Joint Program in Survey Methodology Theses and Dissertations
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Item Optimizing stratified sampling allocations to account for heteroscedasticity and nonresponse(2023) Mendelson, Jonathan; Elliott, Michael R; Lahiri, Partha; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Neyman's seminal paper in 1934 and subsequent developments of the next two decades transformed the practice of survey sampling and continue to provide the underpinnings of today's probability samples, including at the design stage. Although hugely useful, the assumptions underlying classic theory on optimal allocation, such as complete response and exact knowledge of strata variances, are not always met, nor is the design-based approach the only way to identify good sample allocations. This thesis develops new ways to allocate samples for stratified random sampling (STSRS) designs. In Papers 1 and 2, I provide a Bayesian approach for optimal STSRS allocation for estimating the finite population mean via a univariate regression model with heteroscedastic errors. I use Bayesian decision theory on optimal experimental design, which accommodates uncertainty in design parameters. By allowing for heteroscedasticity, I aim for improved realism in some establishment contexts, compared with some earlier Bayesian sample design work. Paper 1 assumes that the level of heteroscedasticity is known, which facilitates analytical results. Paper 2 relaxes this assumption, which results in an analytically intractable problem. Thus, I develop a computational approach that uses Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the loss for a given allocation, in conjunction with a stochastic optimization algorithm that accommodates noisy loss functions. In simulation, the proposed approaches performed as well or better than the design-based and model-assisted strategies considered, while having clearer theoretical justification. Paper 3 changes focus toward addressing how to account for nonresponse when designing samples. Existing theory on optimal STSRS allocation generally assumes complete response. A common practice is to allocate sample under complete response, then to inflate the sample sizes by the inverse of the anticipated response rates. I show that this practice overcorrects for nonresponse, leading to excessive costs per effective interview. I extend the existing design-based framework for STSRS allocation to accommodate scenarios with incomplete response. I provide theoretical comparisons between my allocation and common alternatives, which illustrate how response rates, population characteristics, and cost structure can affect the methods' relative efficiency. In an application to a self-administered survey of military personnel, the proposed allocation resulted in a 25% increase in effective sample size compared with common alternatives.Item Enhancing the Understanding of the Relationship between Social Integration and Nonresponse in Household Surveys(2015) Amaya, Ashley Elaine; Presser, Stanley; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Nonresponse and nonresponse bias remain fundamental concerns for survey researchers as understanding them is critical to producing accurate statistics. This dissertation tests the relationship between social integration, nonresponse, and nonresponse bias. Using the rich frame information available on the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) and the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Wave II, structural equation models were employed to create latent indicators of social integration. The resulting variables were used to predict nonresponse and its components (e.g., noncontact). In both surveys, social integration was significantly predictive of nonresponse (regardless of type of nonresponse) with integrated individuals more likely to respond. However, the relationship was driven by different components of integration across the two surveys. Full sample estimates were compared to respondent estimates on a series of 40 dichotomous and categorical variables to test the hypothesis that variables measuring social activities and roles would suffer from nonresponse bias. The impact of nonresponse on multivariate models predicting social outcomes was also evaluated. Nearly all of the 40 assessed variables suffered from significant nonresponse bias resulting in the overestimation of social activity and role participation. In general, civic and political variables suffered from higher levels of bias, but the differences were not significant. Multivariate models were not exempt; beta coefficients were frequently biased. Although, the direction was inconsistent and often small. Finally, an indicator of social integration was added to the weighting methodology with the goal of eliminating the observed nonresponse bias. While the addition significantly reduced the bias in most instances compared to both the base- and traditionally-weighted estimates, the improvements were small and did little to eliminate the bias.Item Testing for Phase Capacity in Surveys with Multiple Waves of Nonrespondent Follow-Up(2014) Lewis, Taylor Hudson; Lahiri, Partha; Kreuter, Frauke; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)To mitigate the potentially harmful effects of nonresponse, many surveys repeatedly follow up with nonrespondents, often targeting a particular response rate or predetermined number of completes. Each additional recruitment attempt generally brings in a new wave of data, but returns gradually diminish over the course of a fixed data collection protocol. This is because each subsequent wave tends to contain fewer and fewer new responses, thereby resulting in smaller and smaller changes on (nonresponse-adjusted) point estimates. Consequently, these estimates begin to stabilize. This is the notion of phase capacity, suggesting some form of design change is in order, such as switching modes, increasing the incentive, or, as is considered exclusively in this research, discontinuing the nonrespondent follow-up campaign altogether. This dissertation consists of three methodological studies proposing and assessing various techniques survey practitioners can use to formally test for phase capacity. One of the earliest known phase capacity testing methods proposed in the literature calls for multiply imputing nonrespondents' missing data to assess, retrospectively, whether the most recent wave of data significantly altered a key estimate. The first study introduces an adaptation of this test amenable to surveys that instead reweight the observed data to compensate for nonresponse. A general limitation of methods discussed in the first study is that they are applicable to a single point estimate. The second study evaluates two extensions, each with the aim of producing a universal, yes-or-no phase capacity determination for a battery of point estimates. The third study builds upon ideas of a prospective phase capacity test recently proposed in the literature attempting to address the question of whether an imminent wave of data will significantly alter a key estimate. All three studies include a simulation study and application using data from the 2011 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.Item A COMPARISON OF EX-ANTE, LABORATORY, AND FIELD METHODS FOR EVALUATING SURVEY QUESTIONS(2014) Maitland, Aaron; Presser, Stanley; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)A diverse range of evaluation methods is available for detecting measurement error in survey questions. Ex-ante question evaluation methods are relatively inexpensive, because they do not require data collection from survey respondents. Other methods require data collection from respondents either in the laboratory or in the field setting. Research has explored how effective some of these methods are at identifying problems with respect to one another. However, a weakness of most of these studies is that they do not compare the range of question evaluation methods that are currently available to researchers. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand how the methods researchers use to evaluate survey questions influence the conclusions they draw about the questions. In addition, the dissertation seeks to identify more effective ways to use the methods together. It consists of three studies. The first study examines the extent of agreement between ex-ante and laboratory methods in identifying problems and compares the methods in how well they predict differences between questions whose validity has been estimated in record-check studies. The second study evaluates the extent to which ex-ante and laboratory methods predict the performance of questions in the field as measured by indirect assessments of data quality such as behavior coding, response latency and item nonresponse. The third study evaluates the extent to which ex-ante, laboratory, and field methods predict the reliability of answers to survey questions as measured by stability over time. The findings suggest (1) that a multiple method approach to question evaluation is the best strategy given differences in the ability to detect different types of problems between the methods and (2) how to combine methods more effectively in the future.Item Respondent Consent to Use Administrative Data(2012) Fulton, Jenna Anne; Presser, Stanley; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Surveys increasingly request respondents' consent to link survey responses with administrative records. Such linked data can enhance the utility of both the survey and administrative data, yet in most cases, this linkage is contingent upon respondents' consent. With evidence of declining consent rates, there is a growing need to understand factors associated with consent to record linkage. This dissertation presents the results of three research studies that investigate factors associated with consenting. In the first study, we draw upon surveys conducted in the U.S. with consent requests to describe characteristics of surveys containing such requests, examine trends in consent rates over time, and evaluate the effects of several characteristics of the survey and consent request on consent rates. The results of this study suggest that consent rates are declining over time, and that some characteristics of the survey and consent request are associated with variations in consent rates, including survey mode, administrative record topic, personal identifier requested, and whether the consent request takes an explicit or opt-out approach. In the second study, we administered a telephone survey to examine the effect of administrative record topic on consent rates using experimental methods, and through non-experimental methods, investigated the influence of respondents' privacy, confidentiality, and trust attitudes and consent request salience on consent rates. The results of this study indicate that respondents' confidentiality attitudes are related to their consent decision; the other factors examined appear to have less of an impact on consent rates in this survey. The final study used data from the 2009 National Immunization Survey (NIS) to assess the effects of interviewers and interviewer characteristics on respondents' willingness to consent to vaccination provider contact. The results of this study suggest that interviewers vary in their ability to obtain respondents' consent, and that some interviewer characteristics are related to consent rates, including gender and amount of previous experience on the NIS.Item Weight Adjustment Methods and Their Impact on Sample-based Inference(2011) Henry, Kimberly Anne; Valliant, Richard V; Survey Methodology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Weighting samples is important to reflect not only sample design decisions made at the planning stage, but also practical issues that arise during data collection and cleaning that necessitate weighting adjustments. Adjustments to base weights are used to account for these planned and unplanned eventualities. Often these adjustments lead to variations in the survey weights from the original selection weights (i.e., the weights based solely on the sample units' probabilities of selection). Large variation in survey weights can cause inferential problems for data users. A few extremely large weights in a sample dataset can produce unreasonably large estimates of national- and domain-level estimates and their variances in particular samples, even when the estimators are unbiased over many samples. Design-based and model-based methods have been developed to adjust such extreme weights; both approaches aim to trim weights such that the overall mean square error (MSE) is lowered by decreasing the variance more than increasing the square of the bias. Design-based methods tend to be ad hoc, while Bayesian model-based methods account for population structure but can be computationally demanding. I present three research papers that expand the current weight trimming approaches under the goal of developing a broader framework that connects gaps and improves the existing alternatives. The first paper proposes more in-depth investigations of and extensions to a newly developed method called generalized design-based inference, where we condition on the realized sample and model the survey weight as a function of the response variables. This method has potential for reducing the MSE of a finite population total estimator in certain circumstances. However, there may be instances where the approach is inappropriate, so this paper includes an in-depth examination of the related theory. The second paper incorporates Bayesian prior assumptions into model-assisted penalized estimators to produce a more efficient yet robust calibration-type estimator. I also evaluate existing variance estimators for the proposed estimator. Comparisons to other estimators that are in the literature are also included. In the third paper, I develop summary- and unit-level diagnostic tools that measure the impact of variation of weights and of extreme individual weights on survey-based inference. I propose design effects to summarize the impact of variable weights produced under calibration weighting adjustments under single-stage and cluster sampling. A new diagnostic for identifying influential, individual points is also introduced in the third paper.