The Loading Time Scheduling Problem
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In this paper we study precedence constrained scheduling problems, where
the tasks can only be executed on a specified subset of the machines.
Each machine has a loading time that is incurred only for the first task
that is scheduled on the machine in a particular run. This basic
scheduling problem arises in the context of machining on numerically
controlled machines, query optimization in databases, and in other
artificial intelligence applications. We give the first non-trivial
approximation algorithm for this problem. We also prove non-trivial
lower bounds on best possible approximation ratios for these problems.
These improve on the non-approximability results that are implied by the
non-approximability results for the shortests common supersequence problem.
We use the same algorithmic technique to obtain approximation algorithms for a problem arising in the context of code generation for parallel machines, and for the weighted shortest common supersequence problem.