Belief in AIDS as a Form of Genocide: Implications for HIV Prevention Programs for African Americans

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Quinn, Sandra Crouse (1997) Belief in AIDS as a Form of Genocide: Implications for HIV Prevention Programs for African Americans. Journal of Health Education, 28 (6). S6-S11.


The purpose of this article is to examine factors associated with belief that AIDS is a form of genocide and trust in federal government reports on AIDS in a cross-sectional sample of 1,054 black church members. Reports in both the professional literature and mass media have documented fears that AIDS is a form of genocide unleashed on black Americans, and distrust of reports on AIDS.Results from this study demonstrate that a substantial number of participants believe that belief in genocide is not accounted for by levels of AIDS knowledge. Belief in genocide may be a modern urban legend that need not be a barrier for AIDS education. Implications for development of AIDS education sensitive to the cultural context of African Americans are described.

