Understanding Great Britain: A Case Study of Britain’s Asian Female Muslim Population

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The University of Maryland McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 3, 2011: 93-99.



This qualitative case study research project examines the perceptions towards Muslim women in Great Britain after 2001. This study is based upon a historical framework that seeks to determine the historical developments of perceptions, both positive and negative,—after determining what said perceptions were—that ranged across all aspects of life: the political, social, public, and private. The women in this study range, in majority, from Pakistan, and are anchored in its discussion about young Muslim women ranging from 18 years of age to 30 years of ages that reside in Great Britain. This qualitative case study answers one main research question that serves as an umbrella effect for the smaller four subset questions that guided and constrained this project. These questions reveals an extreme lack of discussion about the different and distinct experiences of Muslim women from Muslim men living in the West, specifically Great Britain for the constraints of this paper, the almost complete lack of appearance of Muslim women in the public sphere, especially women whom chose to wear the veil. These findings are supported by evidence collected from many forms of media, demographic and statistical evidence all of whom is based and firmed by modern scholarship. The findings of this study revealed key conclusions: 1) There is complete absence of Muslim women outside of the veil issue; 2) Muslim women are seen as a threat to “Western lifestyle” and 3) gives insight into the growing Islamic Feminist Movement through the actions of young Muslim women. Through the use of literature, media, politics, and the historical process this study focuses on the perceptions towards Muslim women in all walks of life.

