A Pragmatic Documents Standard for an Experience Library: Roles,Documen, Contents and Structure

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This report constitutes a documents standard. It describes the major roles, processes, and documents necessary for designing, running, analyzing, synthesizing, recording and disseminating information from controlled experiments. (Other kinds of empirical studies, such as case studies, are not covered.) This description is the result of the authors' experience with replication of controlled experiments, and addresses what was learned about the needs of both the original experimenter and the replicator. To disseminate the information needed for an experimental replication, this document proposes a web-based and thus distributed Experience Library. The corresponding document standard has been designed to make relevant documents and empirical material into a "living" experience base. To this goal, this document describes pragmatic information structures to store, disseminate, comment upon, and update documents on designing and running experiments. We describe how special care must be taken to document otherwise unwritten goals, rationales, and assumptions behind experiments and thus to support more reasoned changes (adaptations and improvements) on replications. An accompanying set of Quality Assurance Rules regulates the evolution and use of this Experience Library. A main web portal is also described which ties together all local Experience Libraries, Document Standards, and Quality Assurance Rules. (Cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-2201-24)

