Mechanical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

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    (2014) Huang, Dale Hsien-Yi; Yang, Bao; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation addresses the need to develop a scalable and standalone power generator for personal, commercial, and military transportation and communication systems. The standalone thermoelectric power generator (TPG) converts heat to electrical power in a unique way that does not draw on conventional power sources like batteries. A TPG is comprised of four main components: a heat source, thermoelectric modules, a heat sink, and thermal insulation. For system modeling and materials development purposes, the dissertation invented the first pyrophoric heated standalone TPG, solid-state renewable heat source, and two-component nanocomposite thermoelectric power generation material. In this work, the first pyrophoric heated standalone thermoelectric power generator was designed, fabricated, and tested. The bases of the system were four porous silicon carbide combustors for the exothermic reaction of pyrophoric iron powder with oxygen. These combustors provided a heat source of 2,800 to 5,600 W to the heat sinks (through TE modules) at conditions suitable for a standalone, pyrophoric iron fueled TE power generator. The system integrated with 16 commercial bismuth telluride thermoelectric modules to produce 140 to 280 W of electrical power with a TE power conversion efficiency of ~5%. This demonstration represents an order-of-magnitude improvement in portable electrical power from thermoelectrics and hydrocarbon fuel, and a notable increase in the conversion efficiency compared with other published works. To optimize the TE heat-to-power conversion performance of the TPG, numerical simulations were performed with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using FLUENT. The temperature dependent material properties of bismuth telluride, effects of air flow rate (6 – 14 m/s) at 300 K, and effects of thermoelectric element thickness (4 – 8 mm) on temperature gradient generated across the module are investigated under constant power input (7.5 W). The obtained results reveal that all geometric parameters have important effect on the thermal performance of thermoelectric power generation module. The optimized single TE element thickness is 7 mm for electrical power generation of 0.47 W at temperature difference of 138 K. The TE heat-to-power conversion efficiency is 6.3%. The first solid-state renewable heat source (without the use of hydrocarbons) were created with porous silicon carbide combustors coated with pyrophoric 1-3 micron-sized iron particles mixture. The thermal behavior and ignition characteristics of iron particles and mixtures were investigated. The mixture include activate carbon and sodium chloride, in which iron is the main ingredient used as fuel. The final mixture composition is determined to consist of iron powder, activate carbon, and sodium chloride with a weight ratio of approximately 5/1/1. The mixture generated two-peak DSC curves featured higher ignition temperatures of 431.53°C and 554.85°C with a higher heat generation of 9366 J/g than single iron particles. The enhancement of figure-of-merit ZT or efficiency of thermoelectric materials is dependent on reducing the thermal conductivity. This dissertation synthesized and characterized the advanced two-component Si-Ge nanocomposites with a focus on lowering the thermal conductivity. The ball-milled two-component Si-Ge material demonstrated 50% reduction in thermal conductivity than the single component material used in the radioisotope thermoelectric generators and 10% reduction than the p-type SiGe alloy.
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    Assessing the Cost of Risk for New Technology and Process Insertion
    (2013) Lillie, Edwin Thomas; Sandborn, Peter; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Adoption and insertion of new technologies and processes into systems is inherently risky. A cost model that forecasts the cost of risk associated with inserting new technology into a system has been developed. The model projects the cost of inserting new processes, projects the impact of the processes on the cost of risk for the system, and performs a cost-benefit analysis on the adoption of proposed new processes. The projected cost of failure consequences (PCFC) is defined as the cost of all failure events (of varying severity) that are expected to occur over the service life of the system. The PCFC is uncertain, and the potential positive impact of adopting new technologies into the system is to reduce the cost of risk and/or reduce its uncertainty. A case study that assesses the adoption of a lead-free solder control plan into systems that previously used tin-lead solder has been performed.
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    Generic Dynamic Model for a Range of Thermal System Components
    (2010) Xuan, Shenglan; Radermacher, Reinhard; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The simulation of a thermal system consists of a simulation of its components and their interactions. The advantages of thermal system simulations have been widely recognized. They can be used to explore the performance of a newly designed system, to identify whether the design meets the design criteria, to develop and test controls, and to optimize the system by minimizing the cost or power consumption, and maximizing the energy efficiency and/or capacity. Thermal system simulations can also be applied to existing systems to explore prospective modifications and improvements. Much research has been conducted on aspects of thermal system and component simulation, especially for steady-state simulation. Recently, transient simulations for systems and components have gained attention, since dynamic modeling assists the understanding of the operation of thermal systems and their controls. This research presents the development of a generic component model that allows users to easily create and customize any thermal component with a choice of working fluids and levels of complexity for either transient or steady-state simulation. The underlying challenge here is to design the code such that a single set of governing equations can be used to accurately describe the behavior of any component of interest. The inherent benefits to this approach are that maintenance of the code is greatly facilitated as compared to competing approaches, and that the software is internally consistent. This generic model features a user-friendly description of component geometry and operating conditions, interactive data input and output, and a robust component solver. The open literature pertaining to thermal component models, especially the components of vapor compression systems, is reviewed and commented on in this research. A theoretical evaluation of the problem formulation and solution methodology is conducted and discussed. A generic structure is proposed and developed to simulate thermal components by enabling and disabling a portion of the set of governing equations. In addition, a system solver is developed to solve a system composed of these components. The component/system model is validated with experimental data, and future work is outlined.