University Libraries

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    Late Night Services at the University of Maryland Libraries
    (2014-06-29) Hackman, Timothy
    Presentation on Late Night Services at the University of Maryland Libraries, delivered as part of FEAST: Future and Emerging Access Services Trends at the ALA Annual Conference 2014 in Las Vegas, NV.
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    Microassessments of Public Services Usability: Improving Holds at UMD
    (2016-06-25) Hackman, Timothy; Bloom, Catherine
    Results of a survey to assess and improve the effectiveness of patron-placed holds at the University of Maryland Libraries.
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    Making Change, Increasing Value: Reorganizing Your Access Services Department
    (2016-11-18) Hackman, Timothy; Greenwell, Paula; Spring, James; Thompson, Hilary
    In 2015 the department of Resource Sharing & Access Services at the University of Maryland Libraries undertook a major reorganization with the goals of increasing efficiency, staff engagement, and user satisfaction. Seeking to realign tasks and staff according to function, the year-long project resulted in a new organizational chart and new job descriptions for the majority of the department’s thirty-two staff. This presentation will provide an overview of the theory and methods used to plan the reorganization, and will discuss implementation by focusing on integrations of four once-separate operations: scanning for interlibrary loan and reserves; book retrieval for holds, reserves and interlibrary loan; shipping and receiving for circulation and interlibrary loan; and scheduling for a merged service desk. One year after the reorganization was completed, we will assess the effectiveness of the new model in meeting our goals and share lessons learned for undertaking reorganization at your library.
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    Making Change, Increasing Value: Reorganizing Your Access Services Department
    (2016-08-16) Hackman, Timothy; Greenwell, Paula; Spring, James; Thompson, Hilary
    In 2015 the department of Resource Sharing & Access Services at the University of Maryland Libraries undertook a major reorganization with the goals of increasing efficiency, staff engagement, and user satisfaction. Seeking to realign tasks and staff according to function, the year-long project resulted in a new organizational chart and new job descriptions for the majority of the department’s thirty-two staff. This presentation will provide an overview of the theory and methods used to plan the reorganization, and will discuss implementation by focusing on integrations of four once-separate operations: scanning for interlibrary loan and reserves; book retrieval for holds, reserves and interlibrary loan; shipping and receiving for circulation and interlibrary loan; and scheduling for a merged service desk. One year after the reorganization was completed, we will assess the effectiveness of the new model in meeting our goals and share lessons learned for undertaking reorganization at your library.
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    E-Book Perceptions and Use in STEM and Non-STEM Disciplines: A Comparative Follow-Up Study
    (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016-01) Carroll, Alexander J.; Corlett-Rivera, Kelsey; Hackman, Timothy; Zou, Jinwang
    This article describes the results of a survey that gathered data on perceptions and use of e-books from undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff. The investigators analyzed the results based on user affiliate status and subject discipline and compared the results with the findings of a similar, smaller-scale study conducted in 2012. The study concludes with a discussion of the major findings and their implications for academic libraries and publishers, as well as areas for further inquiry.
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    Collected Presentations of the CIC ILL Directors Meeting at the University of Maryland, October 21-22, 2015
    (2015-10-21) Hackman, Timothy; Munson, Kurt; Weible, Cherie; Cheng, Cen; Archer, Joanne; Brown, Melissa; Massie, Dennis
    Collected presentations from the in-person meeting of the CIC ILL Directors at the University of Maryland, October 21-22, 2015. Presentations cover such topics as interlibrary loan and special collections, course reserves and interlibrary loan services for textbooks, data analysis of interlibrary borrowing and lending among CIC institutions, and Relais Web Services implementation. Presenters' affiliations include: University of Maryland, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, and OCLC.
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    Evidence for Development and Enhancement of a Popular Reading Collection in an Academic Library
    (2014-08-13) Hackman, Timothy; Larson, Elizabeth; Corlett-Rivera, Kelsey
    Underlying data for article about using circulation statistics to manage UMD's popular reading collection. Submitted to Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice journal in August 2014.
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    Speaking of Books... Connecting with Faculty through a Campus Author Series
    (International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP), 2009) Hackman, Timothy
    A faculty author speaker series is an effective way to build bridges between academic librarians and the teaching faculty, as well as raise the profile of the university library. To explore the challenges and rewards of hosting such a series, this article presents a history of the series "Speaking of Books… Conversations with Campus Authors" at the University of Maryland. It discusses the details of planning and executing author events, in the hope that others can use this information to host their own lecture series. Finally, it presents a few ideas for future directions of the faculty author series.