Health Insurance Plans Address Disparities in Care: Highlights of a 2004 AHIP/RWJF Quantitative Survey Collection and Use of Data on Race and Ethnicity

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America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) (2004) Health Insurance Plans Address Disparities in Care: Highlights of a 2004 AHIP/RWJF Quantitative Survey Collection and Use of Data on Race and Ethnicity. Other. UNSPECIFIED.


Americans receive health care services that are in sync with the latest scientific evidence only about half the time. Studies also find that racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. receive a lower quality of care than non-minorities and are at greater risk for certain diseases. There is widespread agreement that valid and reliable data are fundamental building blocks to identifying differences in the care experienced by specific populations, to developing programs to address differences, and to ensuring a higher standard of care. To date, national studies have identified very few providers or institutions that address disparities in care using a data-driven, quality improvement approach. In 2003/04, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) collaborated with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to survey health insurance plans about the extent to which they collect and use data on the race and ethnicity of their enrollees to improve quality of care. The primary objectives of the survey were to: 1) assess the extent to which health insurance plans collect these data (including primary language); 2) highlight barriers to the collection of these data; and 3) identify health insurance plans interested in potential future collaborations.

