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    Investigating the Microbial Diversity and Ecophysiology of Filamentous Cyanobacteria on the Susquehanna Flats, Chesapeake Bay
    (2024) Keller, Shayna Aryn; O'Neil, Judith M; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The Susquehanna Flats is a biodiverse and resilient submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed just below the mouth of the Susquehanna River in the Chesapeake Bay. The Susquehanna River, the largest tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, discharges more water than all other tributaries in the Bay combined. This makes the SAV bed at the Susquehanna Flats important for nutrient removal of the water discharged into the headwaters of the Bay. The Susquehanna Flats is also a unique part of the oligohaline portion of the Chesapeake Bay as it is one of the most prolific and diverse SAV beds that make up ~8% of SAV in the Chesapeake Bay. The SAV bed was devastated by Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and did not reappear until the early 2000s when an extended dry period and long-term reductions in nutrient loading facilitated its resurgence. Since then, it has recovered to be the most abundant and biodiverse SAV bed within the upper Chesapeake Bay. However, a nitrogen fixing filamentous Cyanobacteria, morphologically identified as Microseira (Lyngbya) wollei, has seasonally bloomed at the Susquehanna Flats since the early 2000s. Over the ensuing decade, anecdotal evidence suggested an overall increase of Cyanobacteria on the SAV beds on the Susquehanna Flats, which raised concerns about the impact of this growth on the resilience of the recovering SAV bed. Despite the consistent summer blooms, the filamentous Cyanobacterial mats and its microbiome at the Susquehanna Flats has not been molecularly identified and its characteristics have not been investigated to date. Additionally, new DNA sequencing technology has become more readily available, and the identification and taxonomy of the Cyanobacteria family Oscillatoriaceae, of which Microseira (Lyngbya) wollei is a part of, has become more refined and organized. Due to this, molecularly identifying the filamentous Cyanobacterial mats and investigating its microbiome has become much easier with current methods that can provide detailed taxonomic information that can help implement management strategies. Using PacBio long-read amplicon sequencing on the 16S rRNA genes and Illumina short-read amplicon sequencing on the nifH genes of the filamentous Cyanobacteria mats and a newly observed mucilaginous Cyanobacteria mat collected at the Susquehanna Flats, the host organisms and microbial compositions were revealed. The results indicate that the dominant filamentous Cyanobacterial mat host is Microseira (Lyngbya) wollei and these mats contain a complex microbial community. The host of a newly observed mucilaginous mats was revealed to be a novel strain of Phormidium sp. To understand the basic nutrient requirements and preferences of the Microseira (Lyngbya) wollei at the Susquehanna Flats, nutrient bioassay growth and nitrogen fixation experiments were initiated to assess its growth and nitrogen fixation qualities. Samples received nutrient treatments of nitrate, phosphate, nitrate + phosphate, and ammonium compared to the growth of control samples that did not receive nutrient treatments in the summers of 2022 and 2023. The results demonstrated that Microseira (Lyngbya) wollei has variable growth rates, with higher rates in the mid to late part of the summer season, with significant growth stimulations from added nitrogen and phosphorus. In terms of nitrogen fixation, rates were higher in the beginning of the season, with significant stimulation with phosphorus additions. It is likely that lower rates measured at the end of the season, were due to the increased availability of regenerated nitrogen within the system. More detailed investigation of the seasonal nutrient dynamics are warranted to fully understand the dynamics between these Cyanobacterial mats and the SAV beds.
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    The Impact of Marsh Sill Living Shorelines on Coastal Resilience and Stability: Insights from Maryland's Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays
    (2024) Sun, Limin; Nardin, William WN; Palinkas, Cindy CP; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Climate change and coastal urbanization are accelerating the demand for strategies to reduce shoreline erosion and enhance coastal resilience to storms and sea-level rise. Generally adverse ecological impacts of hardened infrastructure (e.g., seawalls, revetments, and dikes) have led to growing interest in alternative solutions. Living shorelines, increasingly recognized as sustainable Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBFs; or Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs)) for their dual benefits of stabilizing shorelines while preserving or restoring coastal habitats, represent a promising approach to shoreline stabilization. Marsh sill living shorelines (created marshes with adjacent rock sills) have been extensively constructed in the Chesapeake Bay, notably in Maryland. Despite their popularity, significant uncertainties remain regarding their effectiveness and resiliency, especially during high-energy events. This dissertation investigates the dynamics of marsh sill living shorelines in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays, aiming to fill knowledge gaps and inform effective shoreline stabilization strategies. First, the dissertation examines marsh boundary degradation into open water during high-energy conditions, contrasting mechanisms between living shorelines and natural marshes. Field surveys and numerical modeling reveal that while natural marshes experience erosion through undercutting and slumping at the scarp toe, living shorelines degrade primarily through open-water conversion at the marsh boundary behind rock sills. Differences in sediment characteristics and vegetation between the two ecosystems drive variations in marsh boundary stability between them. Next, the study assesses the impacts of rock sill placement on sediment dynamics and shoreline stability, highlighting the role of tidal gaps in enhancing sediment flux to the marsh and increasing vertical accretion during high-energy events. Numerical modeling demonstrates that while continuous sills mitigate erosion at the marsh edge of living shorelines, they diminish sediment deposition on the marsh platform compared to segmented sills with tidal gaps. Finally, the research identifies key factors driving marsh boundary degradation that are needed to assess the stability of marsh sill living shorelines. Analysis of eco-geomorphic features and hydrodynamics across 18 living shoreline sites reveals that metrics such as the Unvegetated/Vegetated Ratio (UVVR) and sediment deposition rate often used to assess the resilience of natural marshes also apply to the created marshes of living shorelines. Multivariate analyses further reveal that the Relative Exposure Index (REI) and Gap/Rock (G/R) ratio are crucial predictors of shoreline stability in marsh sill living shorelines, and thus should be particularly considered in shoreline design. By integrating remote sensing, field observations, and numerical modeling, this dissertation advances the understanding of sediment dynamics and stability in living shorelines and provides actionable insights for effective shoreline design and management to promote coastal resilience.
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    Methane Biogeochemistry and Microbial Communities in Natural and Restored Freshwater Depressional Wetlands
    (2024) Hamovit, Nora David; Yarwood, Stephanie A; Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Wetlands are the largest natural source of methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas. Wetland CH4 emissions are dependent on rates of microbial CH4 production (methanogenesis) and consumption (methanotrophy). These processes vary spatially and temporally with environmental conditions, edaphic characteristics, and microbial community structure, making it difficult to predict wetland CH4 emissions. This high variability can be further pronounced in restored wetlands that have undergone environmental and edaphic disturbances. The following work aims to understand this variability by assessing patterns of methanogenesis and methanotrophy, and their associated microbial communities, across natural and restored freshwater depressional wetlands on the Delmarva Peninsula (USA). Sites addressed in this work were restored from agricultural land between 1986 and 2004 through multiple programs funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In the first set of experiments, we identified a high abundance of active acetoclastic methanogens in intact core incubations from a restored wetland suggesting a higher potential for methanogenesis in situ compared to the natural wetland assessed. The co-occurrence of active methanogens and Fe-reducing bacteria in these restored wetland cores contradicted the hypothesis that loss of competition may allow methanogens to be the primary users of acetate. Following assessments across vegetative-hydrologic zones in a series of restored wetlands of varying ages, and their natural counterparts, highlighted vegetation type and extent as a driver of methanogen community abundance, composition, and activity. In turn, restored wetlands showed elevated potentials rates of methanogenesis compared to natural sites. Potential rates of methanotrophy (aerobic and anaerobic), however, were also elevated in restored wetlands, which could constrain CH4 emissions in situ. Variability of environmental conditions (ie. hydrology and vegetation) and edaphic measures (ie. soil organic matter (SOM)) across all sites sampled are reflected in distinct microbial community composition and CH4 biogeochemistry. Clear patterns of SOC accumulation and CH4 biogeochemistry with restoration age were not observed for these wetlands, and variability in environmental conditions and edaphic measures across the sites (restored and natural), emphasize the need for continued monitoring and maintenance of the wetlands. Our results suggest efforts to manage herbaceous vegetation extent and maintain regular seasonal hydrology in future restorations may help prevent high potentials for CH4 production, and thus emissions.
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    (2024) Xiao, Wei; Johnson, Philip LF; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Bacteria and archaea inhabit environments that constantly face viral infections and other external genetic threats. They have evolved an arsenal of defense strategies to protect themselves. My research delves into the CRISPR immune system, the only known adaptive immune system of prokaryotes. My work explores three different dimensions of the CRISPR immune system, ranging from ecological to molecular scales.From an evolutionary perspective, CRISPR is widely distributed across the prokaryotic tree, underscoring its immune effectiveness. However, the CRISPR distribution is uneven and some lineages are devoid of CRISPR. Here, I identify two ecological drivers of the CRISPR immune system. By analyzing both 16S rRNA data and metagenomic data, I find the CRISPR system is favored in less abundant prokaryotes in the saltwater environment and higher diverse prokaryote communities in the human oral environment. On the molecular level, the CRISPR system selects and cleaves its “favorite” DNA segments (also known as “spacers”) from invading viral genomes to form immune memories. I explore how the spacer sequence composition affects its acquisition rate by the CRISPR system. I develop a convolutional neural network model to predict the spacer acquisition rate based on the spacer sequence composition in natural microbial communities. The model interpretation reveals that the PAM-proximal end of the spacer is more important in predicting the spacer abundance, which is consistent with previous findings from controlled experimental studies. Combining these scales, CRISPR repeat sequences coevolve with the rest of the genome. Thus, I explore the potential of utilizing CRISPR repeat sequences for taxonomy profiling. I find a strong relationship between unique repeat sequences and taxonomy in both the RefSeq database and a human metagenomic dataset. Then I show high accuracy when utilizing repeat sequences in taxonomy annotation of human metagenomic contigs. This novel method not only aids in annotating CRISPR arrays but also introduces a novel tool for metagenomic sequence annotation.
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    Fish Bioacoustics: From Basic Science to Policy
    (2024) Colbert, Benjamin; Bailey, Helen R; Popper, Arthur N; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Sound is critically important to fishes. Sound is used to communicate with conspecifics, to detect predators and prey, or to otherwise understand the world around them. Within this dissertation, I used a variety of methods to investigate multiple aspects of fish bioacoustics, including hearing, hearing in noise, the effects of anthropogenic sound, and the morphology of peripheral auditory structures.In Chapter 2, I reviewed international policy on the regulation of underwater sound and the effects of underwater sound on marine and aquatic habitats. I found that while there are increasing efforts to regulate underwater noise, the policy efforts are hampered by a lack of quantifiable metrics associated with impacts of anthropogenic sound in aquatic habitats and species. In Chapter 3, I measured auditory sensitivity of cyprinids using physiological methods. Auditory evoked potentials, a physiological measure of auditory sensitivity, have been used in previous studies to measure hearing sensitivity. However, while physiological methods have their place, they are measuring the sensitivity of the ear rather than the entirety of the auditory pathway. Therefore, I further measured hearing sensitivity of goldfish using behavioral methods that encompass the full auditory pathway. I found that physiological methods tend to underestimate actual hearing sensitivity at frequencies less than 1000 Hz. In Chapter 4, I investigated cyprinid hearing in noise, using both physiological and behavioral measures. Critical ratios were measured for four species of carp and goldfish using auditory evoked potentials. Behavioral methods were also used to measure critical ratios for goldfish. These data represent the first measurements of critical ratios for carp and the first comparative analysis between critical ratios measured using both physiology and behavior. I found that critical ratios for carp increase by as much as 25 dB between 300 Hz and 1500 Hz. I also found that physiological methods likely overestimate actual critical ratios for fish. In Chapter 5, I used micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and three dimensional geometric morphometrics to compare the peripheral auditory structures of three species of carp. Three dimensional models of the tripus ossicle, the posterior most Weberian ossicle, and the sagitta otolith were created and the shape of these structures for silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead carp (H. noblis), and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) quantified and contrasted. I found that the shape of the tripus differed between the Hypophthalmichthys genus (i.e., silver and bighead carp) and Ctenopharyngodon (grass carp), demonstrating a possible phylogenetic signal in the shape of the Weberian ossicles. In Chapter 6, I studied the response of wild oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau) to underwater radiated noise from boats. I used passive acoustic monitoring to record toadfish vocalizations and vessel passages in the Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. The effect of acute vessel passage was determined by comparing the number of calls after a vessel had passed to a control period. The effect of both aggregate vessel passage over an hour and environmental variables were investigated using generalized additive mixed models. I found that there was no significant effect on toadfish call rates from acute vessel passage but when vessel generated sound was higher over an hour long period (i.e., aggregate effect), call rate declined.
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    (2024) Quill, Danielle; Woodland, Ryan; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The importance of mysids as trophic links in key Chesapeake Bay food webs has been well documented. However, their abundance, distribution, and demographics haven’t been examined in Chesapeake Bay since 1930. The goal of this study was to examine patterns of mysid abundances and demographic dynamics between and within two key Chesapeake Bay tributaries (the Choptank and Patuxent rivers). I hypothesized that mysid abundances would be greater in the Choptank River due to its historically better water quality (particularly dissolved oxygen saturation) than the Patuxent River. Secondarily, I hypothesized that Neomysis americana (hereafter, Neomysis) would be the most abundant mysid species in both the Chopank and Patuxent rivers. Six stations in each river were sampled monthly from May to September of 2018. Numerical dominance of the mysid assemblage in both rivers shifted from Neomysis in the early summer to a mixed-species group belonging to the genus Americamysis (Americamysis spp.) between August and September. Total abundance across genera and abundance of Neomysis were significantly greater in the Choptank River in early summer, then did not differ from Americamysis spp. abundance thereafter. Neomysis abundance was greater than Americamysis spp. from May through June, did not differ from Americamysis spp. abundance in July, and was less abundant than Americamysis spp. from August through September in the Patuxent River. The Patuxent River displayed overall lower dissolved oxygen saturation in the summer, which correlated with lower mysid abundances, providing support for my hypothesis. Understanding the intricacies of mysid population dynamics within nursery areas for ecologically and economically important predators should strengthen ecosystem-based management strategies for those areas.
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    (2023) Avalos, Grace; Richardson, Rodney T; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Molecular taxonomic detection is now widespread across the sciences, because of advances in direct PCR, improved marker selection, and increases in sequencing throughput. Facilitated by these advances in sequencing, methodological sensitivity of sample identification has improved substantially. Metagenetic techniques to infer what species are present in a sample by sequencing unknown samples and comparing them to known references has the potential to advance our understanding of biodiversity. Metagenetic analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) represents a novel, non-lethal method for characterizing floral-associated arthropod communities. Diverse arthropod assemblages interact with flowers, and floral surfaces have been shown to harbor arthropod DNA. We performed metagenetic sequencing on eDNA isolated from flower samples and honey bee-collected pollen samples using multiple markers and compared the frequency and taxonomic breadth of eDNA detections across these genetic markers and substrate types. Understanding which markers and substrates are most effective for eDNA characterization of floral-associated arthropod communities will guide future research and enable low-risk detection of threatened or endangered arthropods.
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    (2023) Wade, Kaitlynn Jean; Wilberg, Michael J; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The economic and commercial importance of Jonah crabs (Cancer borealis) and Atlantic rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) has increased greatly in the USA. The objectives of my research were to determine spatial distributions, habitat preferences, and potential seasonal movements of both species. Data were obtained from the offshore Northeast Fishery Science Center bottom trawl surveys. Analyses included kernel density estimates, generalized additive models, empirical cumulative distribution functions, and ANOVAs. The spatial distributions of Jonah and Atlantic rock crabs changed over time during the 1970s – 2000s. Compared to Atlantic rock crabs, Jonah crabs preferred slightly warmer temperatures, deeper depths, and muddier sediments. Seasonally, Jonah crabs were found farther offshore in the winter and closer to shore in the fall and spring. Atlantic rock crabs were found closer inshore in the winter and spring and more offshore in the fall. Both species were found to have different seasonal patterns in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
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    (2023) Stahl, Katherine A.; Baldwin, Andrew H; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In many ditched coastal salt marshes, megapools, or large ponded areas of vegetation dieback,have formed. In combination with sea level rise, this interior marsh loss can decrease wildlife habitat suitability, resilience to storms, and other ecosystem services. However, mechanisms of megapool formation are poorly understood, hampering restoration efforts. Here, we explored differences in environmental characteristics between megapools in different stages of formation (Fully Formed, Partially Formed and Nonformed/Control) and between Elevations within megapools (High, Medium, Low). Using IRIS Films (Indicator of Reduction in Soil), we found that Fully Formed megapools had higher sulfide concentrations than Partially formed, which in turn were greater than Nonformed megapools. We additionally found that lower elevations correlated with higher sulfides, lower plant coverage, lower belowground biomass, lower Carbon Density, and predicted megapool type. We noted that in terms of elevation, vegetative cover, and biomass, Nonformed and Partially formed were more similar as were High and Medium elevations. Whereas in terms of soil characteristics, Fully Formed and Partially formed were more similar as were Medium and Low Elevations. To combat megapools and dieback, we will assess the effectiveness of two restoration techniques, the first of which is assessing the survival and growth of plantings at different spacings, elevations, and megapool formation levels. We found survival and growth was higher in Partially formed megapools than Fully formed, and no impact by spacing or elevation. Our second restoration technique is runnels, or 15” channels that reconnect megapools to ditches, which were installed in January of 2023. The data collected above will act as baseline data, repeated again. These baseline results support a close relationship between pool stages of formation, carbon storage, elevation, vegetation health, biomass production, and sulfide levels (Graphical Abstract).
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    Investigating the Utility of Environmental DNA Analysis for the Monitoring and Management of Mid-Atlantic Alosine Fishes
    (2023) Fowler, Chelsea; Plough, Louis V; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) tools can address gaps in fish assessment data while reducing the cost and the impact of sampling on threatened anadromous alosine fishes in Chesapeake Bay. Here, I tested the ability of high-frequency eDNA sampling of river herring to predict fish abundances from sonar-based fish counts on the Choptank River and developed and validated novel species-specific eDNA assays for American and hickory shads. River herring eDNA concentrations from daily eDNA sampling were highly correlated to sonar-based fish counts (Spearman’s Rho = 0.84). This relationship informed a model that could accurately predict fish count from eDNA and relevant covariates (R2 = 0.88). The two new shad assays are highly specific and quantitative, and field testing validated detections in Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina. This work provides a set of eDNA monitoring tools for the Mid-Atlantic alosines and highlights the capacity for eDNA data to generate quantitative metrics of fish abundance.