Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative Legislative Report
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In 2001, the Minnesota Legislature created the Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative (EHDI). It is a 10-year statewide initiative to address and eliminate racial/ethnic health disparities in Minnesota through local and statewide activities and Community and Tribal Health Grants (see American Indians and Whites. statute, Appendix A). The mission of the EHDI is to support culturally appropriate public health programs designed and implemented by racial and ethnic communities. The success of these programs is built on community assets, and grounded in the cultural beliefs, practices, and traditions of communities. The EHDI is administered through the Minnesota Department of Health Office of Minority and Multicultural Health (OMMH). This statewide initiative focuses on Africans/African Americans, American Indians, Asians, Latinos and Tribal Nations in eight health disparity areas: breast and cervical cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, healthy youth development, immunization, infant mortality, HIV/AIDs and sexually transmitted infections, and unintentional injury and violence.