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Item Essays on Mental Health, Education, and Parental Labor Force Participation(2024) Nesbit, Rachel; Kuersteiner, Guido; Pope, Nolan; Economics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)This dissertation consists of three chapters in empirical microeconomics. The first chapterfocuses on mental health in the criminal justice system. I show that mandated mental health treatment during probation decreases future recidivism and further that paying for these probationers to receive treatment would be a very cost-effective program. The second chapter focuses on the labor supply of same-sex couples. My coauthors and I document the earnings patterns in same-sex couples after the entrance of their first child and contrast them with the earnings patterns in opposite-sex couples. The third chapter evaluates state-level policies to offer a college admissions exam (either the SAT or ACT) free to all high school students. I estimate precise null effects of the policies on future college attendance. The three chapters are described in further detail below. Chapter 1. Mental health disorders are particularly prevalent among those in the criminaljustice system and may be a contributing factor in recidivism. Using North Carolina court cases from 1994 to 2009, this chapter evaluates how mandated mental health treatment as a term of probation impacts the likelihood that individuals return to the criminal justice system. I use random variation in judge assignment to compare those who were required to seek weekly mental health counseling to those who were not. The main findings are that being assigned to seek mental health treatment decreases the likelihood of three-year recidivism by about 12 percentage points, or 36 percent. This effect persists over time, and is similar among various types of individuals on probation. In addition, I show that mental health treatment operates distinctly from drug addiction interventions in a multiple-treatment framework. I provide evidence that mental health treatment’s longer-term effectiveness is strongest among more financially advantaged probationers, consistent with this setting, in which the cost of mandated treatment is shouldered by offenders. Finally, conservative calculations result in a 5:1 benefit-to-cost ratio which suggests that the treatment-induced decrease in future crime would be more than sufficient to offset the costs of treatment. Chapter 2. Existing work has shown that the entry of a child into a household results in alarge and sustained increase in the earnings gap between male and female partners in oppositesex couples. Potential reasons for this include work-life preferences, comparative advantage over earnings, and gender norms. We expand this analysis of the child penalty to examine earnings of individuals in same-sex couples in the U.S. around the time their first child enters the household. Using linked survey and administrative data and event-study methodology, we confirm earlier work finding a child penalty for women in opposite-sex couples. We find this is true even when the female partner is the primary earner pre-parenthood, lending support to the importance of gender norms in opposite-sex couples. By contrast, in both female and male same-sex couples, earnings changes associated with child entry differ by the relative pre-parenthood earnings of the partners: secondary earners see an increase in earnings, while on average the earnings of primary and equal earners remain relatively constant. While this finding seems supportive of a norm related to equality within same-sex couples, transition analysis suggests a more complicated story. Chapter 3. Since 2001, more than half of US states have implemented policies that requireall public high schools to administer either the ACT or SAT to juniors during the school day free of charge, making that aspect of the college application process less costly in both time and money. I evaluate these policies using American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to 2019. I augment ACS data with the Census Master Address File to precisely identify the state in which individuals took the exam. Exploiting variation in policy implementation across state and time, I find across all specifications that increased access to standardized college entrance exams has no effect on subsequent college attendance. It also does not shift students between public and private colleges or between two- and four-year programs. The results of this chapter suggest that, to the extent that these policies were introduced to encourage college-going among marginal students, they did not accomplish their goal. This provides evidence about the kinds of support necessary to influence educational outcomes for students from disadvantaged families.Item ESSAYS ON THE EFFECTS OF PUBLIC POLICIES ON HOUSING, EMPLOYMENT, AND INCOME INEQUALITY(2021) Pardue, Luke; Kearney, Melissa S; Economics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)In this dissertation, I study the impact of public policies on three related but distinct economic outcomes: employment, housing stability, and income inequality. In the second chapter, I examine the employment impact of the Paycheck Protection Program, a key element of the federal government’s fiscal stimulus efforts during the 2020 coronavirus-induced recession. To assess the effect of this support on small business employment, I exploit differential timing in when firms rolled off headcount requirements needed to receive loan forgiveness. I find that as the PPP covered period expired, companies reduced active employment by a statistically significant 0.41% per week and 1.6% in the four weeks post-expiration. I estimate that, in aggregate, 907,200 jobs were lost within the four weeks after firms’ covered periods expired, as companies no longer need to maintain pre-COVID-19 headcount levels to receive PPP loan forgiveness. In the third chapter, I investigate the effectiveness of housing vouchers, the most common form of low-income rental assistance, in preventing households from facing eviction. I examine this question using newly-available public data on the universe of court-ordered evictions in the United States and exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in historical housing voucher allocation. I find that every four to six vouchers prevent one eviction in a given county, and that this effect is greater in counties with higher rent burdens and longer voucher waitlists. A simple back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that, on average, one fourth of the cost of a housing voucher can be recovered through savings in eviction prevention alone. In the final chapter, I conduct an empirical simulation exercise that gauges the plausible impact of increased rates of college attainment on a variety of measures of income inequality and economic insecurity. Using two different methodological approaches—a distributional approach and a causal parameter approach—I find that increased rates of bachelor’s and associate degree attainment would meaningfully increase economic security for lower-income individuals, reduce poverty and near-poverty, and shrink gaps between the 90th and lower percentiles of the earnings distribution. However, increases in college attainment would not significantly reduce inequality at the very top of the distribution.