationship between gas flow rates and print quality. Serpentine test structures were aerosol jet printed at parametrically varied carrier and sheath gas flow rates. For each serpentine, its macroscale and micromorphological features were assessed as quality metrics and investigated for a potential relationship with gas flow rates. Future studies will subject these printed serpentine test structures of varying quality to thermal cycling to establish possible correlations between gas flow rate and thermal cycling durability.Item ADVANCED STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR TAIL-END PROBABILITY PREDICTION AND PERFORMANCE RESPONSE CALCULATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR PACKAGING PRODUCTS WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF INPUT VARIABLES(2018) Wei, Hsiu-Ping; Han, Bongtae; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Stochastic reliability modeling capabilities are developed and implemented for semiconductor packaging problems with a very large number of input variables (> 10 input variables). The capabilities are aimed at three critical areas in the semiconductor packaging product development: (1) prediction of tail-end probability (i.e., assembly yield loss) by advanced uncertainty propagation (UP) analyses, (2) determination of the statistical distributions of unknown design and/or manufacturing parameters by advanced statistical model calibrations, and (3) determination of the performance response of high-dimensional problems by developing an advanced metamodeling scheme. In the first part, a comprehensive stochastic model is proposed and implemented to predict package-on-package (PoP) stacking yield loss based on non-contact open. The model takes into account all pad locations at the stacking interface while considering the statistical variations of warpages as well as solder ball and joint heights. The goal is achieved by employing (1) advanced approximate integration-based approach, called eigenvector dimension reduction (EDR) method, for the UP analysis; (2) the stress-strength interference (SSI), and (3) the union of events. The proposed approach is capable of handling the number of input variables much larger than that has been conceived as the practical limit of the UP analysis. The model can be used effectively to control the input uncertainties, and thus to achieve a yield goal for a given set of PoP designs. In the second part, the unknown statistical distributions of two effective elastic properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joint of leadless chip resistors (LCRs), induced by an assembly condition, are determined by the advanced statistical model calibration. The UP analysis also utilizes the EDR method, which allows to take into account the statistical variations of six additional known input variables, including die thickness, solder joint height, termination length, and thickness and elastic moduli of a printed circuit board. The cyclic bending test results of LCR assemblies are used in conjunction with the maximum likelihood metric to obtain the statistical distributions of the effective properties. The cycles-to-failure distribution of the identical LCR assemblies subjected to a different loading level is predicted accurately by the calibrated model, which corroborates the validity of the proposed approach. In the third part, an advanced metamodeling scheme, called partitioned bivariate Cut-high dimensional model representation (PB Cut-HDMR), is developed to consider the statistical correlation among input variables and to further reduce the computational burden encountered for high-dimensional problems without compromising accuracy. The statistical correlation is handled by eigen-decomposition of a covariance matrix. The latter is achieved by the HDMR-factorial design (HDMR-FD) hybrid method. The validity of the proposed scheme is verified by comparing the performance of the proposed scheme with the full bivariate Cut-HDMR. The proposed scheme is implemented successfully to construct an accurate metamodel for a problem with 12 input variables among which 2 pairs are correlated.Item EFFECT OF LONG-TERM AGING ON LEAD-FREE SOLDER AND SURFACE FINISH(2017) Pandian, Guru Prasad; Pecht, Michael G; Das, Diganta; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Since 2006, commercial electronics manufacturers have been banned from using lead-based materials and other toxic materials in their products due to the RoHS directive from the European Union. This led to industries transitioning to lead-free materials to be used in solder and surface finishes of their products. Although all of commercial electronics industry has transitioned to lead-free materials, some of the reliability and safety critical products used in industries such as defense, aerospace, automobile, and healthcare sectors are still exempted from the lead-free regulation. These industries are hesitant to transition to lead-free due to lack of data and hence the confidence on the long-term reliability of lead-free electronics. Known issues of tin whiskers and solder interconnect fatigue which can arise later in a products life have raised concerns related to the use of lead-free materials in electronic assemblies. To address these concerns, 10 year old lead-free systems were examined to determine the solder interconnect degradation level and tin whisker risk level.Item Reliability of Copper-Filled Stacked Microvias in High Density Interconnect Circuit Boards(2017) Ning, Yan; Pecht, Michael; Azarian, Michael H; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)The electronics industry strives to produce affordable, lightweight, and reliable products with higher performance. At the electronic component level, this translates to components with increased I/Os and reduced footprints, and on the package substrate and printed circuit board (PCB) level, to the use of high density interconnects (HDIs). HDI technology makes use of microvias as interconnects between different conductor layers. According to IPC standards, microvias are blind or buried vias that are equal to or less than 150 μm in diameter. Advances in miniaturized electronic devices have led to the evolution of microvias from single-level to stacked structures that intersect multiple HDI layers. A stacked microvia is usually filled with electroplated copper to make electrical interconnections and provide structural support. A challenge for HDI circuit board processing is to fabricate microvias without generating defects in the deposited copper structures. Firstly, the copper plating process can easily generate voids in microvias. When voids are present, localized stress concentrations within the electrodeposited copper structure can degrade the reliability of microvias. Secondly, poor quality of electroless copper (a process step following microvia hole drilling and prior to electrolytic copper plating, that makes the microvia hole conductive) results in inferior bonding between the base of the microvia and the target pad underneath the microvia. Microvia base and target pad interface separation is a common failure observed in HDI circuit boards. The objectives of this dissertation are to determine the effects of voids on the lifetime of copper-filled stacked microvias, and to develop an analytical model that the electronics industry can use to predict microvia fatigue life and assess risks associated with production and use of the latest generation of HDI circuit boards. The dissertation also aims to quantitatively address the factors that affect microvia interface separation. A parametric study was conducted to investigate the effects of voids on the thermo-mechanical reliability of copper-filled stacked microvias using 3-D finite element analysis and strain-based fatigue life estimation. It was found that microvia fatigue life is affected by geometrical void characteristics, such as shape, size, and location; microvia aspect ratio; and material properties of dielectric layers. Large voids decrease the lifetime of microvias—for example, a 16% conical void results in a microvia fatigue life that is only 1.4% of that of a non-voided microvia. Moreover, microvia aspect ratio and z-axis coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the HDI dielectric material are critical parameters for the lifetime. The fatigue life of a voided microvia of 0.25 aspect ratio is more than two orders of magnitude longer than the fatigue life of a voided microvia of 0.75 aspect ratio with the same void size. An increase of the z-axis CTE by 40% (from 50 ppm/°C to 70 ppm/°C) decreases the microvia fatigue life by 95%. As an outgrowth of this study, a microvia virtual qualification method was proposed. Using the combination of finite element analysis and fatigue life estimation, the required amount of HDI board reliability testing will be reduced, cutting overall development time and cost. The factors that affect microvia fatigue life were examined, and a design of experiment (finite element simulation) was performed to quantify the effects of those factors on microvia lifetime in terms of cycles to failure. A second-order regression life prediction model was developed using response surface mothed (RSM) to predict cycles to failure of copper-filled stacked microvias under thermal loading. The life prediction model accounts for not only the microvia design parameters and material properties, but also voiding defects introduced during the manufacturing process. The model can predict cycles-to-failure of microvias without voids and with voids of different sizes. The electronics industry can use this model as a convenient and inexpensive tool for HDI design and process validation. This is the first known regression model for copper-filled stacked microvia life prediction. Finally, the factors that affect microvia interface separation were quantitatively addressed. Finite element modeling was used to simulate microvias with imperfect electroless copper layers. This study revealed how thermal loadings and structure flaws (in terms of initial crack length) affect the chance of microvia interface separation.