The Effects of Brain Drain on Haiti

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The University of Maryland McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 3, 2011: 145-156.



This study was conducted in the form of a historical analysis to understand and determine the various ways that human capital flight, better known as brain drain, has impacted Haiti and how occurrences such as political events, have influenced brain drain in return. The first research question seeks to identify determinants in Haiti that contribute to brain drain. An analysis shows that the three main contributors are the economy, healthcare, and education. Brain drain has impacted political development because there are not enough policies to address many of the issues faced by Haiti, while economic development has been effected because the output of human capital is not enough to sustain the lost capital from highly-skilled emigrants. The development of education has been impacted by brain drain in the same way that education has influenced brain drain through the absence and lack of necessary educational resources, which is a result of the very low funding allocated to post-secondary education. The lack of job and career opportunities, as well as opportunities to advance in education, motivates Haiti’s educated professionals to leave the country.

