Querying Video Libraries
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There is now growing interest in organizing and querying large bodies of video data. In this paper, we will develop a simple SQL-like video query language which can be used not only to identify videos in the library that are of interest to the user, but which can also be used to extract, from such a video in a video library, the relevant segments of the video that satisfy the specified query condition. We investigate various types of user requests and show how they are expressed using our query language. We also develop polynomial-time algorithms to process such queries. Furthermore, we show how video-presentations may be synthesized in response to a user query. We show how a standard relational database system can be extended in order to handle queries such as those expressed in our language. Based on these principles, we have built a prototype video retrieval system called VIQS. We will describe the design and implementation of VIQS and show some sample interactions with VIQS. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-66)