Rehabilitative Methods and the Affect on Juvenile Delinquents

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The University of Maryland McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal, 1, no. 1 (Winter 2008): 104-117.



The purpose of this inquiry is to examine current rehabilitative programs and therapeutic methods employed to assist juvenile delinquents with re-entering mainstream society. Specifically, this research will examine the techniques, the rehabilitative programs, and the use of therapeutic models to assess the effectiveness of programs in addressing the personal needs of juvenile delinquents. Examples of the techniques, rehabilitative programs, therapeutic models are: substance abuse treatment, job placement, skills training, housing, social interactions with peers and family, and proper therapeutic treatment. The type of research that will be conducted is evaluation research which looks at the merit of social programs (Ruane, 2005). Understanding the value of rehabilitative methods will help to ensure which types of methods have greater chance in rehabilitating juvenile delinquents. The rehabilitative methods that will be examined in this inquiry are therapeutic methods which include group therapy, group housing, and family counseling. The inquiry will look at vocational and skill training as rehabilitative methods. This goal of this inquiry is not to discredit all rehabilitative methods but to show the rehabilitative method trends more frequently used with juvenile delinquents. This inquiry was solely based on a critical and extended analysis of research in the literature.

