College of Education

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The collections in this community comprise faculty research works, as well as graduate theses and dissertations..


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    In Pursuit of a Nonpublic Special Education Placement
    (2024) Healy, Charlotte Eileen; Scribner, Campbell F; Education Policy, and Leadership; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Although the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) intends parents to be equal members of the team that makes their child's Individual Education Plan (IEP), parents face barriers to participation, particularly exclusionary procedures, school structures, professional behaviors, and racial and cultural biases. Little wonder that some seek placements outside the public school system. However, IDEA also mandates that students receive services in the “least restrictive environment,” which means alongside peers without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. This dissertation is an exploratory, qualitative study of parents who pursue publicly funded special education placements in nonpublic institutions for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This research documents parents’ reasons, perceptions, and experiences when seeking a nonpublic placement, as well as their strategies and challenges. The questions, and my interpretation of responses, are informed by Pierre Bourdieu’s (1985) socio-cultural capital theory, as well as Audrey A. Trainor’s (2010a, 2010b) descriptions of social and cultural capital use when advocating for children with disabilities. This study found parents of children with ASD sought nonpublic placement only when significant issues arose in their child’s public school, particularly around their child’s safety or lack of meaningful improvement, and only after their efforts to resolve these issues failed and their distrust of school and district personnel grew. No longer focused on coming to a consensus or compromise with their child’s IEP team, parents began an advocacy process that involved: a) consulting or retaining professional representation (attorneys, professional advocates, and/or educational consultants); b) building and presenting the argument that the school district was and could not providing a free and appropriate public education (FAPE); c) securing a placement in a nonpublic school.
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    Examining the Disproportionate Representation of Bilingual Children in Special Education
    (2022) Ortiz, Jose A; Cummings, Kelli D; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Chapter 2: Nonword repetition has been endorsed as a less biased method of assessment for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, but there are currently no systematic reviews or meta-analyses on its use with bilingual children. The purpose of this study is to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of nonword repetition in the identification of language impairment (LI) in bilingual children. Using a keyword search of peer-reviewed literature from several large electronic databases, as well as ancestral and forward searches, 13 studies were identified that met the eligibility criteria. Studies were evaluated on the basis of quality of evidence, design characteristics, and reported diagnostic accuracy. A meta-regression analysis, based on study results, was conducted to identify task characteristics that may be associated with better classification accuracy. Diagnostic accuracy across studies ranged from poor to good. Bilingual children with LI performed with more difficulty on nonword repetition tasks than those with typical language. Quasiuniversal tasks, which account for the phonotactic constraints of multiple languages, exhibited better diagnostic accuracy and resulted in less misidentification of children with typical language than language-specific tasks. Evidence suggests that nonword repetition may be a useful tool in the assessment and screening of LI in bilingual children, though it should be used in conjunction with other measures. Quasiuniversal tasks demonstrate the potential to further reduce assessment bias, but extant research is limited. Chapter 3: The disproportionate identification of language-related disorders in schools, including communication disorders and specific learning disability, is an ongoing problem for bilingual children, with evidence of both over- and underrepresentation. Previous research has uncovered distinct identification patterns for emergent and English-proficient bilinguals, as well as differences in identification rates across grades. However, there is limited information about disability identification for different groups of bilinguals across grades. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence and incidence of language-related disorders in emergent and English-proficient bilinguals in elementary school. Using a nationally representative, individual-level, longitudinal data set, this study examined representation in language-related disorder categories, as well as identification rates by year. This study also examined individual- and school-level predictors of disability identification for bilingual children. Results indicate that emergent and English-proficient bilinguals exhibit distinct patterns of language-related disorder identification. Emergent bilinguals experienced a disproportionate increase in disability identification rates in third grade, resulting in significant overrepresentation in subsequent grades. By fifth grade, emergent bilinguals experienced approximately twice the odds of being identified with a language-related disorder, compared to monolinguals. English-proficient bilinguals, on the other hand, were underrepresented in language-related disorder categories in early elementary school grades, but experienced identification rates similar to monolinguals by fifth grade. Outcomes from this study provide insight into patterns of language-related disorder identification for bilinguals that have not been addressed in previous research. The implications for education practice and policy are discussed. Chapter 4: The disproportionate representation of bilingual children in special education is an ongoing issue in US schools, with evidence of both over- and underrepresentation. Identification rates of language-related disorders, including communication disorders and specific learning disability, are particularly relevant for bilingual children given the challenges associated with differentiating language difference from disorder and the possibility of misidentification. School-based speech-language pathologists are well positioned to address the issue, but many do not engage in practices that may reduce disproportionate disability identification. The purpose of this practitioner paper is to provide school-based clinicians with an evidence-based model for addressing disproportionality in bilingual children, with a focus on prevention. This paper provides a review of the literature on the topic and integrates information from relevant studies to provide a clear depiction of the nature of the problem. In addition, this paper describes a model of disproportionality prevention, and provides a set of evidence-based methods that clinicians can employ. Topics include, pre-referral intervention, early identification, parent engagement, and collaboration. By adopting the methods described in this paper, school-based speech-language pathologists can strengthen their ability to meaningfully address many of the issues that contribute to over- and underrepresentation of bilingual children in special education.
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    (2016) Ferrari, Jonathan "Jono"; Leone, Peter; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Over the past several decades, the landscape of the workplace has changed in many industrialized nations. In the United States this time period has seen the outright elimination or outsourcing of well-paying “blue collar” jobs. The workforce continues to evolve, change, and become more global, and men and women are making nontraditional occupational decisions, whether by choice or necessity. The traditional views of men and women have begun to shift. However, gender assumptions about masculinity have failed to keep pace with the shift. There are approximately 1.8 million elementary grade level teachers in United States public schools; of these, a mere 9% are male. The paucity of male teachers in the elementary grades has been a concern for many years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 86% of all special education teachers are female. In 2012, 86.2% of all special education teachers were female, and by the following year, the number had dropped to 80.4%. The evidence indicates that more men are embarking on nontraditional career paths. Despite theses changes there is minimal research looking at the experiences of men working as special education teachers My goal in this study was to obtain a better understanding of the influences on and the process by which men make the decision to pursuing a career teaching special education in the elementary grades. The study utilized social role theory (Eagly, 1987), and Stead’s (2014) social constructionist theory as well as Williams’ (1992) glass escalator proposition The findings of this study confirm some of the factors related to career choice, experiences and barriers faced by men in nontraditional careers detailed in the literature. Three themes emerged for each research question: Experiences, advocacy, and benefits. Three themes emerged around the second research question exploring the experiences of men in a female-concentrated profession: The male body, communication, and perception. Three themes arose around the third research question: administration, My Masculinity, and pay. The findings run counter to Williams’ glass escalator proposition, which posits men working in female-concentrated professions are at an advantage. The findings advance support for Buschmeyer’s theory of (2013) alternative masculinity.
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    The Effects of the Duration of Special Education on Student's Externalizing Behavior
    (2013) Kuhn-McKearin, Megan; Strein, William; Counseling and Personnel Services; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    To date, the effects of the number of years students spend in special education on behavior outcomes has not been explored. This study sought to fill a gap in the existing literature by investigating the extent to which the number of years (i.e. duration) spent in special education and other aspects of special education (e.g. classroom setting and primary disability type) affected externalizing behavior in the fifth grade. Multiple regression analysis was used on data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-K; National Center for Education Statistics, 2002) longitudinal study to address the research questions. Results showed that longer placements were associated with higher rates of externalizing behavior. Additionally, receiving services in less inclusive settings and having a primary disability code of ED were associated with higher rates of externalizing behavior. Existing research findings and psychological theory were utilized to provide potential explanations for the results.
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    (2013) Cantrell, David Jay; McLaughlin, Margaret J; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of individual characteristics to include disability status, age, gender, and race-ethnicity on receiving a waiver from one or more of the requirements for receipt of the standard diploma among students with and without disabilities. Student data was drawn from a large, international school system, referred to as the Participating School System (PSS) that operates schools throughout the world for military and civilian dependents. Descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and logistic regression analyses were used to answer the four research questions. The results of this study demonstrated there was an association between age, race-ethnicity, and disability status and receiving a waiver from the requirements for the standard diploma. Logistic regression analyses showed that disability status, race-ethnicity, and age increased the odds of receiving any type of waiver, a mathematics waiver, a foreign language waiver, and an other course credit waiver (i.e., science, physical education). Regardless of a student's race-ethnicity, students with disabilities had increased odds of receiving a waiver than did students without disabilities. Although students with disabilities were more likely to receive a waiver than students without disabilities, regardless of race/ethnicity, non-White students with disabilities had increased likelihood of receiving a waiver than White students with disabilities. Additionally, older students with disabilities had increased odds of receiving a waiver. The rationales for granting a waiver for students with disabilities consistently cited were the student's disability status and assessed academic weakness as the reason for granting the waiver or waivers of requirements for the standard diploma. Recommendations stress that school procedures and guidance for awarding a waiver from the requirements for the standard diploma should be clearly designed and articulated to parents, students, and school staff, and specific guidance is provided to special education teams to ensure that students with disabilities are afforded a commensurate educational experience that is provided to students without disabilities. Additionally, school programs should be in place to develop appropriate accommodations and interventions to support the often depressed academic skills of students with disabilities; academic skills that are necessary to successfully complete the requirements for receipt of the standard diploma.
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    (2013) Lin, ChiaHuei; MacDonald-Wilson, Kim; Counseling and Personnel Services; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The number of college students with psychiatric disabilities has been growing steadily in higher education in recent years. Most of these students choose not to disclose their mental health conditions and do not register with disability services. Thus, little is known about the subjective experiences of these students in their college lives. This study seeks to identify college students with psychiatric disabilities and to explore the factors predicting college adaptation among these students. Participants in the study were 292 college students with psychiatric disabilities who completed at least one semester in a large mid-Atlantic University. Participants completed an on-line survey of college adaptation, internalized stigma, social supports, and coping strategies. With hierarchical multiple regression analyses, results of the study suggest that internalized stigma of mental illness has significant relationships with college adaptation. Supports from different sources may play different roles in adaptation to college. Family support was found to be associated with academic adjustment and personal-emotional adjustment, while support from friends was significantly related to better social adjustment and attachment. Use of coping strategies was also found to be predictive of college adaptation. Greater use of seeking support and less use of venting and self-distraction are associated with better academic adjustment. Particularly, self-blame coping was negatively related to all three types of psychosocial adaptation. The current study suggests that interventions that reduce internalized stigma and increase use of effective coping strategies should be developed and implemented in college. Collaboration among special educators in middle schools, families, and college disability services staff is also addressed. Finally, efforts should be made to create services that meet students' needs and increase their willingness to understand and use available resources.
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    The Effects of Strategy Instruction with a CDO Procedure in General Education Settings
    (2011) Sherman, Cindy K.; De La Paz, Susan; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate a revision strategy for middle school students in a three general education classrooms. Three teachers and 23 sixth-graders in an elementary school in an urban school district in the Northeast participated in this study. Classroom teachers were trained in the revision strategy and provided instruction to their respective students. Although all students received instruction, data was collected on four pairs of students from each class (2 high-achieving, 2 average achieving, 2 low achieving, and 2 students with learning disabilities). This study examined the effects of a Compare-Diagnose-Operate (CDO) procedure (using the acronym FIX) embedded within a self-regulation strategy (SRSD) to allow students the opportunity to internalize the elements of revising. The strategy emphasized the need for students to (a) examine their draft, focusing specifically on the essential elements or parts of an essay, (b) identify problems in their essay between what they wanted to write versus what was actually written, and (c) act on, or execute necessary changes to the draft in response to specific problems they had identified. Improvement in students' writing and revising skills was based on number of meaningful changes, quality of changes between first and second drafts, and holistic quality of the students' revised essays. The effects of teaching the revising strategy were assessed using a multiple-probe design with multiple probes at baseline. The results of this study showed that all students regardless of achievement level benefited from instruction. Students showed significant gains in the number of meaningful changes made from baseline to postinstruction. In addition, holistic quality ratings doubled for students across all achievement levels. The findings emphasize the importance of providing strategy instruction in the classroom and the need for future research in this area.
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    The Effects of a Systematic Training Package on Secondary Special Education Teachers to Teach Self-Determination Skills to Students with High Incidence Disabilites
    (2011) Bond, Marcy Beth; Kohl, Frances L.; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    There has been increased interest in and concern about the level of self-determination with which secondary students with disabilities leave high school. While educators acknowledge the importance of teaching such skills, researchers have documented a lack of self-determination instruction occurring in the secondary school setting. When teaching self-determination skills to students with disabilities, two barriers most frequently cited by educators are they feel unprepared to teach self-determination skills and they are unsure how to prepare students to be active participants in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process which determines a student's future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether secondary special education teachers could provide self-determination instruction to students with high incidence disabilities having been given systematic training opportunities. A multiple probe single subject design across three special education teachers was used. Teachers were systemically trained on the ChoiceMaker's Self-Directed IEP Curriculum™. Direct observation of self-determination instructional procedures were conducted across baseline, intervention, and maintenance conditions for three teachers during self-contained secondary special education classroom settings. The results of the study confirmed the author's hypothesis that secondary special education teachers can effectively use the ChoiceMaker's Self-Direct IEP Curriculum™ to teach self-determination skills to students of high incidence disabilities after receiving systematic training. Furthermore, IEP committee members, including the students, parents, general educators, special educators, and administrators noted an increase in active student involvement and self-determined behavior at IEP meetings. The results contribute to the self-determination knowledge base addressing teachers' preparation and confidence in teaching self-determination skills to students with high incidence disabilities.
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    A Case Study Description of the Impact of Check & Connect with Students Returning from Alternative Educational Placements
    (2010) Bartolotta, Robert Joseph; Leone, Peter E; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In this case study, the impact of Check & Connect on the first semester reintegration experiences of a cohort of high school students who had returned from a disciplinary alternative educational placement was examined. Archival data, surveys, and interviews were used to compare the students' experiences, academic and behavioral performance, and attendance, to a cohort of control students who returned to schools lacking the intervention and a group of students who remained at the alternative placement. Interviews were also conducted with the intervention implementers (monitors), a sample of the intervention participants' teachers, and the administrators who oversaw the intervention. These interviews allowed for a more thorough examination of the experiences, opinions, and perceptions of Check & Connect's value to the educational experience. Quantitative data collected showed that while both groups of students who left the alternative school experienced declines in their academic performance, the decline was greatest among students with longer established academic and behavioral difficulties. Students with IEPs or 504 Plans had a higher average decline than their nondisabled peers. Improvements in the number of absences and behavioral referrals were seen with the majority of the intervention students. Results among the control students were mixed. Interviews indicated that the intervention participants experienced a stronger connection to their school that was frequently attributed to the use of Check & Connect. Many felt that the intervention, particularly their relationships with the monitors, had provided them opportunities to succeed that they might not have had otherwise. Control students, and students who remained at the alternative program, expressed an interest in developing a similar connection with an adult in their schools. School staff interviewed believed that the benefits of Check & Connect may not be immediately evident in the quantitative data, but that the relationships made between the students and monitors were potentially beneficial. Teachers found the additional information provided helpful and frequently requested greater sharing of resources. Administrators believed that the positive adult relationships formed between the monitor and students reduced the likelihood of eventual school dropout.
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    Spiritual Community Experiences of Families of Children with Disabilities
    (2009) O'Hanlon, Elizabeth Ellen; Beckman, Paula J; Special Education; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This mixed methods investigation examined experiences of families of children with disabilities in their spiritual communities. Using the Spiritual Community Experiences Inventory, fifty-eight parents rated importance of and satisfaction with clergy, various religious activities, and support received from clergy and spiritual community members. Families reported that participation in religious activities and support from clergy and members were important. Moreover, families were highly satisfied with these activities and support. As predicted, a significant relationship was found between frequency of attendance, amount of support, and satisfaction with activities and support. Only in the case of formal ceremonies was frequency/satisfaction relationship not significant. Parents described a variety of factors that influenced their level of satisfaction with spiritual community experiences. Families reported that participation was influenced by: (1) amount and quality of social interactions with other children and adults, (2) level of knowledge, training and understanding of staff and volunteers, (3) level and appropriateness of accommodations provided, and (4) degree to which their child's disability interfered with participation. Additionally, parents reported that their experiences were affected by availability of emotional and practical support targeted to their unique needs, existence of social support networks, level of acceptance and knowledge of community members and clergy about disability, and the value the religious community places on parental knowledge of disability. Parents did elaborate on negative experiences and lack of support, which led to their non-participation and in some instances to switching communities. Further testing and refining of the instrument is required to strengthen its reliability and validity, clarify ambiguities, and identify factors families believe are important to participation. Additionally, leaders of spiritual communities must identify needs of families of children with disabilities. By tapping families as "experts" and networking with other religious communities, disability groups, and agencies, they can better meet these families' needs.