Prince George's County Vision Zero Story Map
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In the spring 2020 semester, the University of Maryland I-Consultancy tasked a team of college-level information scientists to consult with Prince George’s County’s Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPWT) on the development of a Vision Zero story map. This project was sponsored by the University of Maryland’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS) and overseen by DPWT employees, Andrea Lasker and Nima Upadhyay. The Department of Public Works & Transportation oversees approximately 2,000 miles of roadways in the County and is responsible for ensuring safe road conditions by removing snow and ice, installing and upgrading streetlights, and much more. During the summer of 2019, Prince George’s County announced it would join the Vision Zero Initiative, a worldwide project aimed at eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries. The County’s participation requires that DPWT produce a story map or website that showcases data trends in crashes in the County. The I-Consultancy team was tasked to help the department produce this deliverable. This report gives an overview of the Vision Zero story map and provides information on accessing, maintaining, and updating it.
Final project for INST490: Integrated Capstone for Information Science (Spring 2020). University of Maryland, College Park.