Archaeology in Annapolis

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Archaeology in Annapolis was a city-wide excavation of Maryland’s capital city whose purpose was to recover and teach with the below ground remains of materials from the 1680’s to today. Archaeology in Annapolis is a part of the Department of Anthropology of the University of Maryland, College Park and has been, and in some cases remains, partners with Historic Annapolis Foundation, the Banneker-Douglass Museum, Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation, and the City of Annapolis. The project was begun in 1981 and continues to work in the City and to excavate on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The project works to provide understanding of the many peoples who have made up the City in the past and present. Under the direction of Mark P. Leone, the organization has conducted over forty excavations in the historic area of Maryland’s capitol city as well as in Queen Anne and Talbot Counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, including Wye House Plantation. This collection includes archaeological site reports, technical reports, and dissertations produced by the project between 1985 and the present. Where possible, separate files for artifact catalogs have been provided.

A physical component of the collection is housed in the National Trust room of Hornbake Library on the University of Maryland campus. It contains copies of site reports, field notes, drawings, slides, contact sheets, photographs, historic research, oral history transcripts, artifact cataloging sheets, analytical notes, dissertations, scholarly and public papers, presentations, journal articles, administrative planning notes, correspondence, visitor evaluations, press releases, brochures, exhibition planning notes and grant proposals.

The Sites in this Collection Include:


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
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    A Geophysical Survey at the Carroll House
    (1987-04-03) Worden, Paul A.
    This survey detected a possible well or other type of refilled pit on the south side of the house. Several likely paths, now buried, were delineated. See Figure 1. Many areas of fill soil were mapped. There appears to be a buried earth layer, possibly a garden bed or pavement, extending east-west across the site; this interface can be partly traced beneath a recently-constructed cemetery terrace. Concentrations of debris underground were also located. While some could be lenses of trash, others could help define lost structures. This geophysical survey did not detect anything of the tavern which might have formerly been at the east side of this site.
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    Preliminary Report: St. Mary's Site
    (1988) Kryder-Reid, Elizabeth
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    Archaeological Excavations at the Hammond-Harwood House Annapolis, Maryland
    (1985-05-31) Dent, Richard J.
    The purpose of this transmittal is to report on archaeological excavations conducted by Richard J. Dent of Historic Annapolis, Incorporated during April and May of 1983 in the garden of the Hammond-Harwood House, 19 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland. A second phase of excavations was in May of 1984. The approximately 94x134 foot parcel of land is located immediately to the rear of the Hammond-Harwood House. It is bordered by King George Street on the east, Cumberland Court to the west, and private residences to the south. The property lies within Maryland Archaeological Research Unit Seven.
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    Preliminary Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey and Site Examination of Five Facility Construction Areas at the University of Maryland, College Park Campus
    (1986-07-27) Koski-Karell, Daniel; Ortiz, Luis
    This report describes the conduct and findings of a preliminary archeological reconnaissance and site evaluation study of the terrain to be affected by four proposed construction projects, in the north-central portion of the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park, Prince Georges County. The investigation consisted of background research and a field survey (which included a controlled surface collection, and excavation of systematically-placed shovel test pits and one-meter square test pits). Both prehistoric period and historic period artifacts were recovered from each of the project areas. The greatest abundance of prehistoric materials came from the proposed location of the Animal Science/Agricultural Engineering Complex (Project Area #1). The prehistoric cultural deposit at that location appears to be a Late Woodland Period seasonal camp occupied by a single-family small band. It has been named "the James Salt Site" (18 PR 303). It is recommended that a Phase 2 evaluation investigation be conducted at that archeological site to determine its potential eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The other project area investigated were for the proposed Environmental Services Facility Detonation Pit (Project Area #2), the proposed Landfill Transfer Station (Project Area #3), and the proposed Pesticide/Herbicide Storage Facility (Project Area #4). No potential significant cultural materials were found to be located in Area #2. The location of Area #3 is within the recorded boundaries of prehistoric archeological site 18 PR 48. However, the prehistoric and historic cultural materials in Area #3 are not interpreted as being of potential historical significance. The initial proposed location of Area #4 is within the recorded boundaries of prehistoric archeological site 18 PR 15. As a result of a design change, however, the proposed construction site has been shifted away from the terrain investigate in this study. The new location of Area #4 will be investigated at some time in the future. As a result of this investigation, no further cultural resources investigations are recommended in Project Areas #2, #3, and #4. However, it is recommended that a Phase 2 evaluation investigation be conducted in the portion of Project Area #1 occupied by Site 18 PR 303.
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    A Geophysical Survey at the Newman Street Site
    (1985-07-07) Bevan, Bruce
    This survey mapped large contrasts in the electrical conductivity of the earth. Some of these are almost surely due to buried metal, either trash or pipes or wires. Very conductive areas could be caused by a proximity to salt water. A low conductivity band crosses part of the measurement area; it is possible that this is related to either a filled stream channel or a former wharf.
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    A Geophysical Survey at the Carroll House
    (1987-04-03) Bevan, Bruce W.
    The Charles Carroll House is located on the south side of historic Annapolis, where the Duke of Gloucester Street meets Spa Creek. Charles Carroll, the house builder's son, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The house is a part of the property for St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church and plans are being made for the historical renovation of the house and garden. This survey detected a possible well or other type of refilled pit on the south side of the house. Several likely paths, now buried, were delineated. See Figure 1. Many areas of fill soil were mapped. There appears to be a buried earth layer, possibly a garden bed or pavement, extending east-west across the site; this interface can be partly traced beneath a recently-constructed cemetery terrace. Concentrations of debris underground were also located. While some could be lenses of trash, others could help define lost structures. This geophysical survey did not detect anything of the tavern which might have formerly been at the east side of this site.
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    Archaeological Testing at the Brice House, A National Historic Landmark, Annapolis, Maryland, Interim draft report: The West Wing Interior
    (1984-08) Basalik, Kenneth J.; Brown, Ann R.; Epperson, Terrence W.
    The James Brice House is a National Landmark located in the Annapolis Historic District, Annapolis, Maryland. The house is being restored under a program sponsored by the International Masonry Institute (IMI). On November 4, 1983 the firm of Edmonson and Gallagher, representing IMI, contracted with Cultural Heritage Research Services, Inc. (CHRS , Inc.) of Brookhaven, Pennsylvania to conduct an archaeological testing program in the west yard of the Brice House. This testing was to provide information to support the final restoration design of the west wall of the west wing and to ensure that restoration activities would not disturb important archaeological deposits surrounding the structure. The testing program in the west yard was completed during the months of November and December 1983 (see Basalik and Brown 1983).
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    Calvert Interim Report No. 6: Preliminary Analysis of Vertebrate Remains from the Calvert Site in Annapolis, Maryland and a Comparison with Vertebrate Remains from Sites in Souther Carolina, Georgia, and Jamaica Part 2
    (1987-12) Reitz, Elizabeth J.
    Part 2 of the faunal analysis of the Calvert Site with comparisons with Atlantic coastal sites in South Carolina, Georgia, and Jamaica.
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    The Consumption of Ideas and the Production of Behavior: Past and Present in Annapolis, Maryland
    (1987-05) Potter, Parker B., Jr.
    This paper flows from the attempt currently under way in Annapolis, Maryland to operationalize a critical archaeology. The original focus of the paper was to be the reclusive nature of material culture, the ability of objects and assemblages of objects to teach and enforce standards of behavior. I was going to link that idea to the rest of the papers in this session through a metaphorical use of the concepts "production" and "consumption" to characterize the flow of ideas and the direction of social behavior. I will still mount that argument but the balance of this paper consists of a series of observations and arguments resulting from a varied set of reactions to the paper I delivered at the recent meeting of the society for Historical Archaeology, in Savannah (Potter 1987). This second set of arguments has to do with the intricacies of taking critical theory out of the classroom and putting it on the ground-- or in the ground, as the case may be. Therefore, this paper will be more about the production and consumption of the past than about production and consumption in the past.
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    Calvert Interim Report No. 7: The Calvert Site, Annapolis, Maryland: Seed Remains
    (1988-10) Miller, Naomi F.
    The Calvert Site was the home of Capt. Charles Calvert, governor of Maryland in the 1720s. It was excavated by Anne Yentsch under the auspices of Historic Annapolis, Inc., for 12 months between April 1982 and January 1984. Most of the seeds reported here come from two features that date to the latter half of the 18th century, a well near the Circle and a hypocaust behind the house. A few other features provide the rest of the material (see Table 1). Unless otherwise notes, the seeds reported here are not charred.