Measurements of boulders ejected in the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) impact

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This data collection contains tables that provide measurements of the positions and brightnesses of meter-sized boulders that were ejected when the Double Asteroid Impact Test (DART) spacecraft crashed into Dimorphos, the moon of asteroid (65803) Didymos on September 26, 2022. The measurements come from the LICIACube Unit Key Explorer (LUKE) instrument on board the LICIACube spacecraft that flew by the Didymos system about 3 minutes after the impact event. The positions table provides the pixel locations of each boulder in the images where it was detected, while the photometry table gives the brightness for each boulder in each of the images where it was measured.


The data consist of two machine readable tables, with headers that describe the format of the data. The positions table lists the X and Y (row and column) pixel where the boulder is observed in each image where it is detected. The photometry table gives the brightness (irradiance) of a boulder in a 3-pixel radius in each image where it is measured, along with the uncertainty in that measurement. The brightness is normalized to a spacecraft range of 57.63 km (the LICIACue close approach distance).
