Self-Identification Patterns of American-Muslim in Post 9/11 America

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The University of Maryland McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal, 2, (2010): 10-18.



The United States, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, launched a seven-and-a-half-year “War on Terror”, aimed at fighting terrorism. The “War on Terror”, though ostensibly aimed at international targets, may have had a negative impact on Muslims living in America. The War on Terror has the very real potential of creating adversarial relationships between citizens of varying ethnicities. Domestic anti-terrorism activities may serve to cause Muslim Americans to feel marginalized and disenfranchised. It is not uncommon for the patriotism and citizenship of Muslim Americans to be questioned by other Americans, not because of criminal activity, but because of their immigration status, ethnic background, and religion. Therefore, this study will begin to examine how the patterns of self-identification of American-Muslims have been positively or negatively affected by the events of September 11, 2001. This exploratory study will consist of focus groups, segregated by gender, of American-Muslims aged 18-25 years old. Focus group participants will be asked about their experiences and the direct impact of September 11, 2001 on their lives, choice of college major, and choice of future career paths.

