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Item Evolution of an adaptive behavior and its sensory receptors promotes eye regression in blind cavefish(Springer Nature, 2013-07-11) Yoshizawa, Masato; O’Quin, Kelly E; Jeffery, William RHow and why animals lose eyesight during adaptation to the dark and food-limited cave environment has puzzled biologists since the time of Darwin. More recently, several different adaptive hypotheses have been proposed to explain eye degeneration based on studies in the teleost Astyanax mexicanus, which consists of blind cave-dwelling (cavefish) and sighted surface-dwelling (surface fish) forms. One of these hypotheses is that eye regression is the result of indirect selection for constructive characters that are negatively linked to eye development through the pleiotropic effects of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling. However, subsequent genetic analyses suggested that other mechanisms also contribute to eye regression in Astyanax cavefish. Here, we introduce a new approach to this problem by investigating the phenotypic and genetic relationships between a suite of non-visual constructive traits and eye regression. Using quantitative genetic analysis of crosses between surface fish, the Pachón cavefish population and their hybrid progeny, we show that the adaptive vibration attraction behavior (VAB) and its sensory receptors, superficial neuromasts (SN) specifically found within the cavefish eye orbit (EO), are genetically correlated with reduced eye size. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these three traits form two clusters of congruent or overlapping QTL on Astyanax linkage groups (LG) 2 and 17, but not at the shh locus on LG 13. Ablation of EO SN in cavefish demonstrated a major role for these sensory receptors in VAB expression. Furthermore, experimental induction of eye regression in surface fish via shh overexpression showed that the absence of eyes was insufficient to promote the appearance of VAB or EO SN. We conclude that natural selection for the enhancement of VAB and EO SN indirectly promotes eye regression in the Pachón cavefish population through an antagonistic relationship involving genetic linkage or pleiotropy among the genetic factors underlying these traits. This study demonstrates a trade-off between the evolution of a non-visual sensory system and eye regression during the adaptive evolution of Astyanax to the cave environment.Item Dispersal and Population Ecology of the Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)(2015) Hesed, Kyle Miller; Wilkinson, Gerald S; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Terrestrial salamanders are major components of ecosystems in eastern North America. One species, the Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus), may be the most abundant vertebrate throughout its range. Red-backed Salamanders are commonly monitored as indicators of ecosystem health and to assess the effects of forest management practices. In order to address poorly understood aspects of the ecology of Red-backed Salamanders, I conducted a 4-y mark-recapture study of a population in Maryland, resulting in 2,745 records of 752 marked salamanders, along with a complementary genetic analysis of six microsatellite loci. I estimated growth rates and age at sexual maturity using a hierarchical Bayesian model fitted by mark-recapture measurements, then measured home range size and seasonal and annual movement distances by immatures and adults, before and after the experimental removal of 98 conspecifics. Males grow and mature more slowly than females, despite reaching slightly larger asymptotic sizes; they may also face greater competition for space: adult males occupy the largest home ranges and show the largest increase in home range size after the removal of conspecifics. The largest between-year movements were made by individuals as they transitioned from immaturity to maturity. Using mark-recapture population models, I found that estimates of survival, detection, and abundance varied temporally along with the age and sex of the individuals present, both within and among seasons. Encounter probability varied among weekly sampling occasions, and models with separate parameters for each sex were strongly preferred. Survival was approximately the same over winters and summers, and lower for males than for females; this may be an artifact of sex-biased dispersal, as the majority of encountered immature individuals were estimated to be males, with models indicating a pulse of emigration in the fall and an influx of immature males onto the study site in the spring. An FST randomization test of multilocus genotypes showed a significant male bias in dispersal. Of salamanders captured repeatedly as both immatures and adults, males moved significantly farther before maturity than females did. Together, these results provide a comprehensive assessment of sex-biased dispersal at fine spatial and temporal scales in a terrestrial ectothermic vertebrate.Item COOPERATION AND SOCIAL BONDS IN COMMON VAMPIRE BATS(2015) Carter, Gerald; Wilkinson, Gerald S; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Regurgitated food sharing among vampire bats is a classic textbook example of reciprocity ("reciprocal altruism"). But many authors have contested both the notion that reciprocity explains vampire bat food-sharing and the importance of reciprocity more generally. In Chapter 1, I review the literature on evolutionary explanations of cooperation. I show why reciprocity was once considered important but is now considered rare: overly literal translations of game theory strategies have resulted in problems for both defining and testing reciprocity. In Chapter 2, I examine the relative roles of social predictors of food-sharing decisions by common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) under controlled conditions of mixed relatedness and equal familiarity by fasting 20 individuals in 48 trials over two years. The food-sharing network was consistent, symmetrical, and correlated with mutual allogrooming. Non- kin food-sharing patterns were not consistent with harassment or byproduct explanations. I next attempted to manipulate food-sharing decisions in two ways. In Chapter 3, I administered intranasal oxytocin to test for effects on allogrooming and food sharing. I observed that inhaled oxytocin slightly increased the magnitude of food donations within dyads, and the amount of female allogrooming within and across all partners, without increasing number of partners. In Chapter 4, I assessed contingency of food-sharing in 7 female dyads (including four pairs of mother and adult daughters) with prior histories of sharing. To test for evidence of partner switching, I measured dyadic levels of food sharing before and after a treatment period where I prevented dyadic sharing (each bat could only be fed by others). A bat's sharing network size predicted how much food it received in the experiment. When primary donors were excluded, subjects did not compensate with donations from other partners. Yet, food-sharing bonds appeared unaffected by the non-sharing treatment. In particular, close maternal kin were clearly not enforcing cooperation using strict contingency. I argue that any contingencies within such bonds are likely to involve multiple services and long timescales, making them difficult to detect. Simple and dyadic `tit-for-tat' models are unlikely to predict cooperative decisions by vampire bats or other species with stable, mixed kinship, social bonds.Item The development and testing of three techniques for attaching solar-powered GSM satellite transmitters on surf scoters(2014) McBride, Kevin Mark; Ottinger, Mary Ann; Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Implanted satellite transmitters are used in seaducks to track migration routes, breeding, and wintering grounds. However, high mortality rates, handling stress, and inadequate small-scale location data necessitates the use of external transmitters. Three external transmitter attachment techniques were tested, including a Teflon tape harness, sutures to anchor the transmitter through the dorsal vertebral processes, or a 3D individually customized silicon harness on 12 surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata). Body weight, serum and hematology chemistry, behavioral time budgets, and dive performance were used as measures of impact for each transmitter. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) transmitter performance was evaluated for accuracy, precision, and battery performance for use in seabirds. All methods had transient effects on weight, serum chemistry, immune response (sutured transmitters), and increased bottom and total dive times. Teflon harnesses impacted behavior. Silicon harnesses had the least deleterious effects compared to other treatments. Accordingly, we recommend silicon harnesses for deploying external transmitters in wild seaducks.Item In-air and Underwater Hearing of Diving Birds(2014) Therrien, Sara Crowell; Carr, Catherine E; Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)In-air and underwater auditory thresholds were measured in diving bird species, using behavioral and electrophysiological techniques. In the first set of experiments, the auditory brainstem response (ABR) was used to compare in-air auditory sensitivity across ten species of diving birds. The average audiogram obtained for each species followed the U-shape typical of birds and many other animals. All species tested shared a common region of greatest sensitivity, from 1000 to 3000 Hz. The audiograms differed significantly across species. Thresholds of all duck species tested were more similar to each other than to the two non-duck species tested. The red-throated loon (Gavia stellata) and northern gannet (Morus bassanus) exhibited the highest thresholds while the lowest thresholds were observed in the duck species, specifically the lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). In the second set of experiments, both the ABR and psychoacoustics were used to measure in-air auditory sensitivity in one species of diving duck, the lesser scaup. Both approaches yielded audiograms with similar U-shapes and regions of greatest sensitivity (2000-3000 Hz). However, ABR thresholds were higher than psychoacoustic thresholds at all frequencies. This difference was smallest at the highest frequency tested using both methods (5,700 Hz) and greatest at 1,000 Hz, where the ABR threshold was 26.8 dB higher than the behavioral measure of threshold. In the third set of experiments, psychoacoustic techniques were used to measure in-air and underwater sensitivity in one species of sea duck, the long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis). Underwater auditory thresholds were measured for the first time in any diving bird species. Long-tailed duck in-air sensitivity was greatest at 2000 Hz. The ducks responded reliably to sound stimuli underwater, and correctly responded to high intensity stimuli (greater than 117 dB re 1 μPa) with over 80% accuracy at frequencies between 0.5 kHz and 2.86 kHz. The large differences in diving behavior and physiology across bird orders suggest these studies should be extended to other diving bird species in order to understand how well birds hear underwater. These first measurements highlight the need for further investigation into underwater hearing in diving birds, in order to understand underwater hearing mechanisms and begin to develop hypotheses as to how the introduction of man-made noise sources into the aquatic environment may impact these species.Item The effect of sunlight on decoration placement and mating success in male satin bowerbirds(2012) Larned, Archer Freni; Borgia, Gerald; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Males of some bird species choose sunlit display sites to enhance their visual signal. Satin bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) males place colored decorations on their bower platform as part of their courtship display. Little is known about how illumination affects the attractiveness of decorations. We analyzed photographs to quantify the amount of direct illumination on the bower and the number of blue decorations in sunlight. We found that the proportion of sunlight on the entire bower platform during peak female visitation periods is correlated with male mating success. The North platform, where decorations are concentrated, was proportionately more illuminated than the South platform. Males placed decorations in more sunlit areas on the platform and returned moved blue decorations to their original locations, suggesting that males actively place blue decorations in sunlit areas. This is the first study to demonstrate that greater illumination in off-body displays may be important for attracting females.Item Removal of Bower Paint Reduces Mate Searching Females' Return Visitation to Male Bowers(2011) Hicks, Reimi Elizabeth; Borgia, Gerald; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)The multifaceted courtship display of male satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) involves several elements that have been studied in detail. However, one of their most unusual behaviors, bower painting, has received little attention. Here, I propose two hypotheses for the function of paint and use multiple approaches to test predictions made by these hypotheses. First, I assessed how natural variation in paint quantity is related to other display traits, male mating success and male physical condition. Also, I used experimental methods including a paint removal and paint transfer experiment to investigate how birds responded to changes in the quantity and quality of bower paint. I found that males with more paint had better overall bower display quality and that fewer females returned to and copulated with males whose paint was removed. These results suggest that females may assess paint quantity during mate searching and demonstrate that paint influences male attractiveness.Item FROM GENES TO BEHAVIOR: VARIATION IN THE VISUAL SYSTEMS OF LAKE MALAWI CICHLID FISHES(2011) Smith, Adam Ray; Carleton, Karen L; Biology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Visual systems are ideal models for the study of sensory evolution. The cichlids of Lake Malawi possess an elaborated complex of genes (opsins) that encode chromatic visual pigments, which allows us to study the evolution and diversification of chromatic vision in great detail. In this dissertation, we investigated the molecular and behavioral properties of cichlid visual systems in order to more thoroughly understand the diversification of visual systems and the behavioral consequences of these changes. The work is organized into three research projects, with the following results: (1) Opsin gene sequence variation, with corresponding functional sensitivity changes, were found for the SWS1 (ultraviolet-sensitive), SWS2B (violet-sensitive), RH2Aβ (green-sensitive), and LWS (red-sensitive) opsin genes. Of the two genera profiled, each had two variable genes, suggesting that diversifying selection acts on different opsins in each genus. Furthermore, our data suggest that the variation in the SWS1 gene has arisen recently in Lake Malawi and is under rapid selection. (2) Intraspecific cone opsin gene expression variation was found in wild populations of multiple species. Expression variation was found primarily for the LWS and SWS1 genes, while the other genes were relatively consistent within species. This finding suggests that expression can be modulated by adding genes to what may otherwise be considered a species-specific expression pattern. Quantitative models suggested that this expression variation was not the result of environmental constraint. (3) Fish raised in different ambient developmental light environments had different cone opsin gene expression, primarily in the LWS opsin gene. These expression differences caused an increase in behavioral sensitivity in the optomotor response. Furthermore, analyses indicated that the OMR response is determined solely by the LWS cone pigment, rather than a complement of different cone types. Taken together, these findings shed new light on how visual systems diversify over short evolutionary time-scales, and the possible linkage of early determinants of visual sensitivities (opsin genes) and processes that directly influence speciation (behavior).