About Research Participation

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Office for Human Research Protections. (2020, January 28). Participating in Human Research and Clinical Trials. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/education-and-outreach/about-research-participation/index.html



This website focuses on informing and educating the public about research and research participation. As an organization whose mission is to protect research participants and promote public trust in the research enterprise, OHRP is uniquely suited to help potential research participants navigate sometimes complicated considerations associated with research participation. The About Research Participation website has many useful resources in both English and Spanish. Our videos are the most popular and cover a diverse range of topics from clinical trials, randomization, informed consent, to institutional review boards. The website also provides a downloadable list of questions potential research participants could take with them to ask researchers. Finally, there is also a set of infographics to explain the protections research participants could expect.
