Silver Anniversary, National Negro Health Week

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Kenney, John A. (1939) Silver Anniversary, National Negro Health Week. Journal of the National Medical Association, 31 (3). p. 123.


April 1 to April 30, 1939 witnesses observance of the Silver Anniversary of the National Negro Health Week program, celebrating twenty-five years of this service, which began in 1915. The objective for this year is the Citizens Responsibility for Community Health. Dr. George W. Bowles, President of the National Medical Association, is Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Dr. Numa P. G. Adams of Howard University, is the Secretary. Great credit is due the officials and promoters of this outstanding piece of work with its splendid accomplishments in improving the health and living conditions of the Negro people in particular. The real live wire behind the movement throughout its existence is Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Health Specialist of the United States Public Health Service of Washington, D. C.

