MEES Theses and Dissertations

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    (2023) Wiltsee, Laura E.; Gray, Matthew W; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Bivalves are prized for the ecosystem services they provide. The removal of particles from the water column through filter feeding and resulting water quality benefits, known as the biofiltration services, of bivalves have been studied for over a century. This has created a wealth of knowledge around the mechanistic drivers of bivalve feeding activity. Recently, Chesapeake Bay ecosystem-wide models have begun incorporating Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) biofiltration. Acute feeding variability is critically important when estimating oyster biofiltration services at ecosystem scale. Typically, natural seston clearance rate studies last a limited timeframe, with a focus on specific environmental events such as an increase in temperature, drop in salinity, or a tidal cycle.To capture the highly variable filter feeding rate of bivalves, such as the Eastern Oyster, studies have used highly controlled laboratory conditions, with single environmental variable modification. These studies often use indirect methods for estimating clearance rates that commonly lack high-resolution capability. Furthermore, these studies are labor intensive and time consuming, and as a result, few studies have monitored bivalve feeding activities over long periods to understand variation in activity or how these rates may change with seasonal shifts in conditions. These limitations have led to a shortage of knowledge around how clearance rates of oysters vary in response to ambient conditions over both short-term (hourly) and long-term (seasonal) time scales. This study leverages advances in semi-autonomous aquatic observing to track high- resolution, long-term feeding responses of bivalves to subtle variations in environmental conditions. Oyster ex situ clearance rates in the Choptank River (Maryland, USA) were estimated under flow-through conditions, and logged in real-time using fluorometers among replicate oysters over 5-day experiments for 9 months. The measured clearance rates from this system were compared to a mechanistic clearance rate model used by the Chesapeake Bay Program, which is used to estimate the role of oysters in controlling water quality in the Bay. Environmental data were evaluated to build a statistical and random forest model to predict how oyster clearance rates respond to prevailing environmental conditions. This monitoring system and resulting models enable a deeper understanding of feeding variability and how natural seston and environmental variability directly influence oyster physiology.
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    The Role of Connectivity and Spatial Structure on the Population Dynamics of Marine Fishes
    (2023) Arai, Kohma Herbert; Secor, David H; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Migrations regulate population structure, which can play an important role in conferring stability at aggregate scales via asynchronous responses of population sub-components to perturbation; however, little is known about the importance of spatial structure in population persistence in fishes. My dissertation aims to explore the role of spatial structure on the population dynamics of marine fishes. Two species that exhibit different types of population structure were considered: (i) Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Northwest Atlantic, comprised of two components that have distinct spawning regions off Canada (northern contingent) and the US (southern contingent); and (ii) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Hudson River (HR), which exhibit early-life partial migration whereby a portion of juveniles remain in their natal freshwater habitats, while others migrate into higher salinity habitats. In Chapter 2, I used otolith stable isotopes (d18O/d13C) to understand contingent mixing of the Northwest Atlantic mackerel over two decades (2000–2019). Prevalent contingent mixing occurred within the US waters, indicating that the northern contingent may provide subsidies to the US mackerel fishery. In Chapter 3, I combined machine learning with otolith d18O isoscapes to predict the geographic origin of the Northwest Atlantic mackerel spanning four decades (1975–2019). Contingent mixing occurred over four decades, including the 1970s when intensive foreign fisheries took place in US waters. Nursery hotspots were detected within spawning regions, but shifted over time. In Chapter 4, for HR juvenile striped bass, I explored the influence of early-life conditions and environmental drivers on partial migration. Otolith chemistry uncovered four dominant early migration modes. Partial migration was associated with larval growth, albeit facultatively controlled by environmental conditions. In Chapter 5, I evaluated how HR striped bass early-stage partial migration influenced recruitment patterns to the adult population over a 3-decade span. As an outcome of partial migration, adults recruited from a variety of nurseries, which exhibited asynchronous dynamics in response to climate variables. Through a comparative analysis of two species that exhibit different types of population structure, I demonstrated how spatial structure can play key roles in the population dynamics of marine fishes, with implications for management and conservation.
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    (2022) Campbell, Brendan; Gray, Matthew W; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    To produce virginica cultured Crassostrea more efficiently, current grow out techniques require better understanding to allow for more consistent growth and quality. While the basic physical conditions that influence shellfish growth have been well researched, there are limited studies that consider how physical conditions (i.e. water flow and wave motion) influence shellfish growth within the context of an off-bottom aquaculture farm. Since oysters are suspension feeders, they require food to be delivered to their siphons through ambient processes. Changes in water flow can influence the overall survival, growth rate, and quality of oysters. Additionally, the motion, or jostling, of cages are thought to cause chipping on the outer portion of oyster shells, influencing the overall shape and growth of oysters. There are many techniques and equipment that have the potential to influence the water delivery and movement of oysters in containerized culture; however, little research has addressed how culture practices influence physical forcing surrounding cultured oysters and what impact those changes have on oyster performance. The biophysical relationship occurring in shellfish aquaculture is not being properly characterized partially due to a lack of affordable tools capable of monitoring physical forces in constrained spaces. This dissertation summarizes the current understanding of how culture practices influence oyster aquaculture production and demonstrates the novel use of affordable and commonly available tools that can be utilized in shellfish aquaculture research across multiple operational scales. The development of a novel clod card method and predictive model was attempted for use in characterizing mass transfer rate of water. The clod card, along with accelerometer loggers were utilized to understand the effects of physical forcing on the production of off-bottom cultured oysters when exposed to a range of biofouling mitigation treatments, grown using different culture methods, and spatially across an active shellfish aquaculture lease. These experiments validated the value in characterizing physical forcing in shellfish aquaculture and identified trade-offs between oyster shell growth and market quality that are linked to changes in the physical environment, which were produced by changing culture practices. Additionally, these validation experiments determined that variability in oyster growth and performance can change over small spatial scales, smaller than the typical grow-out shellfish aquaculture lease, which can influence water movement inside cages, water quality, and the efficiency of a commercial shellfish operation. By considering the local physical environment, growers can strategically employ culture practices that optimize the water flow through and movement of oysters to enhance farm profitability.
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    (2022) Armstrong, Alec William; Palmer, Margaret; Gonsior, Michael; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a central role in the biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems and is an important flux of carbon (C) from terrestrial to aquatic systems. Wetlands are rich sources of DOM to downstream waters, but the origins of wetland DOM and its role in biogeochemical processes in wetlands and downstream are not fully understood. To better understand the role of wetlands in mediating the movement and transformation of organic matter between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, I characterized the chemical composition and the microbial and photochemical reactivity of wetland DOM in a depressional wetland setting in the interior Delmarva Peninsula. I used laboratory experiments to understand DOM reactivity. I characterized sensitivity to photodegradation, concluding most wetland DOM was somewhat sensitive though site differences affected sensitivity. In another experiment, wetland DOM showed little biodegradability, but C losses to microbes were enhanced after photodegradation. This suggested photochemical and biological degradation may have interacted to influence wetland DOM composition within wetlands and in downstream waters. I also found terrestrial sources of DOM (plant and soil leachates) were more biodegradable than wetland surface water. I concluded wetland DOM was largely comprised of leftover material from previous microbial metabolism in soils or wetland water. To characterize wetland DOM and explore its environmental influences, I undertook a field sampling campaign of 22 wetlands over 18 months. Samples were characterized using a suite of DOM measurements, and variability in these data was modeled using water level, regional air temperature, a proxy for site canopy cover, estimated photosynthetically active radiation, and others. DOM varied considerably seasonally and among sites, and modeling suggested that complex seasonal and site-related interactions influenced DOM, not including water level. This research indicates that depressional freshwater wetlands accumulate and process DOM, some of it likely originating from soils and some within wetlands, but spatial and seasonal variability lead to DOM variability. Wetland DOM exported to downstream waters has intrinsically low biodegradability, though this may be enhanced by photodegradation downstream. This research may be useful for efforts to improve representation of depressional freshwater wetlands in mineral soils in C cycle models and inform policy concerned with wetland biogeochemical functions and connections with downstream waters.
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    (2019) Ziegler, Gregory; Tamburri, Mario N; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Ballast water plays a vital role in the stabilization and operations of modern ships, and it is estimated that 3 to 5 billion tons of ballast water are transferred around the world each year. However, the discharge of ballast water has led to the release of non-indigenous species, and costly and ecologically damaging biological invasions. To combat this serious problem, ballast water discharge is now regulated and ballast water management systems (BWMS) have been developed to meet required discharge limits for the release of live organisms. The most common BWMS rely on chlorination of ballast water to kill planktonic organisms but also result in the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) and the potential for aquatic toxicity. The research in this thesis was conducted to advance the understanding of treated ballast water toxicity, and to document the formation of higher molecular weight DBPs using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Research was conducted with commercial BWMS that were based on either direct chlorination (Ch. 2 & 3) or in-situ electrochlorination (Ch. 2 & 4). Ballast water treatment was conducted in estuarine waters of the Port of Baltimore (Patapsco River, Maryland). In Chapter 2, I tested the algal toxicity of discharged ballast water from four BWMS at the time of discharge and monthly thereafter, showing the longevity of the toxic effect of treated water on micro algae. In Chapters 3 and 4, I used ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry to identify the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and halogenated DBPs after oxidative treatment of ballast water. By comparing samples before and after direct chlorination, I was able to document the changes in dissolved organic matter and the formation of numerous halogenated DBPs (Ch. 3). In Chapter 4, I was able to document the change in brominated DBPs after a period of 92 days, showing the relative persistence of dibrominated compounds. This work together demonstrates that use of traditional water treatment to solve one environmental problem may, in fact, cause other unintended consequences to aquatic ecosystems.
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    (2019) Spitznagel, Matthew Isaac; Schott, Eric J; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Soft-shell blue crab production the United States is an undervalued aquaculture practice experiencing high crab mortality rates from a series of stressors, including disease. The impact of one disease, the reovirus CsRV1, remains unquantified in major soft-shell crab production regions, despite the virus’ known ubiquity and lethality. My research examined the mortality and CsRV1 infection rates of pre- and post-production crabs in Maryland, Virginia, and Louisiana soft-shell crab production facilities in 2016-2017, attempting to link these rates to water quality and aquaculture practice variables. I found that recirculating aquaculture systems lost half the proportion of crabs (16%) that flow-through systems did (33%). CsRV1 infection was the primary predictor of crab death in Chesapeake aquaculture, presenting in 75% of dead crabs compared to 22% of dead crabs in Louisiana aquaculture. Multi-state data suggests crab losses worth over $2 million are attributable to CsRV1, indicating a need for aquaculture effluent and discard control.
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    Mark-Recapture Assessment of the Recreational Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Harvest in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
    (2016) Semmler, Robert Semmler; Reaka, Marjorie L; Hines, Anson H; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In Maryland, commercial blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) harvests are monitored through mandatory, annual harvest reporting, but no monitoring exists for recreational fishers. This study used a large-scale mark-recapture program to assess relative exploitation between the recreational and commercial fishing sectors in 15 harvest reporting areas of Maryland, then incorporated movement information and extrapolated reported commercial harvest data to generate statewide estimates of recreational harvest. Results indicate spatial variation in recreational fishing, with a majority of recreational harvests coming from tributaries of the Western Shore and the Wye and Miles Rivers on the Eastern Shore. Statewide, recreational harvest has remained 8% as large as commercial harvest despite management changes in 2008, and remains a larger proportion (12.8%) of male commercial harvest. In addition, this study provides detailed spatial information on recreational harvest and the first information on rates of exchange of male crabs among harvest reporting areas.
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    Developing Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Streams on the Delmarva Peninsula
    (2016) Tempinson, Lindsay Ayn; Fisher, Thomas R.; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    To better address stream impairments due to excess nitrogen and phosphorus and to accomplish the goals of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring states to develop numeric nutrient criteria. An assessment of nutrient concentrations in streams on the Delmarva Peninsula showed that nutrient levels are mostly higher than numeric criteria derived by EPA for the Eastern Coastal Plain, indicating widespread water quality degradation. Here, various approaches were used to derive numeric nutrient criteria from a set of 52 streams sampled across Delmarva. Results of the percentile and y-intercept methods were similar to those obtained elsewhere. Downstream protection values show that if numeric nutrient criteria were implemented for Delmarva streams they would be protective of the Choptank River Estuary, meeting the goals of the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
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    (2015) Siskey, Matthew Ryan; Secor, David H; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Bluefin tuna support important fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, which have declined in yield from intense, size-selective exploitation. Age structure, size-at-age, and stock composition were investigated as principal responses to exploitation, utilizing otolith microstructural and chemical analysis. To evaluate otoliths as ageing structures, annulus formation was compared to temperature-associated oscillations in otolith strontium:calcium. Evaluation of otolith stable isotope measures used in stock composition analyses indicated significant differences in δ18O measurements between laboratories, but not δ13C values. Comparisons of age structure, size-at-age, and stock composition over three periods (1974-1978, 1996-2002, 2009-2014) coinciding with the cycle of exploitation intensity suggest size-selective fishing caused (1) age truncation, where median age declined (14 to 6 years); (2) minor changes in size-at-age; and (3) fluctuating stock composition, with peak mixing in the 1990s (48% eastern stock contribution). Size-specific reductions in fishing mortality could contribute to recovery through more frequent production of strong year-classes.
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    (2015) Spires, Jason Eugene; North, Elizabeth; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    With limited funds available for restoration and management, information is needed that would enhance the objectives of restoration of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Chesapeake Bay. One challenge with choosing locations for C. virginica restoration is lack of information regarding larval exchange, which helps determine whether the reefs will be self-sustaining and/or enhance nearby populations. The goal of this research was to estimate the larval exchange between subpopulations within the Choptank and Little Choptank Rivers (Maryland, USA) and to determine the influence of low salinity on these patterns in connectivity. To this end, the Lagrangian TRANSport model (LTRANS) was coupled with a Regional Ocean Modeling System hydrodynamic model of Choptank River (ChopROMS) and applied to predict the exchange of simulated C. virginica larvae between 596 reefs within the system. Model results indicated that there is a high degree of connectivity among the subpopulations in this system. Most simulated larvae were transported down river (rather than upriver). Reefs in upper portions of the Choptank River and its tributaries were in a position to produce the most larvae which encountered suitable habitat, whereas those in the lower Choptank River received the most simulated larvae. In addition, salinity-induced mortality of larvae substantially decreased transport success and self-recruitment, and changed patterns in reef-specific transport success throughout the estuary. Model results provide region-specific information that could be used to support restoration efforts in areas with low salinities like the Choptank River.