Most Americans Believe Bush Administration is Still Saying Iraq had Major WMD Program: 4 in 10 Americans, 6 in 10 Republicans, Also Believe It Is True
Most Americans Believe Bush Administration is Still Saying Iraq had Major WMD Program: 4 in 10 Americans, 6 in 10 Republicans, Also Believe It Is True
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A new report in the Washington Post says that in 2003 members of the Bush administration continued to say that Iraq had a WMD program, citing mobile units purportedly for making biological weapons, even after they had received a report from on-site experts to the contrary. A poll conducted last month by finds that seven in ten Americans perceive the Bush administration as still saying that Iraq had a major WMD program or actual WMD. Not surprisingly 4 in 10 continue to believe that before the war Iraq did have at least a major WMD program, including 6 in 10 Republicans. Two thirds also perceive that the Bush administration is still saying that the Iraq provided substantial support to al Qaeda.