Bolshoi - A Modeling Spreadsheet (Improving Usability of Complex
Analytical Modeling Tools)
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Spreadsheet programs are very popular financial modeling tools because
they allow users to juggle numbers and formulas with a powerful yet
intuitive and easy to understand user interface; also, they often are
equipped with sophisticated numerical analysis packages for data analysis
and powerful presentation utilities for visualizing results. Computer
systems performance and reliability modeling tools of today, on the other
hand, have un-intuitive user interfaces and are difficult to learn and
use. In this work, we propose to design, build, and evaluate Bolshoi, a
modeling spreadsheet, with the goal of putting modeling tools comfortably
in the hands of non-expert users.
In this proposal, we address management of complexity that exists in
performance and reliability analysis of real computer and communication
systems. Specifically, we propose to do so through the design and
development of an advanced modeling tool. Our tool will provide two
important functions: (1) a proper interface for building models that will
allow system designers not just to define their models, but visualize them
in various ways and (2) easy plug-in of existing and future advanced
solution techniques. We call this tool Bolshoi, a Modeling Spreadsheet,
because it has a spreadsheet-type interface as detailed below.
Performance evaluation of real systems is complex, suffers from
scalability problems (or the so-called state explosion'' problem) and in many cases requires advanced computational techniques. Often, advanced computational techniques are based on exploitation of
structure'' in the models (the primary way to deal with state explosion
besides getting a bigger machine). With large and complex models, these
special structures are very expensive to expose automatically as it
involves searching through a combinatorial number of permutations. Proper
visualization of models can greatly assist in the discovery of these
special structures so that state space reduction techniques can be
applied. Discovery of special structure regularly contributes to many
orders of magnitude in computational efficiency. Furthermore, models are
often defined over infinite state spaces. We believe that a spreadsheet
paradigm is ideal for visualizing such models.
Without proper modeling tools, much effort and money is wasted by the
computer industry, and moreover, the probability of a successful outcome
is low. Thus, a good tool is crucial to advances in the state of the art
in performance modeling as well as to successful design of systems in the
industry. Every system designer should be able to integrate the use of a
performance modeling tool into his/her design process. He/she should be
able to easily ask what-if'' type questions, explore possible design choices, and make decisions based on quantitative results rather than
gut feeling''. We believe that a modeling spreadsheet is the right
abstraction for such tasks, and furthermore, to the best of our knowledge
this abstraction has not been exploited for performance evaluation tool
We believe that the approach proposed here will have a significant impact
on future performance tool designs as well as make significant strides
in wide-spread use of performance evaluation techniques among computer
and communication system designers.
Furthermore, a modeling tool that does not require expert-level methodology
knowledge is also an excellent undergraduate-level and graduate-level
educational tool. Opportunities for hands-on experience with modeling and
performance evaluation as well as the ability to add new techniques to the
tool greatly improve the educational experience of students and their
future ability to apply what they have learned in class to design of real
computer and communication systems.
(Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-2000-10)