Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS)

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The Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS) is administered by the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). It is a campus-wide initiative that harnesses the expertise of UMD faculty and the energy and ingenuity of UMD students to help Maryland communities become more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable. PALS is designed to provide innovative, low-cost assistance to local governments while creating real-world problem-solving experiences for University of Maryland graduate and undergraduate students.


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    Cycling for Change
    (Partnership for Action Learning Sustainability (PALS), 2023-12) Engel, Max; Gernstein, Anna; Goldstein, Jeremy; Tarjamo, Markus; Clark, Patrina
    This research presents a comprehensive proposal for an introduction of a Cycling 101 class at the University of Maryland (UMD), developed in collaboration with the Prince George's County Planning Department. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between the UMD cycling community and policy awareness, addressing issues such as sustainability, mental health, and physical wellbeing. Through collaboration with experts like Michael Jackson and Professor Kimberly Driver, it evolved into a passion project, empowering students through cycling education. The proposed course, designed as an "I-series" course, covers a range of topics including cycling mechanics, safety, environmental sustainability, and mental and physical health benefits. The research outlines the process of creating the course, emphasizing the importance of a well-structured syllabus and efficient review by university committees. Potential locations for the course within UMD's academic structure, particularly in the School of Public Health and School of Public Policy, are explored. Extensive literature supports the positive impact of cycling on physical and mental health, reinforcing the course's potential benefits. The research findings suggest that Cycling 101 aligns with UMD's commitment to sustainability and offers tangible advantages for students' wellbeing. The proposed collaboration is significant for both UMD and the Prince George's County Planning Department, contributing to a cycling-friendly environment and promoting holistic urban mobility. In conclusion, this research validates the feasibility of introducing Cycling 101 at UMD, highlighting its positive impacts on students, the university community, and urban planning in Prince George's County. The collaboration serves as a catalyst for sustainable practices and holistic wellbeing, aligning shared goals between the university and the Planning Department.
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    Preserving and Developing Affordable Housing in Riverdale, MD
    (Partnership for Action Learning Sustainability (PALS), 2024-05) Bardsley, Jesse; Dwyer, Maura; Edullantes, Hoang; Gordon, Samuel; Haddad, Sarah; Jones, Amory; Keen, Paul; Mule, Maya; Prendergast, Caila; Rahming, Nichelle; Velasquez, Deisy; Howell, Kathryn; Finio, Nicholas
    As the Purple Line construction nears completion, the light rail’s opening will bring significant development pressure to every community along the corridor. This report focuses on one of these communities: Riverdale. The Purple Line Corridor Coalition is the primary sponsor of this report and contributed guidance throughout its creation. This work was also guided heavily by a PLCC partner organization, Greater Riverdale Thrives, a community coalition in Riverdale concerned with issues including affordable housing and political advocacy efforts. Riverdale is a majority low-income, renter, immigrant, Latino, and Black Prince George’s County bedroom community. This report focuses on the hyper-local context of Riverdale while investigating macroeconomic issues of wealth inequality, discerning the impacts of ownership and power distribution on the region’s housing market. Riverdale’s built environment has not seen much change since its initial development as a beltway suburb of Washington, D.C. in the 1950s and 1960s. After several generations, this community has morphed dramatically, and the needs of its residents have grown proportionately. The apartment complexes, built more than 50 years ago, are showing their age, and many have been bought by corporate landlords who have a minimal desire to maintain the properties. The shopping plaza—once deemed a cultural destination for the area—has fallen into disrepair at the hands of neglectful property ownership and disinvestment in the community at large. As the Purple Line development puts substantial pressure on the existing housing stock in the area, it will also incentivize the building of new housing near the station. Issues of affordable housing preservation and development, gentrification, and displacement are key areas for intervention and advocacy efforts. This report examines how housing can both be preserved and produced in a way that can benefit the community of Riverdale, by leveraging existing policy frameworks such as rent stabilization, while also looking at new opportunities such as a community land trust. The report includes a network map, which can be used to ensure that Riverdale maintains its cultural significance for its community members. The report also provides examples of how transit- oriented development can happen with minimal displacement based on experiences of other communities in the Washington, D.C. area, and other localities around the US that have undergone similar changes. Discussions of power dynamics in community advocacy are centered to highlight ways to empower the Riverdale community. Finally, this report offers tools that can be used by the community to expand ownership in the face of impending development. The Purple Line will radically change Riverdale and the surrounding community in the next few years. Ensuring that the community has a voice in the future development of Riverdale is of the highest importance to maintaining its cultural significance for years to come.
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    Preserving and Developing Affordable Housing in Riverdale, MD
    (Partnership for Action Learning Sustainability (PALS), 2024-05) Bardsley, Jesse; Dwyer, Maura; Edullantes, Hoang; Gordon, Samuel; Haddad, Sarah; Jones, Amory; Keen, Paul; Mule, Maya; Prendergast, Caila; Rahming, Nichelle; Velasquez, Deisy; Howell, Kathryn; Finio, Nicholas
    As the Purple Line construction nears completion, the light rail’s opening will bring significant development pressure to every community along the corridor. This report focuses on one of these communities: Riverdale. The Purple Line Corridor Coalition is the primary sponsor of this report and contributed guidance throughout its creation. This work was also guided heavily by a PLCC partner organization, Greater Riverdale Thrives, a community coalition in Riverdale concerned with issues including affordable housing and political advocacy efforts. Riverdale is a majority low-income, renter, immigrant, Latino, and Black Prince George’s County bedroom community. This report focuses on the hyper-local context of Riverdale while investigating macroeconomic issues of wealth inequality, discerning the impacts of ownership and power distribution on the region’s housing market. Riverdale’s built environment has not seen much change since its initial development as a beltway suburb of Washington, D.C. in the 1950s and 1960s. After several generations, this community has morphed dramatically, and the needs of its residents have grown proportionately. The apartment complexes, built more than 50 years ago, are showing their age, and many have been bought by corporate landlords who have a minimal desire to maintain the properties. The shopping plaza—once deemed a cultural destination for the area—has fallen into disrepair at the hands of neglectful property ownership and disinvestment in the community at large. As the Purple Line development puts substantial pressure on the existing housing stock in the area, it will also incentivize the building of new housing near the station. Issues of affordable housing preservation and development, gentrification, and displacement are key areas for intervention and advocacy efforts. This report examines how housing can both be preserved and produced in a way that can benefit the community of Riverdale, by leveraging existing policy frameworks such as rent stabilization, while also looking at new opportunities such as a community land trust. The report includes a network map, which can be used to ensure that Riverdale maintains its cultural significance for its community members. The report also provides examples of how transit- oriented development can happen with minimal displacement based on experiences of other communities in the Washington, D.C. area, and other localities around the US that have undergone similar changes. Discussions of power dynamics in community advocacy are centered to highlight ways to empower the Riverdale community. Finally, this report offers tools that can be used by the community to expand ownership in the face of impending development. The Purple Line will radically change Riverdale and the surrounding community in the next few years. Ensuring that the community has a voice in the future development of Riverdale is of the highest importance to maintaining its cultural significance for years to come.