Central Control for Optimized Herbaceous Feedstock Delivery to a Biorefinery from Satellite Storage Locations

dc.contributor.authorResop, Jonathan P.
dc.contributor.authorCundiff, John S.
dc.contributor.authorGrisso, Robert D.
dc.description.abstractThe delivery of herbaceous feedstock from satellite storage locations (SSLs) to a biorefinery or preprocessing depot is a logistics problem that must be optimized before a new bioenergy industry can be realized. Both load-out productivity, defined as the loading of 5 × 4 round bales into a 20-bale rack at the SSL, and truck productivity, defined as the hauling of bales from the SSLs to the biorefinery, must be maximized. Productivity (Mg/d) is maximized and cost (USD/Mg) is minimized when approximately the same number the loads is received each day. To achieve this, a central control model is proposed, where a feedstock manager at the biorefinery can dispatch a truck to any SSL where a load will be available when the truck arrives. Simulations of this central control model for different numbers of simultaneous load-out operations were performed using a database of potential production fields within a 50 km radius of a theoretical biorefinery in Gretna, VA. The minimum delivered cost (i.e., load-out plus truck) was achieved with nine load-outs and a fleet of eight trucks. The estimated cost was 11.24 and 11.62 USD/Mg of annual biorefinery capacity (assuming 24/7 operation over 48 wk/y for a total of approximately 150,000 Mg/y) for the load-out and truck, respectively. The two costs were approximately equal, reinforcing the desirability of a central control to maximize the productivity of these two key operations simultaneously.
dc.identifier.citationResop, J.P.; Cundiff, J.S.; Grisso, R.D. Central Control for Optimized Herbaceous Feedstock Delivery to a Biorefinery from Satellite Storage Locations. AgriEngineering 2022, 4, 544-565.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtCollege of Behavioral & Social Sciencesen_us
dc.relation.isAvailableAtDigital Repository at the University of Marylanden_us
dc.relation.isAvailableAtUniversity of Maryland (College Park, MD)en_us
dc.subjectherbaceous feedback
dc.subjectspatial modeling
dc.subjectspatial analysis
dc.subjectbiomass logistics
dc.subjectbiomass load-out
dc.subjectbiomass hauling
dc.subjectsatellite storage locations
dc.titleCentral Control for Optimized Herbaceous Feedstock Delivery to a Biorefinery from Satellite Storage Locations


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