A Linear Iterative Approach for Hierarchical Shortest Path Finding
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We present a hierarchical approach that subdivides a network with $n$
vertices into $r$ regions with the same number $m$ of vertices ($n = r m$)
and creates higher levels merging a constant number $c$ of adjacent
regions. We propose linear iterative algorithms to find a shortest path
and to expand this path into the lowest level. Since our approach is
non-recursive, the complexity constants are small and the algorithms are
more efficient in practice than other recursive optimal approaches. A
hybrid shortest path algorithm to perform intra-regional queries in the
lowest level is introduced. This strategy uses a subsequence of vertices
that belong to the shortest path while actually computing the whole
shortest path. The hybrid algorithm requires $O(m)$ time and space
assuming an uniform distribution of vertices. This represents a further
improvement concerning space, since a path view approach requires $O(m^{1.5})$ space in the lowest level. For higher $k$-levels, a path view
approach spends $O(1)$ time and requires $O(c^k m)$ space.