MEES Theses and Dissertations
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Item THE EFFECT OF SUMMER STORM EVENTS AS A DISTURBANCE ON THE MOVEMENT BEHAVIORS OF BLACK SEA BASS IN THE SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC BIGHT(2019) Wiernicki, Caroline Jane; Secor, David H; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Storm events are a key disturbance in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), driving thermal, hydrodynamic, and acoustic perturbations on demersal fish communities. Black sea bass are a model MAB species as their sedentary behavior exposes them to storm disturbances. I coupled biotelemetry with an oceanographic model, monitoring black sea bass movement behaviors during the summer-fall of 2016-2018. Storm-driven changes in bottom temperature (associated with rapid destratification) had the greatest effects on fish movement and evacuation rates, while the cumulative effects of consecutive storms had little to no observed effect. Storms also generate substantial noise, but the hearing frequencies of black sea bass are currently unknown. I conducted a quantitative literature analysis on fish hearing based on swim bladder elaboration, successfully classifying detected sound frequency ranges among fishes, including black sea bass. Climate change will likely alter the intensity of MAB storms, prioritizing research on their impacts to fish communities.Item The long-term change of Chesapeake Bay hypoxia: impacts of eutrophication, nutrient management and climate change(2019) Ni, Wenfei; Li, Ming; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Eutrophication-induced coastal hypoxia can result in stressful habitat for marine living resources and cause great economic losses. Nutrient management strategies have been implemented in many coastal systems to improve water quality. However, the outcomes to mitigate hypoxia have been mixed and usually small when only modest nutrient load reduction was achieved. Meanwhile, there has been increasing recognition of climate change impacts on estuarine hypoxia, given estuaries are especially vulnerable to climate change with multiple influences from river, ocean and the atmosphere. Due to the limitation of observational studies and the lack of continuous historical data, long-term oxygen dynamics in response to the changes of external forces are still not well understood. This study utilized a numerical model to quantitatively investigate a century of change of Chesapeake Bay hypoxia in response to varying external forces in nutrient inputs and climate. With intensifying eutrophication since 1950, model results suggest an abrupt increase in volume and duration of hypoxia from 1950s-1960s to 1970s-1980s. This turning point of hypoxia might be related with Tropical Storm Agnes and consecutive wet years with relatively small summer wind speed. During 1985-2016 when the riverine nutrient inputs were modestly decreased, the simulated bottom dissolved oxygen exhibited a statistically significant declining trend of ~0.01 mgL-1yr-1 which mostly occurred in winter and spring. Warming was found to be the dominant driver of the long-term oxygen decline whereas sea level rise had a minor effect. Warming has overcome the benefit of nutrient reduction in Chesapeake Bay to diminish hypoxia over the past three decades. By the mid-21st century, the hypoxic and anoxic volumes are projected to increase by 10-30% in Chesapeake Bay if the riverine nutrient inputs are maintained at high level as in 1990s. Sea level rise and larger winter-spring runoff will generate stronger stratification and large reductions in the vertical oxygen supply to the bottom water. The future warming will lead to earlier initiation of hypoxia, accompanied by weaker summer respiration and more rapid termination of hypoxia. The findings of this study can help guide climate adaptation strategies and nutrient load abatement in Chesapeake Bay and other hypoxic estuaries.Item The effect of salinity on species survival and carbon storage on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland due to saltwater intrusion(2019) de la Reguera, Elizabeth; Tully, Kate; Palmer, Margaret; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)As sea levels continue to rise, coastal ecosystems are vulnerable to saltwater intrusion (SWI), the landward movement of sea salts. Specifically, in coastal farmlands, we expect SWI to drive changes in plant species composition and carbon (C) storage. As soils salinize, standard crops (i.e. corn, soybean, and wheat) can no longer survive and farmers must consider alternatives. Further, transitioning agricultural fields may become C sinks as SWI advances inland and farmlands begin to resemble tidal wetlands. My objectives were to determine: (1) the effect of SWI on the germination of standard and alternative crop species, and (2) the C storage potential of salt-intruded farmlands. Most standard and alternative crops were intolerant to high levels of osmotic and ionic stress at the germination stage. However, sorghum and salt-tolerant soybean showed promise in field experiments. I show that agricultural fields exposed to SWI have a high potential to store C in soils.Item MODELING IMPACTS OF SUBMERSED AQUATIC VEGETATION ON SEDIMENT DYNAMICS UNDER STORM CONDITIONS IN UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY(2019) Biddle, Mathew Michael; Sanford, Lawrence P; Palinkas, Cindy; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Submersed aquatic vegetation is an important modulator of sediment delivery from the Susquehanna River through the Susquehanna Flats into the Chesapeake Bay. However, the impact of vegetation coupled with the physical drivers of sediment transport through the region are not well understood. This study used a new vegetation component in a coupled flow-wave-sediment transport modeling system (COAWST) to simulate summer through fall 2011, when the region experienced a sequence of events including Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Fine sediment was exported under normal flows and high wind forcing but accumulated under high flows. The relative effect of vegetation under normal and high wind forcing depended on previous sediment dynamics. Vegetation doubled the accumulation of fine sediments under high flows. While further refinement of the bed model may be needed to capture some nuances, the COAWST modeling system provides new insights into detailed sediment dynamics in complex vegetated deltaic systems.Item ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF NON-POINT SOURCE FRESHWATER AND NUTRIENT INPUTS ON A SHALLOW COASTAL ESTUARY(2019) Butler, Thomas; Hood, Raleigh R; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Academic research models for Chesapeake Bay have, traditionally, been forced with USGS inputs, flows and nutrient loads from 10 major rivers. These tributaries fail to account for 100% of the inputs entering the Bay. In contrast, models used for determining Total Maximum Daily Load for Chesapeake Bay are forced with output from a watershed model at thousands of locations, presumably, accounting for all these inputs. Our aim is to increase understanding of the impacts different forcing schemes have on water quality model simulation. Simulations were completed using three forcing approaches: 1) using “traditional” USGS-derived input from 10 major rivers; 2) using “concentrated” input from 10 major rivers derived from watershed model output; and 3) using “diffuse” input from 1117 rivers derived from watershed model output. Comparisons of these schemes revealed large impacts on simulations in Chesapeake Bay during periods of high flow and extreme weather events under diffuse forcing.Item ALGAL TOXICITY AND FORMATION OF HALOGENATED ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN BALLAST WATER AFTER OXIDATIVE TREATMENT(2019) Ziegler, Gregory; Tamburri, Mario N; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Ballast water plays a vital role in the stabilization and operations of modern ships, and it is estimated that 3 to 5 billion tons of ballast water are transferred around the world each year. However, the discharge of ballast water has led to the release of non-indigenous species, and costly and ecologically damaging biological invasions. To combat this serious problem, ballast water discharge is now regulated and ballast water management systems (BWMS) have been developed to meet required discharge limits for the release of live organisms. The most common BWMS rely on chlorination of ballast water to kill planktonic organisms but also result in the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) and the potential for aquatic toxicity. The research in this thesis was conducted to advance the understanding of treated ballast water toxicity, and to document the formation of higher molecular weight DBPs using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Research was conducted with commercial BWMS that were based on either direct chlorination (Ch. 2 & 3) or in-situ electrochlorination (Ch. 2 & 4). Ballast water treatment was conducted in estuarine waters of the Port of Baltimore (Patapsco River, Maryland). In Chapter 2, I tested the algal toxicity of discharged ballast water from four BWMS at the time of discharge and monthly thereafter, showing the longevity of the toxic effect of treated water on micro algae. In Chapters 3 and 4, I used ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry to identify the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and halogenated DBPs after oxidative treatment of ballast water. By comparing samples before and after direct chlorination, I was able to document the changes in dissolved organic matter and the formation of numerous halogenated DBPs (Ch. 3). In Chapter 4, I was able to document the change in brominated DBPs after a period of 92 days, showing the relative persistence of dibrominated compounds. This work together demonstrates that use of traditional water treatment to solve one environmental problem may, in fact, cause other unintended consequences to aquatic ecosystems.Item CHARACTERIZATION OF LEACHABLE DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER FROM BIOSOLIDS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR NUTRIENT RELEASES, MODELING, AND EMERGING CONTAMINANTS(2019) Fischer, Sarah Jane; Torrents, Alba; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Treated wastewater residuals are utilized as a soil amendment to recycle nutrients to agricultural soils. Due to international application, biosolids are also a significant source of anthropogenic dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the environment. The first contribution of this dissertation characterized DOM and nitrogen mineralization rates of anaerobically digested (AnD) biosolids with variable pre-treatments, such as the thermal hydrolysis pretreatment coupled to anaerobic digestion (THP-AnD). There was not strong evidence that differently pretreated-AnD material had largely different aerobic inorganic nitrogen releases when incubated in a sandy loam soil. Variable pools of DOM decayed in soil treatments over time. Biosolids-DOM was then characterized from a greater representation of full-scale stabilization processes including (i) limed stabilization (LT), (ii) aerobic digestion (AeD), and (iii) anaerobic digestion (AnD). These different final stabilization processes produced substantially different leachates characterized by organic carbon content, size-exclusion chromatography, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Traditional optical metrics previously defined for aquatic DOM did not consistently capture fluorescence maxima of the anthropogenic material. Therefore, boundary-based excitation emission matrix (EEM) analyses were re-defined based on local fluorescence maxima. Novel parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) and spectral database comparisons confirmed that biosolids-DOM contain both common high energy stimulated components and low energy stimulated components that are unique to digested leachates. The third research contribution applied fluorescence suppression experiments to measure interactions of halogenated ECs with contrasting biosolids-DOM types. Despite digested biosolids-DOM containing different humic acid-like or fulvic acid-like signatures than limed leachates, antimicrobial triclocarban and industrial compound 2-4 dichlorophenol suppressed similar high energy fluorescent signatures in all biosolids-DOM. This suggests TCC and 2-4 DCP electronically interacts with smaller aromatic compounds, such as amino acids, and this interaction is not unique to DOM from different waste stabilizations. This study contributes to future bioavailability assays modeling complex effects of leachate quality on halogenated contaminants. This thesis also confirmed the presence of dehalogenating microbes in the anaerobic microbial community structure of a THP-AD system. These results contribute to on-going work assessing solids treatments, where halogenated emerging contaminants can be dehalogenated before land application. This work advances understanding of biosolids DOM leachates, modeling EEM data, and fate of ECs during full-scale solids treatment processes.Item Sediment connectivity between the lower Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay(2019) Russ, Emily; Palinkas, Cindy; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Excess fine sediment is one of the main pollutants contributing to water quality degradation in the upper Chesapeake Bay. Recent management efforts have focused on reducing sediment inputs within the Bay watershed to achieve water quality standards set in the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). However, the models used to develop the TMDL did not account for the evolving sediment loads to and storage in the Bay, which include reduced sediment capacity in the Conowingo Reservoir, the last reservoir on the Susquehanna River, increased shoreline protection measures, and resurgence of SAV in the upper Bay in a region known as the Susquehanna Flats. The overall goal of this dissertation is to assess the current sediment dynamics of the upper Bay and specifically evaluate the connectivity of sediment transport from the Susquehanna River through the Flats into the upper Bay. First, I evaluated sedimentation on the Susquehanna Flats over seasonal to decadal time scales using radioisotopes within the context of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) biomass and geomorphology. Seasonal-scale sedimentation variability was related to river discharge, sediment supply, and geometry over the SAV bed, while decadal-scale sedimentation was influenced by flood events and changes in SAV biomass abundance. Next, I analyzed sediment geochemical patterns in the upper Bay using statistical analyses. Elements associated with aluminosilicate minerals, rare earth elements, and heavy metals explained the most variability in the dataset due to changes in grain size, salinity, and anthropogenic input, respectively. A sediment-provenance analysis was performed using the sediment-geochemistry data and indicated that the Susquehanna is the dominant source of fine-grained material throughout the upper Bay. Finally, I developed an updated sediment budget through quantitative analysis of sediment sources (Susquehanna River and shoreline erosion) and sinks (Susquehanna Flats and mainstem sediment-accumulation rates). Conservation-management practices have reduced Susquehanna River sediment loads at low flows, but sediment loads at high flows have increased, consistent with a decreasing scour threshold for bottom sediments in Conowingo Reservoir as it has filled. Increases in shoreline stabilization have reduced shoreline erosion inputs.Item EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT CAPITAL SOURCES ON MARYLAND OYSTER AQUACULTURE OPERATIONS(2019) Parker, Matthew Denson; Harrell, Reginal M; Lipton, Douglas; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Aquaculture production of oysters has occurred in the state of Maryland since the 1890s, with limited success due to restrictive regulations and opposition from the commercial wild industry. After revision of the aquaculture leasing regulations in 2009, the Maryland oyster aquaculture industry expanded more than 10-fold. In 2010, Maryland Agricultural Resource Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) started the Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Loan fund, which features an interest-only period and partial-principle forgiveness. Loans taken through this program typically have a 3%, three-year, interest only period. If all interest only payments are made on time 40% of principle of the first loan is forgiven. Remaining principle is amortized at a rate of 5% over the remaining term of the loan. Any subsequent loans feature the same interest only period, however only 25% of the loan principle is forgiven. This study evaluated if there is any difference in farm accounting metrics when comparing self-financed operations, conventionally funded operations, and operations with MARBIDCO funding on water-column and bottom-culture oyster aquaculture operations. Bottom-culture and water-column operations had significantly higher net present value (NPV), internal rates of return (IRR), and accounting profit values when they were MARBIDCO-financed compared other sources of capital. Significant economies of scale were found in both bottom-culture and water-column operations, with larger operations having lower break-even costs. The effect of receiving payments for nutrient credits was evaluated for effects on farm accounting metrics. Operations that received nutrient payments had higher NPV, and IRR values, and accounting profit than those operations that did not receive nutrient payments. Nutrient credit payments, however, were unlikely to contribute substantially to operational success since they represent a small percentage of overall revenue. Successful operations were generally successful without nutrient credit payments; therefore, the decision to start an oyster-aquaculture operation should not be based on receiving nutrient credit payments. This research suggests oyster aquaculture operations that use MARBIDCO financing in the State of Maryland will have the best chance of success and highest financial return.Item MORTALITY AND REOVIRUS INFECTION IN SOFT-SHELL BLUE CRAB (CALLINECTES SAPIDUS) AQUACULTURE(2019) Spitznagel, Matthew Isaac; Schott, Eric J; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Soft-shell blue crab production the United States is an undervalued aquaculture practice experiencing high crab mortality rates from a series of stressors, including disease. The impact of one disease, the reovirus CsRV1, remains unquantified in major soft-shell crab production regions, despite the virus’ known ubiquity and lethality. My research examined the mortality and CsRV1 infection rates of pre- and post-production crabs in Maryland, Virginia, and Louisiana soft-shell crab production facilities in 2016-2017, attempting to link these rates to water quality and aquaculture practice variables. I found that recirculating aquaculture systems lost half the proportion of crabs (16%) that flow-through systems did (33%). CsRV1 infection was the primary predictor of crab death in Chesapeake aquaculture, presenting in 75% of dead crabs compared to 22% of dead crabs in Louisiana aquaculture. Multi-state data suggests crab losses worth over $2 million are attributable to CsRV1, indicating a need for aquaculture effluent and discard control.