Algae in Carroll Creek: Green Infrastructure and Community Greening Approaches
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This report describes green infrastructure and community greening approaches to address excess algae in Carroll Creek in The City of Frederick. This report was written as partial fulfillment of course requirements for LARC 452: Green Infrastructure and Community Greening. Addressing excess algae in Carroll Creek is a complex problem that merits multifaceted approaches. The students in the class also recognized previous efforts that have been in part successful in documenting and reducing some of the algae in Carroll Creek. The report is organized into five sections: 1) a review of selected watershed reports; 2) a case study of the San Antonio Riverwalk; 3) approaches that address the symptoms of algae; 4) approaches that address the root course of excess nutrients; and 5) establishing a Carroll Creek watershed advocacy group.
Final project for LARC452: Green Infrastructure & Community Greening (Fall 2014). Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park.