Physics Theses and Dissertations
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Item Feedback experiments using entangled photons for polarization control in future quantum networks(2024) Dowling, Evan; Murphy, Thomas E; Roy, Rajarshi; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Control of the measurement frames that project on polarization entangled photons is an important experimental task for near term fiber-based quantum networks. Because of the changing birefringence in optical fiber arising from temperature fluctuations or external vibrations, the polarization projection direction at the end of a fiber channel is unpredictable and varies with time. This polarization drift can cause errors in quantum information protocols, like quantum key distribution, that rely on the alignment of measurement bases between users sharing a quantum state. Polarization control within fiber is typically accomplished using feedback measurements from classical power alignment signals, multiplexed in time or wavelength with the quantum signal that coexist in the same fiber. This thesis explores ways to use only measurements on the entangled photons for polarization control and perform entanglement measures without multiplexing alignment signals. This approach is experimentally less complex and can reduce the noise within the quantum channel arising from the alignment signals. In the first part of this dissertation, we study how to use distributed measurements on polarization entangled photons for polarization drift correction in a 7.1 km deployed fiber between the University of Maryland and the Laboratory of Telecommunication Sciences for two individuals sharing a near maximally entangled Bell state, $\hat \rho = |\Psi^-\rangle\langle\Psi^-|$. In the second part of the dissertation, we examine how to use feedback measurements to maximize the violation of a Bell's inequality used as an entanglement measure. Both polarization drift correction and the maximization of a Bell's inequality violation use iterative optimization algorithms to actuate upstream polarization controllers. In the Bell's inequality investigation, three numerical methods: Bayesian optimization, Nelder-Mead simplex optimization, and stochastic gradient descent are implemented and compared against each other. For complete polarization control and Bell's inequality violation experiments, we developed a polarization and time multiplexed detection system that reduced the number of photon detectors needed and mitigated the demand on the coincidence counting electronics for real-time feedback and control.Item ON THEORETICAL ANALYSES OF QUANTUM SYSTEMS: PHYSICS AND MACHINE LEARNING(2022) Guo, Shangjie; Spielman, Ian B; Taylor, Jacob M; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Engineered quantum systems can help us learn more about fundamental physics topics and quantum technologies with real-world applications. However, building them could involve several challenging tasks, such as designing more noise-resistant quantum components in confined space, manipulating continuously-measured quantum systems without destroying coherence, and extracting information about quantum phenomena using machine learning (ML) tools. In this dissertation, we present three examples from the three aspects of studying the dynamics and characteristics of various quantum systems. First, we examine a circuit quantum acoustodynamic system consisting of a superconducting qubit, an acoustical waveguide, and a transducer that nonlocally couples both. As the sound signals travel $10^5$ times slower than the light and the coupler dimension extends beyond a few phonon emission wavelengths, we can model the system as a non-Markovian giant atom. With an explicit result, we show that a giant atom can exhibit suppressed relaxation within a free space and an effective vacuum coupling emerges between the qubit excitation and a confined acoustical wave packet. Second, we study closed-loop controls for open quantum systems using weakly-monitored Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) as a platform. We formulate an analytical model to describe the dynamics of backaction-limited weak measurements and temporal-spatially resolved feedback imprinting. Furthermore, we design a backaction-heating-prevention feedback protocol that stabilizes the system in quasi-equilibrium. With these results, we introduce closed-loop control as a powerful instrument for engineering open quantum systems. At last, we establish an automated framework consisting of ML and physics-informed models for solitonic feature identification from experimental BEC image data. We develop classification and object detection algorithms based on convolutional neural networks. Our framework eliminates human inspections and enables studying soliton dynamics from numerous images. Moreover, we publish a labeled dataset of soliton images and an open-source Python package for implementing our framework.Item Rydberg Ensembles for Quantum Networking(2020) Craddock, Alexander Nicholas; Rolston, Steve; Porto, Trey; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Rydberg ensembles, atomic clouds with one or more atoms excited to a Rydberg state, have proven to be a good platform for the study of photon-photon interactions. This is due to the nonlinearities they exhibit at the single photon level arising from Rydberg-Rydberg interactions. As a result, they have shown promise for use in a multitude of applications, among them quantum networking. In this thesis I describe the construction and operation of an apparatus for the purpose of cooling, trapping and probing Rydberg ensemble physics in a cloud of ${}^{87}\textrm{Rb}$ atoms. In addition, I describe a pair of projects undertaken with the apparatus. In the first, I report our demonstration of a Rydberg ensemble based on-demand single photon source. Here, we make use of Rydberg blockade to allow us to prepare a single collective Rydberg excitation in the cloud. The spin wave excitation is then retrieved by coherently mapping it onto a propagating photon. Our source is highly pure and efficient, while producing narrow bandwidth and indistinguishable photons. Such sources are important devices for the purposes of quantum networking, computation and metrology. Following from this, I describe a collaborative project where we show time resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between photons produced by our Rydberg ensemble source, and a collaborators source based on a single trapped barium ion. This demonstration is a critical step in the entanglement, and hybrid quantum networking, of these two disparate systems.Item Ultrafast Control of Spin and Motion in Trapped Ions(2013) Mizrahi, Jonathan Albert; Monroe, Christopher R; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Trapped atomic ions are a promising medium for quantum computing, due to their long coherence times and potential for scalability. Current methods of entangling ions rely on addressing individual modes of motion within the trap and applying qubit state dependent forces with external fields. This approach can limit the speed of entangling gates and make them vulnerable to decoherence due to coupling to unwanted modes or ion heating. This thesis is directed towards demonstrating novel entanglement schemes which are not limited by the trap frequency, and can be made almost arbitrarily fast. Towards this goal, I report here on the first experiments using ultrafast laser pulses to control the internal and external states of a single trapped ion. I begin with experiments in ultrafast spin control, showing how a single laser pulse can be used to completely control both spin degrees of freedom of the ion qubit in tens of picoseconds. I also show how a train of weak pulses can be used to drive Raman transitions based on a frequency comb. I then discuss experiments using pulses to rapidly entangle the spin with the motion, and how careful spectral redistribution allows a single pulse to execute a spin-dependent momentum kick. Finally, I explain how these spin-dependent momentum kicks can be used in the future to create an ultrafast entangling gate. I go over how such a gate would work, and present experimentally realizable timing sequences which would create a maximally entangled state of two ions in a time faster than the period of motion in the trap.Item Quantum Simulation of Interacting Spin Models with Trapped Ions(2012) Islam, Kazi Rajibul; Monroe, Christopher; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)The quantum simulation of complex many body systems holds promise for understanding the origin of emergent properties of strongly correlated systems, such as high-Tc superconductors and spin liquids. Cold atomic systems provide an almost ideal platform for quantum simulation due to their excellent quantum coherence, initialization and readout properties, and their ability to support several forms of interactions. In this thesis, I present experiments on the quantum simulation of long range Ising models in the presence of transverse magnetic fields with a chain of up to sixteen ultracold 171-Yb+ ions trapped in a linear radio frequency Paul trap. Two hyperfine levels in each of the 171-Yb+ ions serve as the spin-1/2 systems. We detect the spin states of the individual ions by observing state-dependent fluorescence with single site resolution, and can directly measure any possible spin correlation function. The spin-spin interactions are engineered by applying dipole forces from precisely tuned lasers whose beatnotes induce stimulated Raman transitions that couple virtually to collective phonon modes of the ion motion. The Ising couplings are controlled, both in sign and strength with respect to the effective transverse field, and adiabatically manipulated to study various aspects of this spin model, such as the emergence of a quantum phase transition in the ground state and spin frustration due to competing antiferromagnetic interactions. Spin frustration often gives rise to a massive degeneracy in the ground state, which can lead to entanglement in the spin system. We detect and characterize this frustration induced entanglement in a system of three spins, demonstrating the first direct experimental connection between frustration and entanglement. With larger numbers of spins we also vary the range of the antiferromagnetic couplings through appropriate laser tunings and observe that longer range interactions reduce the excitation energy and thereby frustrate the ground state order. This system can potentially be scaled up to study a wide range of fully connected spin networks with a few dozens of spins, where the underlying theory becomes intractable on a classical computer.Item Sum Frequency Generation in Laser Safety and Quantum Telecommunications Applications(2011) Houston, Jemellie; Clark, Charles W; Chemical Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)This thesis describes the implications of sum-frequency generation in both laser safety and quantum telecommunications applications. Green laser pointer technology uses frequency doubling of invisible 1064 nm infrared radiation to visible 532 nm green radiation. An inexpensive green laser pointer was found to emit infrared leakage primarily due to the lack of an infrared-blocking filter. An experimental setup using common household materials was presented to detect unwanted infrared radiation from such devices. Also reported, is the design and characterization of a high-speed versatile 780 nm pump source up to 1.25 GHz through second harmonic generation from a wavelength of 1560 nm. The 780 nm source is currently being used for the production of correlated photon pairs, one of which is at 656 nm, the hydrogen Balmer alpha line. The final goal will be to generate a high-speed entanglement source after some adjustments in the correlated pair source assembly. This will improve an operational quantum key distribution system.Item Theoretical Methods in the Non-Equilibrium Quantum Mechanics of Many Bodies(2011) Robertson, Andrew Benjamin; Galitski, Victor M; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)A toolbox of theoretical methods pertinent to the study of non-equilibrium many-body quantum mechanics is presented with an eye to specific applications in cold atoms systems and solids. We discuss the generalization from unitary quantum mechanics to the non-unitary framework of open quantum systems. Theoretical techniques include the Keldysh close-time-path integral and its associated correlation functions, the quantum kinetic equation, and numerical integration of equations of motion both unitary and non-unitary. We explore how the relaxation of the assumption of equilibrium yields a whole new array of sometimes counterintuitive effects. We treat such examples as the non-equilibrium enhancement of BCS superfluidity by driving, bistability and coherent population transfer in Feshbach coupled fermions, and the dynamic stimulation of quantum coherence in bosons confined to a lattice. These systems are considered with an eye to enhancing some useful quantum properties and making them available in wider parameter regimes.Item Excited Nucleon and Delta Spectra From Lattice QCD(2009) Engelson, Eric; Wallace, Stephen J; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)We calculate the nucleon and delta excited state spectra from lattice QCD. Operators which transform as irreducible representations of the lattice symmetry group are used as bases for variational calculations. We compute matrices of corre- lation functions between all the operators in the variational bases. From the time dependence of the eigenvalues of these matrices, we extract energy eigenvalues. By subducing the continuum SU(3) rotation group to the octahedral group, we can identify the spins of the continuum states which correspond to the lattice states. In the nucleon spectrum calculation, we use 24^3 × 64 anisotropic lattices with pion masses of 416 MeV and 576 MeV. The lattices have a spacing of about 0.1 fm and an anisotropy of 3. We use the Wilson gauge and the Wilson fermion actions with two flavors of dynamical light quarks. The low-lying spectrum has many of the qualitative features of the physical spectrum and we are able to identify the continuum states which correspond to several of the lattice states. This includes one of the first observations of a spin- 5 state on the lattice. For the delta spectrum calculation, we use 16^3 × 128 anisotropic lattices. The gauge action is the tree-level tadpole improved Wilson gauge action, while in the fermion sector we use the clover action. The pion mass is about 390 MeV and the anisotropy is 3.5. We have two flavors of dynamical light quarks as well as dynamical strange quarks. To compute the correlation functions, we use the distillation method in which operators are projected on the the low lying eigenmodes of the Laplacian operator, allowing for an exact computation of all-to-all propagators between the distilled source and sink operators. We are able to identify four low-lying states with continuum delta states.