State of the USA Health Indicators: Letter Report

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UNSPECIFIED, ed. Committee on the State of the USA Health Indicators, Institute of Medicine (2009) State of the USA Health Indicators: Letter Report. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, pp. 1-100.


Researchers, policymakers, sociologists and doctors have long asked how to best measure the health of a nation, yet the challenge persists. The nonprofit State of the USA, Inc. (SUSA) is taking on this challenge, demonstrating how to measure the health of the United States. The organization is developing a new website intended to provide reliable and objective facts about the U.S. in a number of key areas, including health, and to provide an interactive tool with which individuals can track the progress made in each of these areas. In 2008, SUSA asked the Institute of Medicine's Committee on the State of the USA Health Indicators to provide guidance on 20 key indicators to be used on the organization's website that would be valuable in assessing health.

