UMD Data Collection

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University of Maryland faculty and researchers can upload their research products in DRUM for rapid dissemination, global visibility and impact, and long-term preservation. Depositing data in DRUM can assist in compliance with data management and sharing requirements from the NSF, NIH, and other funding agencies and journals. You can also deposit code, documents, images, supplemental material, and other research products. DRUM tracks views and downloads of your research, and all DRUM records are indexed by Google and Google Scholar. Additionally, DRUM assigns permanent DOIs for your items, making it easy for other researchers to cite your work.

Submissions to the Data Collection

To add files to the UMD Data Collection, submit a new item through your associated department or program's DRUM collection and check the box indicating your upload contains a dataset.

Find more information and guidelines for depositing into the Data Collection on the University of Maryland Libraries' DRUM for Data page.


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Search Results

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  • Item
    Example code and data for "Identifying physical structures in our Galaxy with Gaussian Mixture Models: An unsupervised machine learning technique"
    (2023) Tiwari, Maitraiyee; Kievit, Rens; Kabanovic, Slawa; Bonne, Lars; Falasca, F.; Guevara, Cristian; Higgins, Ronan; Justen, M.; Karim, Ramsey; Pabst, Cornelia; Pound, Marc W.; Schneider, Nicola; Simon, R.; Stutzki, Jurgen; Wolfire, Mark; Tielens, Alexander G. G. M.
    We present a python software repository implementing the PyGMMis (Melchior & Goudling 2018) method to astronomical data cubes of velocity resolved line observations. This implementation is described extensively in Tiwari et al. 2023, ApJ. An example is included in /example/ containing the SOFIA data of RCW120 used in Tiwari et al. 2023, ApJ, along with example scripts describing the full implementation of our code. The majority of parameter tweaking can be performed within 'rcw120-params.txt' which is continuously called during the procedure. A full description of the code and how to use it is in (markdown file).