Minority Health and Health Equity Archive
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Item The March of Events(1947) Reynolds, Louis B.Because most Negro citizens — North and South — live in crowded ghettoes composed of rundown tenement structures with poor sanitary facilities, the disease rate among Negroes is high. 'The number of preventable deaths is disturbing. Thus late this month the nation will observe National Negro Health Week, a week dedicated to the health of the largest minority group within the American commonwealth. This 33rd annual Negro Health Week will be observed from March 30 to April 6. A nation-wide program, it is sponsored by the U. S. Public Health Service, in cooperation with state, county, and city health departments, and various voluntary health and civic organizations.Item National Health Negro Week—A Radio Broadcast(1944) Turner, John P.Q.-Dr. Turner. How did National Negro Health Week begin? A.-National Negro Health Week was instituted thirty years ago by the late Dr. Booker T. Washington, whose philosophy of head, heart, hand and health brought into existence a movement that has extended into every section of the United States. In Philadelphia this year, we are most fortunate in that our Board of Public Health is sponsoring Health Week, with twenty-three cooperating agencies, among them Hospitals, Nursing Societies, Churches, Christian Associations, Parent-Teachers Associations, Medical Societies, Red Cross, Social Agencies and Educational As. sociations.Item National Negro Health Week The Thirty-Third Annual Observance March 30 - April 6, 1947(1947) Kenney, John A.This now national popular movement was initiated by the late Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute some thirty-odd years ago. In this connection we are reminded of the topic "Despise Not the Day of Small Beginnings." At first it was annual clean-up week under the direction of Dr. Washington. The Tuskegee Institute School and the surrounding community were called upon at the beginning of spring to clean up their premises and in every way possible within their resources to improve their homes and surroundings. Meetings were held, health talks were given, and sermons on health were preached not only on the school's premises but these were extended into surrounding communities.Item Body Ritual among the Nacirema(1956) Miner, HoraceTHE anthropologist has become so familiar with the diversity of ways in which different peoples behave in similar situations that he is not apt to be surprised by even the most exotic customs. In fact, if all of thelogically possible combinations of behavior have not been found somewhere in the world, he is apt to suspect that they must be present in some yet undescribed tribe. This point has, in fact, been expressed with respect to clan organization by Murdock (1949: 71). In this light, the magical beliefs and practices of the Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to which human behavior can go. Professor Linton first brought the ritual of the Nacirema to the attention of anthropologists twenty years ago (1936:326), but the culture of this people is still very poorly understood. T h w r e a North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles. Little is known of their origin, although tradition states that they came from the east.