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    Cross section measurements of charged pion photoproduction in hydrogen and deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV
    (2005-04) Zhu, L.Y.; Arrington, J.; Averett, T.; Beise, E.; Calarco, J.; Chang, T.; Chen, J.P.; Chudakov, E.; Coman, M.; Clasie, B.; Crawford, C.; Dieterich, S.; Dohrmann, F.; Dutta, D.; Fissum, K.; Frullani, S.; Gao, H.; Gilman, R.; Glashausser, C.; Gomez, J.; Hafidi, K.; Hansen, O.; Higinbotham, D.W.; Holt, R.J.; de Jager, C.W.; Jiang, X.; Kinney, E.; Kramer, K.; Kumbartzki, G.; LeRose, J.; Liyanage, N.; Mack, D.; Markowitz, P.; McCormick, K.; Meekins, D.; Meziani, Z.-E.; Michaels, R.; Mitchell, J.; Nanda, S.; Potterveld, D.; Ransome, R.; Reimer, P.E.; Reitz, B.; Saha, A.; Schulte, E.C.; Seely, J.; Sirca, S.; Strauch, S.; Sulkosky, V.; Vlahovic, B.; Weinstein, L.B.; Wijesooriya, K.; Williamson, C.; Wojtsekhowski, B.; Xiang, H.; Xiong, F.; Xu, W.; Zeng, J.; Zheng, X.; Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration; Jefferson Lab E94-104 Collaboration
    The differential cross sections for the γn→π-p and the γp→π+n processes were measured at Jefferson Lab. The photon energies ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV, corresponding to center-of-mass energies from 1.7 to 3.4 GeV. The pion center-of-mass angles varied from 50° to 110°. The π- and π+ photoproduction data both exhibit a global scaling behavior at high energies and high transverse momenta, consistent with the constituent counting rule prediction and the existing π+ data. The data suggest possible substructure of the scaling behavior, which might be oscillations around the scaling value. The data show an enhancement in the scaled cross section at center-of-mass energy near 2.2 GeV. The differential cross section ratios [dσ/dt(γn→π-p)/dσ/dt(γp→π+n)] at high energies and high transverse momenta can be described by calculations based on one-hard-gluon-exchange diagrams.
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    Quasielastic (e,e′p) reaction on 12C,56Fe, and 197Au
    (2003-12) Dutta, D.; van Westrum, D.; Abbott, D.; Ahmidouch, A.; Amatuni, A.; Armstrong, C.; Arrington, J.; Assamagan, K.A.; Bailey, K.; Baker, O.K.; Barrow, S.; Beard, K.; Beatty, D.; Beedoe, S.; Beise, E.; Belz, E.; Bochna, C.; Bosted, P.E.; Breuer, H.; Bruins, E.E.W.; Carlini, R.; Cha, J.; Chant, N.; Cothran, C.; Cummings, W.J.; Danagoulian, S.; Day, D.; DeSchepper, D.; Ducret, J.-E.; Duncan, F.; Dunne, J.; Eden, T.; Ent, R.; Fortune, H.T.; Frolov, V.; Geesaman, D.F.; Gao, H.; Gilman, R.; Gueye, P.; Hansen, J.O.; Hinton, W.; Holt, R.J.; Jackson, C.; Jackson, H.E.; Jones, C.; Kaufman, S.; Kelly, J.J.; Keppel, C.; Khandaker, M.; Kim, W.; Kinney, A.; Klein, A.; Koltenuk, D.; Kramer, L.; Lorenzon, W.; Lung, A.; McFarlane, K.; Mack, D.J.; Madey, R.; Markowitz, P.; Martin, J.; Mateos, A.; Meekins, D.; Miller, M.A.; Milner, R.; Mitchell, J.; Mohring, R.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Nathan, A.M.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; O'Neill, T.G.; Potterveld, D.; Price, J.W.; Reinhold, J.; Salgado, C.; Schiffer, J.P.; Segel, R.E.; Stoler, P.; Suleiman, R.; Tadevosyan, V.; Tang, L.; Terburg, B.; Welch, T.P.; Williamson, C.; Wood, S.; Yan, C.; Yang, J.-C.; Yu, J.; Zeidman, B.; Zhao, W.; Zihlmann, B.
    We report the results from a systematic study of the quasielastic (e,e′p) reaction on 12C, 56Fe, and 197Au performed at Jefferson Lab. We have measured nuclear transparency and extracted spectral functions (corrected for radiation) over a Q2 range of 0.64–3.25 (GeV∕c)2 for all three nuclei. In addition, we have extracted separated longitudinal and transverse spectral functions at Q2 of 0.64 and 1.8 (GeV∕c)2 for these three nuclei (except for 197Au at the higher Q2). The spectral functions are compared to a number of theoretical calculations. The measured spectral functions differ in detail but not in overall shape from most of the theoretical models. In all three targets the measured spectral functions show considerable excess transverse strength at Q2=0.64 (GeV∕c)2, which is much reduced at 1.8 (GeV∕c)2.
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    Nuclear transparency with the γn⃗π-p process in 4He
    (2003-08) Dutta, D.; Xiong, F.; Zhu, L.Y.; Arrington, J.; Averett, T.; Beise, E.; Calarco, J.; Chang, T.; Chen, J.P.; Chudakov, E.; Coman, M.; Clasie, B.; Crawford, C.; Dieterich, S.; Dohrmann, F.; Fissum, K.; Frullani, S.; Gao, H.; Gilman, R.; Glashausser, C.; Gomez, J.; Hafidi, K.; Hansen, J.-O.; Higinbotham, D.W.; Holt, R.J.; de Jager, C.W.; Jiang, X.; Kinnery, E.; Kramer, K.; Kumbartzki, G.; LeRose, J.; Liyanage, N.; Mack, D.; Markowitz, P.; McCormick, K.; Meziani, Z.-E.; Michaels, R.; Nanda, S.; Potterveld, D.; Ransome, R.; Reimer, P.E.; Reitz, B.; Saha, A.; Schulte, E.C.; Seely, J.; Sirca, S.; Strauch, S.; Sulkosky, V.; Vlahovic, B.; Weinstein, L.B.; Wijesooriya, K.; Williamson, C.F.; Wojtsekhowski, B.; Xiang, H.; Xu, W.; Zeng, J.; Zheng, X.; Jefferson Lab E94104 Collaboration
    We have measured the nuclear transparency of the fundamental process γn⃗π-p in 4He. These measurements were performed at Jefferson Lab in the photon energy range of 1.6–4.5 GeV and at θcmπ=70° and 90°. These measurements are the first of their kind in the study of nuclear transparency in photoreactions. They also provide a benchmark test of Glauber calculations based on traditional models of nuclear physics. The transparency results suggest deviations from the traditional nuclear physics picture. The momentum transfer dependence of the measured nuclear transparency is consistent with Glauber calculations that include the quantum chromodynamics phenomenon of color transparency.
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    Separated spectral functions for the quasifree 12C(e,e′p) reaction
    (2000-05) Dutta, D.; van Westrum, D.; Abbott, D.; Ahmidouch, A.; Amatuni, A.; Armstrong, C.; Arrington, J.; Assamagan, K.A.; Bailey, K.; Baker, O.K.; Barrow, S.; Beard, K.; Beatty, D.; Beedoe, S.; Beise, E.; Belz, E.; Bochna, C.; Bosted, P.E.; Breuer, H.; Bruins, E.E.W.; Carlini, R.; Cha, J.; Chant, N.; Chrien, R.E.; Cothran, C.; Cummings, W.J.; Danagoulian, S.; Day, D.; DeSchepper, D.; Ducret, J.-E.; Duncan, F.; Dunne, J.; Eden, T.; Ent, R.; Fortune, H.T.; Frolov, V.; Geesaman, D.F.; Gao, H.; Gilman, R.; Gue`ye, P.; Hansen, J.O.; Hinton, W.; Holt, R.J.; Jackson, C.; Jackson, H.E.; Jones, C.; Kaufman, S.; Kelly, J.J.; Keppel, C.; Khandaker, M.; Kim, W.; Kinney, E.; Klein, A.; Koltenuk, D.; Kramer, L.; Lorenzon, W.; McFarlane, K.; Mack, D.J.; Madey, R.; Markowitz, P.; Martin, J.; Mateos, A.; Meekins, D.; Meier, E.; Miller, M.A.; Milner, R.; Mitchell, J.; Mohring, R.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Nathan, A.M.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; O'Neill, T.G.; Potterveld, D.; Price, J.W.; Reinhold, J.; Salgado, C.; Schiffer, J.P.; Segel, R.E.; Stoler, P.; Suleiman, R.; Sawafta, R.; Sutter, R.J.; Tadevosyan, V.; Tang, L.; Terburg, B.; Welch, T.P.; Williamson, C.; Wood, S.; Yan, C.; Jae-Choon, Yang; Yu, J.; Zeidman, B.; Zhao, W.; Zihlmann, B.
    A separation of the longitudinal and transverse 12C(e,e′p) cross sections in the quasifree region has been performed in parallel kinematics at Q2 of 0.64 and 1.8 GeV2 for initial proton momentum <80 MeV. The separated transverse and longitudinal spectral functions at Q2=0.64GeV2 show significant differences for missing energy between 25 and 60 MeV indicating a breakdown in the single nucleon knockout picture. The transverse spectral functions exhibit definite momentum transfer dependence.